Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

here is what fix the battery for me.

1) goto setting and display + touch
2) change Touch sensitivity to Normal
3) let the device's battery drain completely until it shut off by itself
4) charge it up to 100% - don't touch it until it is at 100%
5) let the device's battery drain completely again
6) charge it up to 100% again - don't touch it until it is at 100%
ta da, my phone now last 2 days.

2 simple questions, what type of metal is your hat made of? And which Genius Bar did you get your electrical engineering degree from?

Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Guys, I think I found the problem.

[much snipped]

Under Settings, Applications I leave Maps on but I turn off just about everything else starting with People "Use my location" Off. Photos + Camera: I unchecked "Include location info in pictures I take" just imagine your GPS kicking in every time you take a picture, the damn thing glitches and stays on for the rest of the ride and you're screwed. Lastly we have "Search", search anything and you kick off the GPS unless you shut off "Use my current location" for searches.

I'm pretty much convinced that's the issue, why would the GPS be on when I put my phone to sleep? and the solution is not necessarily to turn off all of your features, you can either just turn off locations services, fine tune as suggested above, or leave everything on but if you feel your phone is getting hot or the battery is draining quickly, tap on the top edge of your screen and if you notice the target next to the battery meter, then something set off the GPS and it's draining your phone, at least that's what happened to me and I'd be curious if anyone else is having the same issue, at least it won't hurt to tap and check ;-)

I agree, I think you've nailed it. Some applications seem to be using location services (GPS) excessively and/or not shutting them off. I followed your advice, and am getting pretty amazing battery life...thanks for posting.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Now that I think about it...I turned off that location setting under photos too. I was having my battery life torched at a rate of 10% per hour in standby last week. Over the weekend and into this week it's been excellent. I did it more out of privacy than anything else, but maybe that was a culprit in my battery life issues.

Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Ok, since 10am where the phone heated up and lost 15% of the battery in 40 minutes, I've lost 10% in the last 5 hours. It's now at 73% after 8 hours so if it would actually stay like that it would be phenomenal.

I've reenabled Location services since 11am and the phone heated up once while listening to music and podcasts on Wpodder so I just restarted the phone and it has stayed cool since then.

There is definitely a leak somewhere causing a processing loop and thus the phone heating up and battery draining.
RE: lumia 920 Battery Issues

My battery was amazing yesterday after reset and then today it froze twice and started draining like crazy.
Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Board Express
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Another sample for today, I went three hours off the charger before it even dropped below 100%. 6 hours off the charger and I'm at 86%, the biggest drop seem to come after I opened the People Hub which did kick off a GPS icon. I turned off the location option in the People Hub and we'll see if that change alone shows any dramatic difference. For the most part though battery life has been awesome most of the time. Does anyone know what the location thing in the People hub is for anyway? I don't ever check-in to things, I don't even know what that is really. Some social media thing for you punk kids I'll wager!
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I faced the same issue, battery was draining out. when I called Nokia care they have told me to do the following they gave me the solution

1. Go to settings
2. swipe left on the settings tab
3. Select the back ground tasks
4. disable the Nokia Drive

it solved my Battery issue
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

after going back and forth with windowsphone support and really getting nowhere I decided the only thing to try next was location services. So I turned that off and went through every catagory in the settings and turned location off, like Bing, Sending random info to MS for whatever. I noticed a slight improvement in battery life. As of right now my phone has been off the charger for 3 hours battery remaining 69% and est time is 13 hrs. I will never get that far. Remember this is addition to having 0 background tasks running and every location service off. 30% in 3 hours, with medium batterty, no music or games. WP support just asked me for my phone info to "pass along".
I have just put my phone on charge after 13 and a half hours of use,browsing net playing games,watching videos wifi and 3g use as well as fair amount of back grounding and location services.

Pretty heavy use (I get bored at work) I'm really confused as to why some people are having such huge issues. I know my post doesn't help too much but I felt like i should post something positive about battery
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Another spot Location is used is from the "Recommended Settings" that we often excitedly click through.

Under Settings->Wi Fi->Advanced, there's a box called "Send Information..." This uses wifi and location to send information to Microsoft about access points.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

My battery life hasn't been great, but it hasn't been bad. So I did a hard reset (have had the phone since Nov. 9) and the charge amount before the reset was 23%. After the reset, the battery charge showed 54%! Maybe this will help.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

My battery life hasn't been great, but it hasn't been bad. So I did a hard reset (have had the phone since Nov. 9) and the charge amount before the reset was 23%. After the reset, the battery charge showed 54%! Maybe this will help.

Just like I said.
It is very well possible that the phone is reading the battery level wrong and shuts off (because it does that automatically so that the battery doesn't deep discharge, which damages it) at a certain percentage point/voltage that it reads out. Wrong read out of the actual voltage/charging level = shorter battery life.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Another spot Location is used is from the "Recommended Settings" that we often excitedly click through.

Under Settings->Wi Fi->Advanced, there's a box called "Send Information..." This uses wifi and location to send information to Microsoft about access points.

Don't forget Settings ->find my phone -> uncheck "Save my phone's location periodically...."
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Don't forget Settings ->find my phone -> uncheck "Save my phone's location periodically...."

That one is actually pretty useful if you lose your phone. Guys you shouldn't just be disabling all GPS related things unless you don't use them. Yes it might run away with battery life occasionally, but its usually obvious when it does and you can toggle it off then or something. Don't restrict yourself unnecessarily if the issue isn't happening right then.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I feel like I'm living in the twilight zone!

Yesterday at this time, my phone was about to run out of battery. Tonight, I'm sitting here with 47% and an estimated battery life of 10h.

I've actually ADDED features since yesterday. I figured I would rather have more features with crappy battery life than less features with equally crappy battery life. WIFI, Bluetooth, LTE and Location services have been activated almost all day. Background tasks are limited to Weather and the battery meter.

The only thing I did differently was reboot the phone once when it got hot around noon.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Try turning off GPS completely. According to ubergizmo it helps a LOT.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

with minor use, it lasted 2 days (48 hrs), active use, like check email, browse the web, text lasted, phone calls, starting at 8:30 am my work hour until I am home at 5:30 PM and still have 57 percent left when I got home from work. I do shutdown down every apps that I opened by double tap the arrow back button especially app that use localization.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

hat made from titanium alloy, stay away from Apple Genius Bar. you been warn.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Hmm, i've been texting using whatsapp for about 10-15 minutes just now, probably about 20 texts and my battery drained 10%. before that i dindt have much drain surfing and using apps.

On standby its fine, when you actually start texting in bunches in a few minutes, killer battery hog

I noticed the same thing today...surprisingly my battery was performing amazingly till i started getting whatsapp msgs at around 11:00 am when the battery was at 95%. Then after 30-40 whatsapp msgs....the battery started drain in a spiralling fashion till it reached about 45%. I came home in the evening with about 20% battery.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I noticed the same thing today...surprisingly my battery was performing amazingly till i started getting whatsapp msgs at around 11:00 am when the battery was at 95%. Then after 30-40 whatsapp msgs....the battery started drain in a spiralling fashion till it reached about 45%. I came home in the evening with about 20% battery.

Does whatsapp poll the GPS continually or regularly for some location sharing feature? If so see if you can toggle it off and see if that makes a difference.

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