Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I have had location services completely off for two days. It has significantly helped my battery and the warming of the phone. From around 7 hours to 15 both days.


  • As oldpueblo says. This is not a solution. We're just working to corner a root cause rather than blindly stabbing at it.
  • There are thousands of users who do not have any issues. I know. My family has 3 Lumia 920s (red, cyan, yellow). Only red has issues. It's maddening.
  • The red phone with problems has been reset multiple times, even run on factory defaults for two days, still having issues.

The next step (assuming location services is the problem) would be to figure out which default implementation of location services is causing the problem. An incomplete list of possibilities would be:

  • Nokia Drive (obviously)
  • Find My Phone (Settings->Find My Phone)
  • WiFi Reporting (Settings->WiFi->Advanced->Send information about wi-fi connections to help discover nearby wifi
  • Internet Explorer (Settings->Internet Explorer->Advanced->Use My Location)
  • People (Settings->Applications->People->Use my location)
  • Bing (Settings->Applications->Search->Use my location)
  • Weather (Weather Channel App->Settings->Use Location Services)
  • Maps (Settings->Applications->Maps->Use my location)
  • Photos (Settings->Photos+Camera->Include location info on pictures I take)
  • Nokia Music (Nokia Music App->Settings->Location)

I probably won't update the list with onesies and twosies people suggest. Feel free to copy the whole list and add implementation location.

If you want to find the issue, cut the list in half. Turn half on, and half off. If you have issues still, you know which half is causing them. Cut that list in half, repeat.

I hate that you can't turn off location on whatsapp, i only had bing search and weather on for location services, everything else off, i think whatsapp locations is the worst cuz when i use whatsapp, it gets super hot. Today, i've turned all location off, doesn't get nearly close to how hot is has with locations on.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

New user here, I was getting pretty poor life out of my 920 the first couple days I had it. But I've made some changes, first of all I just performed a hard reset on it and I've additionally shut off GPS for now. This is the first day since the fresh reset with a full charge. Here are my other relevant information:

Lumia 920 on Rogers LTE Network
Apps allowed to run: Battery meter, AccuWeather
Wifi On but not set to scan for networks
Screen brightness normal, 1 min time out
NFC and Bluetooth off
Coverage: My work building has very poor reception (I'm there from 8:30 to 4 except for lunch), alternating between EDGE and 3G but often just one bar, this occurs to most phones in this part of the building so not the Lumia's fault. Outside of work I get at least 3 bars LTE everywhere else I go. And at my apartment I use my personal Wi-Fi to access the internet rather than the LTE.

I will now provide updates on my battery life and what kind of activities I performed on the device. This is currently in progress:

8AM off charger

20 mins music, 5 texts

10:30 - 100%

12 PM - 99%

A few texts

12:40 - 98%

40 mins music, 10 or so texts, 5 mins LTE browsing, pull a spreadsheet off Skydrive

1:45 - 92%

5 or 6 more texts, briefly messed around in Calendar and People.

2:50 - 89%

More texting

3:50 - 85%

25 mins music, 12 app updates on marketplace, couple texts

4:40 - 80%
(still in progress) Hope this isn't too much detail or annoying.
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Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

If this issue was really 100% software related, wouldn't the 820 have the same issue?

My buddy has an 820, and yesterday.. while I was at 30% of my SECOND charge of the day, he was still at 70... from his initial.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

People with HTC 8x though have made similar complaints, there are just a **** of a lot more 920's in play right now I think.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Well i am at 60% and the phone has probably done about one hour of gaming today plus some internet use over the mobile internet. Another plus point is that the keyboard now stays up!

been a day of a few calls and a few texts too. Not to annoyed with it today. Says that i charged up 22 hours ago. I don't have any location services on though and have not got any other applications installed.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

When I saw this the other day I was pretty stunned. I had been using the phone fairly heavily, using music, games, data and wifi for browsing, using nokia maps and drive etc... not heavy use but using the phone for whatever I wanted to and when I came to check my battery stats after nearly 2 days using the phone like this to see it said I still had 18 hours of use left is impressive. I know that the estimated time isn't always right and I would expect to see that figure drop quite quickly etc but seeing this kind of battery life in my 920 made me sure I was going to stick to WP8.

Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

When I saw this the other day I was pretty stunned. I had been using the phone fairly heavily, using music, games, data and wifi for browsing, using nokia maps and drive etc... not heavy use but using the phone for whatever I wanted to and when I came to check my battery stats after nearly 2 days using the phone like this to see it said I still had 18 hours of use left is impressive. I know that the estimated time isn't always right and I would expect to see that figure drop quite quickly etc but seeing this kind of battery life in my 920 made me sure I was going to stick to WP8.

View attachment 23364

I usually get to 30% around 2-3 pm. I take my phone off at 7:30 every morning...

Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

My battery problems seem to be gone for now, I've had over 20h yesterday and I'm looking at 24h today. The usage is pretty much the same, Location services on, BT on, NFC off, WIFI on and limited background tasks. I've limited my data connection to 3G since I don't use the LTE too much for now but it doesn't seem to have affected the battery life drastically.

