What if the issue is a memory/cpu/process leak that is causing our batteries behaviors? I am curious if just because we "close" a window, it doesn't properly "close" it from still having some sort of process running in the background, causing unknown usage and draining the battery faster than we expect.
Hear me out: I am finding just how odd this battery is by repeating almost the same tasks each day, and my battery behaves different each day. One day I thought my battery reporting (when looking in settings, battery) was stuck, because after 3 hours, it was still showing 100% and this was after I texted a bit and checked email (yes, it was off the charger). Another day, I had nothing running in the background, just emails syncing every 15 minutes like the previous day, connected to wifi (as I almost always am) and in under an hour, the battery drained down like 20%, with me literally not even touching it.
Both days I had the same background tasks disabled, same location (my house), and I closed everything I could by clicking the "back" arrow until I was back to the main tiles.
Some days I also notice it charges faster than others.. again, this is made with the assumption that I am doing this in almost always the same conditions (emails sync every 15 minutes, nfc, bluetooth, etc off)...
Anyone with thoughts on that?