Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

on pg 15 of the nokia product and safety information booklet it advises to not leave a fully charged battery connected to a charger, as overcharging may shorten a battery's lifetime.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Though I would give my .2 on my lumia 920.

Picked up a red 920 on launch day from an att store. First day battery life was really bad. Plugged it in seemed to be a bit better, but something still wasnt right. battery was draining way faster. This was before I hopped onto the forums so I switched it out on Sunday.

New red 920 was a lot better. Never really had an issue till last night. I had been letting the phone die on its own a few times before I would charge it. Trying to get all the bugs out. So last night i was at abour 30% and decided to throw it on the charge. In about an hour it was at 70%. THe issue was my battery saveer said 4 hours remaining on the charge. Very odd.

Let it stil for about 30 min, and it dropped to 65% from doing nothing. Top of the phone was warm, but not hot. Battery saver said 3 hours remaining. Died while I was alseep.

Seems there is certainly something wrong software wise. I had 0 issues for a few days, and then suddenly had an issue. I checked background tasks before I went to sleep and there was nothing. Why hasnt Nokia said anything to us?
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

FWIW, when I block Nokia Drive+ Beta in background tasks and tick the 'Turn background tasks back on for this app the next time I open it'; Nokia Drive+ seems to instantly unblock itself. At this point I have just reset the phone and NOT started Nokia Drive+. This suggests to me that Nokia Drive+ is doing something in the background when it shouldn't be, given that I've not even started the app.

How can you tell that it unblocks itself? If I do the same action, it no longer gives me the speeding warnings, which tells me it is not running anymore.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

My Phone Black Lumia 920 - Today, took it off charger at 6:30 AM. Played a few songs on the way to work. Looked at a few things. At 10:40 AM, battery is at 95% off. Wi-Fi is on, Bluetooth is off, NFC is off. No tasks running.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

FWIW, when I block Nokia Drive+ Beta in background tasks and tick the 'Turn background tasks back on for this app the next time I open it'; Nokia Drive+ seems to instantly unblock itself. At this point I have just reset the phone and NOT started Nokia Drive+. This suggests to me that Nokia Drive+ is doing something in the background when it shouldn't be, given that I've not even started the app.

When you check the box " turn background tasks blah blah blah" it is probably going to unblock itself probalby right after you close out cuz drive may be running in the background already. You probably should just not check the box and leave from running in the background until you actually need it for a long ride.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I had to 'reset' my phone last night as it froze after a bluetooth call in my car. I tried to do a hard reset - I did press the 3 buttons needed, but it did not hard reset- all information was saved. I do think the battery is better somehow. Wi-fi is on. Bluetooth is on. NFC is off. Anyways here is the info now...
Battery remaining 61%, estimated time remaining 14 hours, Time since last charge 16 hours.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

What if the issue is a memory/cpu/process leak that is causing our batteries behaviors? I am curious if just because we "close" a window, it doesn't properly "close" it from still having some sort of process running in the background, causing unknown usage and draining the battery faster than we expect.

Hear me out: I am finding just how odd this battery is by repeating almost the same tasks each day, and my battery behaves different each day. One day I thought my battery reporting (when looking in settings, battery) was stuck, because after 3 hours, it was still showing 100% and this was after I texted a bit and checked email (yes, it was off the charger). Another day, I had nothing running in the background, just emails syncing every 15 minutes like the previous day, connected to wifi (as I almost always am) and in under an hour, the battery drained down like 20%, with me literally not even touching it.

Both days I had the same background tasks disabled, same location (my house), and I closed everything I could by clicking the "back" arrow until I was back to the main tiles.

Some days I also notice it charges faster than others.. again, this is made with the assumption that I am doing this in almost always the same conditions (emails sync every 15 minutes, nfc, bluetooth, etc off)...

Anyone with thoughts on that?

When you go away from the app hitting windows key - it does indeed become dormant/tombstoned etc. It is not active. No matter what we say. The end user experiments mean nothing here because the OS is coded for the app to freeze. It won't run in background. Only things that run in background are ME tile notifications and apps that are listed and allowed under background tasks. So practically there is no need whatsoever to use back button to exit. Hit Windows and you've exited in a fashion that in case you want to pick up where you left, long press of back arrow will wake up the screenshot condition of app.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

How can you tell that it unblocks itself? If I do the same action, it no longer gives me the speeding warnings, which tells me it is not running anymore.

Tap on "advanced" and you can see that your Nokia Drive+ Beta is listed in greyed out option i.e. it WILL run in background and you have no control over it. Even if you block it in front, there are tasks that it will perform in the background. Thus it explains the behaviour you mentioned.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I know for sure whatsapp drains your batter when in use, not sure much in standby unless you are receiving texts.

I am doing a test and removing whatsapp the whole day and see how improvements will be.

Definitely your battery will improve DRAMATICALLY. There was a thread for WP7 somewhere. Whatsapp in their current updated version keeps the streaming live and hence will drain battery even in standby to an extent and when you use it, it surely will.

I've removed it and I was shocked to see how many hours I could increase my battery life with.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Also, those insisting on FULL charge/discharge cycle - you don't need to do with these batteries. Instead it is recommended you never let the battery go below 5%.

For first 3-5 cycles, charge the phone as soon as it enters battery saver mode i.e. 20%. Charge fully, use normally.