I can actually pinpoint the time where the battery life turned around for the better : I rebooted the phone when it got hot for no reason yesterday. Haven't had a problem since.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

This is probably a dumb question:

How do you limit to 3G? I go to the connection settings and I don't have that option. Just on or off. No "highest connection speed."

I had an LG Spectrum before this phone. If I had 4G on, the battery would steadily drain in under 12 hours (and the device would get HOT). If I limited everything to 3G, it would last a day and a half or more.

I have a sneaking suspicion one of the big culprits here is 4G. I just can't confirm as I can't throttle the connection down to 3G.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Mine is in mobile network it allows me to specify either. 3g or 4g. I tried to post a screen shot from the phone, but struggling with inserting the image. Managed it on the computer though.

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Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I had really bad battery problems with my Lumia 920 at first. When I received the device, I charged it fully as the documentation stated. It had a full charge by noon time. By supper time it was almost dead (or so I thought). Eventually it said "Goodbye" and powered off. I charged it again and the next day it lasted until supper time, and then said "Goodbye" to me again. I was curious so I tried powering the device back on and was presented with a low battery symbol, and then the device would power off again. I tried this a few times and eventually the phone booted back up again. I ended up using it for another 2 hours of very heavy use (video streaming and game playing). It said 0% battery life left the entire time I was using it. And then all of a sudden it simply powered off. I then gave it another full charge and it's been solid ever since. I took it off the charger at 8AM this morning and it's at 70% now. I work in an area that constantly goes in and out of service. In fact, my iPhone 4 could never last the full day, and if it did there would only be 20% left by supper.

The only changes I made was disabled some background tasks I didn't use. But I left on gMaps (for Latitude), and weather. I also disabled LTE because the LTE service in Halifax is great if you're outdoors, but terrible once you step into a building. It actually goes in and out of LTE, 4G, and 3G constantly.

At first I was really disappointed, but after a few charges it now outlasts by iPhone by 2 days. Incredible.

The only complaint I have right now is that I seem to be on the Edge network an awful lot. I never really notice on my iPhone because, well, my iPhone sucked. lol. But now I seem to be on Edge every time I'm inside. As soon as I step outside it switches to 3G. This seems to be affecting my texting. Sometimes my messages won't go through when it's switching from Edge to 3G and vice versa. I have to retry. And I cannot send MMS while on Edge, it just fails... This could be a software issue, a carrier issue, or a hardware issue. I asked Rogers to send me a new device, which they agreed to. Im going to test it to see if maybe my radio is having issues causing my texts and mms to not go through.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Interesting. So I'm guessing that discharge method works then? Also, how did you turn off your LTE? My area's covered pretty well so I have LTE on all the time, even when I don't need it.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

My battery seems to be getting worse as time goes by... Most days I'm up with the phone 100% charged by 6:30am and by the end of the day I'm running around 15-20% charge left with relatively light to moderate use... I don't do any gaming at the moment because I have a snaffu with my gamertag I need to fix.

I even run my phone with WiFi, BT, and NFC turned off all day and have battery saver on. It seems I lose 5-10% charge per hour when my phone sits idle. Another interesting bit is that my battery saver report on remaining charge and usage time doesn't jive with my battery indicator for some reason (as much as 6% difference).
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I had really bad battery problems with my Lumia 920 at first. When I received the device, I charged it fully as the documentation stated. It had a full charge by noon time. By supper time it was almost dead (or so I thought). Eventually it said "Goodbye" and powered off. I charged it again and the next day it lasted until supper time, and then said "Goodbye" to me again. I was curious so I tried powering the device back on and was presented with a low battery symbol, and then the device would power off again. I tried this a few times and eventually the phone booted back up again. I ended up using it for another 2 hours of very heavy use (video streaming and game playing). It said 0% battery life left the entire time I was using it. And then all of a sudden it simply powered off. I then gave it another full charge and it's been solid ever since. I took it off the charger at 8AM this morning and it's at 70% now. I work in an area that constantly goes in and out of service. In fact, my iPhone 4 could never last the full day, and if it did there would only be 20% left by supper.

I'm also from Halifax! Haha, we are the 920 guinea pigs in the city I suppose.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

It's closing in on 9PM and with my regular usage I still have 67% percent left after pulling off the charger at 8 AM. Quite pleased with this now.

Stadifer: My phone was also initially killing nearly 10% of the battery per hour even if mostly idle, and it was draining so fast that if I had it plugged into a low-current USB port it would deplete almost as fast as it could charge if I did any real use on it. I've put a couple cycles on the batteries and did a hard reset and all seems to be going well now. I also didn't bother re-installing facebook after realizing that most of my use for it was already baked into the OS. I'm not sure if this contributed to the improvement or not. I wish there was a battery utility we could use to analyze this more closely.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

So can anyone confirm the usefulness of the hard reset? I know a lot of people have bricked their phones, but for the ones who successfully reset the phone, has it worked? Or has performance stayed the same?
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I hard reset my phone twice, no improvement.

I just received a replacement phone, hopefully this one fairs better than my original phone
RE: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Mine slammed down today randomly. No idea why it lost so much as I've turned everything off. Three days ago battery life was so amazing I couldn't believe it. Something is def wrong. I watched battery go from %73 down to 69% and then magically up to 74% with no charging it.
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