Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

Is this normal? I am comparing it to the similarly spec'ed 925, which I used for 8 months before this. If this is not normal, should I invest in a new battery?

920 battery behavior could be a little, er... Frustrating, but I think your case is worst... If you can replace the battery, do it, your daily batt life should improve...

Sent from my Nokia Lumia using Tapatalk
Hi guys i need to ask you about your battery usage when browsing internet on HSDPA, My battery drops about ~ -30% after one hour of intesive browsing, it also gots really hot (not just warm its quite high temperature) is it normal ? i am asking you because i considering visiting nokia care point...
Hi guys i need to ask you about your battery usage when browsing internet on HSDPA, My battery drops about ~ -30% after one hour of intesive browsing, it also gots really hot (not just warm its quite high temperature) is it normal ? i am asking you because i considering visiting nokia care point...

Unfortunately for most of us is a 'normal' behavior... If you take it to Nokia service, the most probably thing they will do is a hard reset only. But almost sure you will see same battery drop when browsing, or using WhatsApp, Facebook, or any app which requires internet connection...

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Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

By the way, some days ago an update of WP 8.1 have been released, and MS said that some of their improvements is battery life... Yesterday I updated, no difference noted until now, still under observation...

Sent from my Nokia Lumia using Tapatalk
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

For me battery life improved so much after recent Update... If i only not browsing to much via hsdpa.
My battery was fine until recently (I've had my Nokia Lumia 920 about a year and a half). Recently it has been draining in about 6 hours. I charge it every night AND have let it go to where I get the message that battery is critically low -- still no improvement after a full charge, it does not last nearly as long as it used to. Do I need a new battery?
My battery was fine until recently (I've had my Nokia Lumia 920 about a year and a half). Recently it has been draining in about 6 hours. I charge it every night AND have let it go to where I get the message that battery is critically low -- still no improvement after a full charge, it does not last nearly as long as it used to. Do I need a new battery?
do you have WP8.1 with dev preview? If you do, firstly switch off data connection when you don't use It, and when you don't need high speed connection switch to 2G only. Also noticed that after recent Update my mail sync rate for two email accounts was switched without my knowledge from '1 per hour' to 'immediately' and this caused a terrible battery drain
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

For me, WP 8.1 dev. preview has not improved battery life, until now. Same average 2 or 3% per hour, doing absolutely NOTHING... And if I use any app that requires internet connection, discharge rate climbs up to 20% or even more... But At least it's not worst than before. Anyway, this behavior is disappointing. :(

Sent from my Nokia Lumia using Tapatalk
Not the best. With normal use it's reasonable, but if you play some games or browsing the interent expect a major heating on the back and big reduction of battery percentage
For the past two consecutive nights, my Lumia 920 has been getting these weird 40-50% drain within 30 minutes according to Battery performance and I end up waking up to a dead phone, anyone else experiencing the same?
For the past two consecutive nights, my Lumia 920 has been getting these weird 40-50% drain within 30 minutes according to Battery performance and I end up waking up to a dead phone, anyone else experiencing the same?

I had this behavior twice some days after I purchased my 920. However, never happened again, I think any of constant updating of the apps solved the issue. I hope same occurs to you.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Mine haven't been the same since WP8.1 update...even after the battery firmware update received recently.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

For me, WP 8.1 dev. preview has not improved battery life, until now. Same average 2 or 3% per hour, doing absolutely NOTHING... And if I use any app that requires internet connection, discharge rate climbs up to 20% or even more... But At least it's not worst than before. Anyway, this behavior is disappointing. :(

Sent from my Nokia Lumia using Tapatalk

I have my Lumia 920 since Nov 2012. More recently I've unlocked it to use tmobile USA on the phone. Phone does use LTE as well.
I think battery life corresponds to wireless charging process and to what the wireless charging does to the battery. In my case it seems like the battery is revitalized when I do the wireless charging at least once a week. Full charge from a dead battery yields me close to two days light to moderate use. On the other hand when I use the Nokia USB wall charger for several weeks I notice that even though the battery is full I'm lucky to make it to the end of the day before needing to charge. So I tend to use the wireless charging more.
When I look at background applications nothing is operating. WiFi is always on but I have it set to not search for new WiFi. I always manually connect to new WiFi, I let the phone do the rest. Bluetooth is hardly ever on. GPS and location is on. Firmware I have is 3051.40000.1347.1001. OS version is 8.0.10517.150. If any of that makes a difference.

Sent from my Venue 8 Pro 5830 using Tapatalk
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

What apps are running in the background? Some are major battery sucks. If you're running 8.0, go to settings. Notice the apps heading to the right of the settings heading. You can turn off background for apps that don't need to update when you're not using them. i.e., my bank app wanted to run in the background. I don't need my phone to repeatedly check the balance when I'm not looking at it.

If you've loaded the dev preview of 8.1, you can go through battery saver app to turn off background apps.

My 920 averages 24-36 hours on a single charge. I've heard 3rd party messaging apps can be especially hard on battery life. I use the built-in SMS utility, which may be part of the reason.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

So, a few months back my Lumina 920 (black) started draining its entire battery in a matter of hours, originally it would last days. In all my testing since I have not found the cause, but I have found that simply restarting it every 2 days when I start charging it usually keeps it working, it will hold its charge well for the first day, then on the second day it often starts dieting fast. I have everything turned off, I allow nothing to run in background, no location services, no WiFi or Bluetooth, there was simply nothing running when it was still draining away, but a restart seems to at least temp fix the issue. On the days when it would die, I could do lots, or nothing on phone, there simply seemed to be no reason behind the pattern, and it would continue to be bad till it was restarted.

I apologise if any or all of this was said somewhere, but just updating phone to 8.1 preview to see if it changes anything and thought I would Google ige problem, found this and not reading 81 pages, but wanted to share my observations.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Since last few months, I have noticed that the manufacturers are lacking quality. the reason that I can understand is that they are facing a high competition and because of that they are launching their products without testing them completely. The similar issue has been mentioned by numerous moto g users. And now the same issue in Nokia 920.
Hey Guys, Just an update. last night I gave it a nice full charge after my battery dropped to about 7% or so. And today after a ton of music listening, texting, and a couple phone calls, not to mention a little Angry Birds SW (love that game). I was able to push 16 Hours before it dropped to 9%. Not bad......Not bad at all. Maybe it'll improve even more going forward. Needless to say im pretty happy now. :D

Wow ! its great to hear from you .
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Start by turning off all background tasks. For troubleshooting, remove gmails account too. The see how it goes.

My 920 still goes for 1 full day or even more, easy.

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