After 5ish cycle, your battery should be stable and give pretty accurate readings consistently and then you can play with it till you go down to 5%. But if you let it drain completely it will harm your battery life eventually on longer run. Remember, you can't change batteries in this phone if that was to happen ;)
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

For the first few hours so far without whatsapp, using normal text, doesn't make my phone a hot potato like whatsapp, hopefully the battery performance better.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

How can you tell that it unblocks itself? If I do the same action, it no longer gives me the speeding warnings, which tells me it is not running anymore.

Bear in mind i've not clicked on Nokia Drive+ Live Tile to use it i.e. it shouldn't be started.

When I click on Block the Block button is greyed out as expected. Then, when I click on 'Turn background tasks back on for this app the next time I open it' the 'Block' button instantly lights back up to white inferring that it's active again. It does this no matter how many times I repeat it even after uninstalling Nokia Drive and reinstalling it. On other apps, for example MetroTube if I click on 'Turn background tasks back on...' the Block button remains grey until I actually click on the Live Tile (as expected).

If i don't check the 'Turn background tasks' it does seem to stay blocked (i.e. greyed out)
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Also, those insisting on FULL charge/discharge cycle - you don't need to do with these batteries. Instead it is recommended you never let the battery go below 5%.

For first 3-5 cycles, charge the phone as soon as it enters battery saver mode i.e. 20%. Charge fully, use normally.

After 5ish cycle, your battery should be stable and give pretty accurate readings consistently and then you can play with it till you go down to 5%. But if you let it drain completely it will harm your battery life eventually on longer run. Remember, you can't change batteries in this phone if that was to happen ;)

You're absolutely right with regards to battery life health, but I think there's something to be said about doing a full charge/discharge cycle every so often to recalibrate the battery. I suspect that there are some issues with inconsistent battery life calibration hence why people are reporting some sort of 'normality' when they've done a full discharge :)
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Also, those insisting on FULL charge/discharge cycle - you don't need to do with these batteries. Instead it is recommended you never let the battery go below 5%.

For first 3-5 cycles, charge the phone as soon as it enters battery saver mode i.e. 20%. Charge fully, use normally.

After 5ish cycle, your battery should be stable and give pretty accurate readings consistently and then you can play with it till you go down to 5%. But if you let it drain completely it will harm your battery life eventually on longer run. Remember, you can't change batteries in this phone if that was to happen ;)

That is correct for day to day use when everything is calibrated correctly. You calibrate your battery by completely draining it and charging it fully, these types of batteries need to be calibrated now and then (a few times a year). What people have shown also point to the phones not being calibrated from factory.

When I get my 920 I will completely drain it on the first run to calibrate it properly directly.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

You're absolutely right with regards to battery life health, but I think there's something to be said about doing a full charge/discharge cycle every so often to recalibrate the battery. I suspect that there are some issues with inconsistent battery life calibration hence why people are reporting some sort of 'normality' when they've done a full discharge :)

I think this is true, ever since I let my battery discharge fully once, the battery life has been incredible. I think it's less to do with battery conditioning, but rather allowing the OS to calibrate how much life the battery actually has left.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues


Avoid Frequent Discharges to Extend Your Phone or Laptop's Battery Life

Similar to a mechanical device that wears out faster with heavy use, so also does the depth of discharge (DoD) determine the cycle count. The smaller the depth of discharge, the longer the battery will last. If at all possible, avoid frequent full discharges and charge more often between uses. If full discharges cannot be avoided, try utilizing a larger battery. Partial discharge on Li-ion is fine; there is no memory and the battery does not need periodic full discharge cycles other than to calibrate the fuel gauge on a smart battery.

Patrial Discharges are better:

Perform shallow discharges. Instead of discharging to 0% all the time, lithium-ion batteries do best when you discharge them for a little bit, then charge them for a little bit. The table at the right, from Battery University, shows that discharges to 50% are better for your battery's long-term life than, say, small discharges to 90% or large discharges to 0% (since the 50% discharges provide the best number of cycles-to-usage ratio).

How Often Should I Charge My Gadget's Battery to Prolong Its Lifespan?

Its tough to say whats good battery life and whats bad, considering we use these at communications hubs. These message boards sometimes i think contribute to making the problems worse than they really are (sort of like a hypochondriac with webMD).

One thing I do know, turning off features is NOT a solution. Wifi, push email, and background tasks is acceptable. But turning off Live tiles? Cmon, thats the main selling feature here. That should not be the compromise made.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Can't reproduce that.

Yeah, I can't seem to get anything consistant at the moment, let alone reproducig anything. It's been in the car now for a couple hrs in airplane mode and still says 100% battery. So who the **** know what is causing it.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

my phone, once i unplug and do absolutely nothing with my normal settings will be at 100% for at least two hours. I actually tried it out where i charged my phone to 100% before i went to bed, i unplugged and after 6 hours of sleep, i woke up to get ready for work and the battery still said 100%.

So once i got to work and started fiddling with my phone, the % drops like mad, once it gets under 100% the battery gets sucked out at a rapid pace. Didnt matter what i did, the battery would drain, even when i stopped using my phone for an hour, it would drain a few %. So basically, my phone stays at 100% on standby for 6 hours, but after you starting using the phone and dips under 100%, it drains like 3-5% when on standby. odd behavior
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

First couple days of owning my 920 the device would get a little warm even when not really using it, and the battery life was not great. Last night it drained to the point the device shut off. I then put it on the wired charger until it got to 100%, it has not gotten warm since then and is showing much improved battery performance so far.

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