Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Seems like every time I restart my L920, the battery changes some...usually lower...just got the phone few weeks back too, but I have 8.1DP update 1 installed, so I just figured its something with that

Mine is doing the opposite, charge indicator goes up about 10-15% after reset. WP 8.0 Black.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Mine is doing the opposite, charge indicator goes up about 10-15% after reset. WP 8.0 Black.

That's weird, just keep restarting it :) just kidding...hoping the cyan update will help...
I just got a qi charger, that is pretty sweet, wife is jealous cause her new 1020 doesn't have it built in, but she won't trade :)
I rolled my L920 back to 8.0 and the battery so far is way better, when it would have been at 70% after a few hours, it is at 92%, reloaded the same software too. Will see how it goes and hope they release cyan soon.
I used to find that the battery was great but since getting 8.1 (dev preview) I find it is struggling somewhat.
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After being on 8.0 again for 2 days, the battery still does good, then gets lower and the phone heats up and drops like crazy. When I reboot the phone, it will drop 10-15% (ex: the number will be at 41%, after it restarts, will be at 29%)
after cyan update my 920 killed.. battery drain to fast. only 6 hr after full charge... do some thing ms..
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Mine battery is draining fast I'm using WP8.1 preview, Maybe that's why. But the battery duration is being good for me since the LTE is always on.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

The battery used to drain on my Lumia 920 at about 1-2% per hour. After Lumia Black, it increased immediately to about anywhere from 4-8% per hour. This drainage occurs regardless of whether or not I'm running everything, or nothing, in the background. This leads me to believe that is poor management of the processors by the OS.

I just got a work cell phone, and it is a Samsung Galaxy S4. The battery drain is much more consistent, it charges quickly, and the Android OS is starting to grow on me. I absolutely refuse to upgrade my 920 right now to a 1520 that will be obsolete by the fall. I got the Windows 8.1 Dev Preview hoping that the new OS might manage battery a little bit better, but no luck.

This absolutely ridiculous, and I'm about to make a switch to Android. I've had a Windows Mobile phone since forever, but they've always been AT&T/ Samsung. I was very hesitant to be a non-Samsung, and now it appears as though Samsung has almost completely abandoned the AT&T/ Windows Phone market. I don't have the warm fuzzies about Nokia right now, and they need to get this new flagship phone out there before everybody jumps ship to the Galaxy S5 (out right now) and the iPhone 6 (out much sooner than the, now defunct, MacLaren)

Is it worth it to go for the 1520? Is that the best of the best? My phone can barely make it through the day without dying.
So, I just wanted to say this about my battery, not sure if your is related or not...but, I had reset my phone back to 8.0, added all my settings and everything. Well, phone got hot again and battery would drop like a rock all of the sudden till I rebooted then would be fine. The only thing that I removed and so far (after two full days), was my Facebook account and Gmail account...seriously doubt it was Gmail since I have Hotmail on the phone and has been I am leaning more towards my Facebook account, not sure if it was trying to sync in the background or what, but I will keep it off of the phone for now and will be happy to leave it off permanently if it is the major battery issue. Not sure if this may help others, but you can try removing it for a few days to see if it helps.
It's funny you say that as I have found the news Facebook app to be a big overhaul from the last and that this could be the culprit
It's funny you say that as I have found the news Facebook app to be a big overhaul from the last and that this could be the culprit

Yeah, yesterday, my phone was on battery for 18 hours, QI charger makes it run off battery at 4am, still was at 48% left, I used the phone quite a bit for surfing web on LTE and was txting some, so since I removed Facebook, it has been way better for me
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I fixed my 920's battery by hard reset without SIM! After updating to cyan the idle battery consumption of my 920 was fine, but under continuous app usage or web browsing it can be 50% per hour.I have done hard reset several times with SIM card in my phone and it's of no use. Today it came up to my mind that hard reset should be done without SIM. I pulled out the SIM tray and did a hard reset than my battery consumption was back to less than 30% per hour, the heat was also greatly reduced. Hard reset is really magical on Windows Phone:)
Back to having a battery drain on mine...two days in a row, 3rd and 4th day of not having Facebook connection on there, so must not be that, or something else too
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I fixed my 920's battery by hard reset without SIM! After updating to cyan the idle battery consumption of my 920 was fine, but under continuous app usage or web browsing it can be 50% per hour.I have done hard reset several times with SIM card in my phone and it's of no use. Today it came up to my mind that hard reset should be done without SIM. I pulled out the SIM tray and did a hard reset than my battery consumption was back to less than 30% per hour, the heat was also greatly reduced. Hard reset is really magical on Windows Phone:)

Do you have any idea why it would be different to do a hard reset without the SIM versus with the SIM card in?
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I don't know, some hard reset guide says that it should be done without SIM, and that worked for me.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Hmm, which hard reset guide,cant get the connection between sim, hard reset and battery life
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Yeah, if it was proven to work, I would do it, I don't have many apps on my phone, but just don't want to hard reset it again if it doesn't work...
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

The guide on
I can't post link since I haven't reach 10 post count.
I think a bug cause the CPU of my phone to always run at full speed under active usage, hard reset without SIM fixed it while with SIM it somehow didn't.

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