Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

RE: lumia 920 Battery Issues

JIMSKI is totally right! Never discharge a LiPolymer battery!
Guys, be sure to use the apps backup feature too, as well as check the settings of your software to see if any of them have a SkyDrive backup feature that you can use to save your app configurations in advance of your exchange if it gets to that point. I am experiencing the same battery issues as well - issues I never had with my 900 - and I will definitely be exchanging my 920 if this doesn't get better in a couple of days.
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 using Board Express
Having turn "off" auto brightness and setting it to "low" helps battery tremendously. Even with low brightness, you can ready text vey clearly.

Problem I have is Low is not even the lowest setting the phone is capable of. I don't know why they set it up the way they did. I hope its an oversight the can be fixed. Low should be LOW, and its not. I'd much rather have a manually adjustable brightness slider option.
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Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Guys, I think I found the problem.

I've been lurking these threads and reading tons of troubleshooting steps and possible solutions. I disabled Nokia Drive, NFC, etc. but my phone would still randomly become hot around the camera area and the battery would drain dramatically, although not always, but as soon as I felt the heat, I knew it was draining.

Today I was having great battery life all day, the phone had been cool to the touch, then suddenly my battery started draining at a rapid pace and the phone began to get warmer and warmer, here we go again! I traced back some of the things I had done recently that could've caused this, Nokia Drive is still disabled and I didn't touch any settings, so what the ****?

Not much people know this but tapping on the top edge of the screen reveals some icons that MS decided to hide for some reason, the LTE bars, WiFi, Vibrate/Ring, battery meter, etc. After hitting the power button to put my phone on stand by, I had left it at 63% battery, 5 minutes later it's at 57%, something's definitely going on, I went back to the home screen, then I tapped on the top edge and something else was up there next to the battery meter, the location target icon which should only stay on when using GPS for navigation because although some apps that use location services bring it up briefly, it goes away in about a second but it wasn't going anywhere, the target was there and the phone getting hot and draining, of course! it makes sense now, when I use any smartphone as a GPS the battery drains like mad and the phone gets hot, this was the case with my iPhone and this phone as well. Apparently some app called for the GPS to track my location but it failed to shut off and just kept running, I believe it was the PEOPLE app since it was the last thing I opened but not entirely sure.

I haven't been able to replicate it but most apps I have set up to track my location. Bing search? bam, there's the target, Weather, maps, just about anything could turn on the GPS at the risk of it not shutting off. Now we can just go ahead and turn off Location which shuts off GPS, but then your maps and navigation won't work which is fine if you don't use those things, but I do and I'm sure most people here do, but do we need Bing or People to track our location?

Under Settings, Applications I leave Maps on but I turn off just about everything else starting with People "Use my location" Off. Photos + Camera: I unchecked "Include location info in pictures I take" just imagine your GPS kicking in every time you take a picture, the damn thing glitches and stays on for the rest of the ride and you're screwed. Lastly we have "Search", search anything and you kick off the GPS unless you shut off "Use my current location" for searches.

I'm pretty much convinced that's the issue, why would the GPS be on when I put my phone to sleep? and the solution is not necessarily to turn off all of your features, you can either just turn off locations services, fine tune as suggested above, or leave everything on but if you feel your phone is getting hot or the battery is draining quickly, tap on the top edge of your screen and if you notice the target next to the battery meter, then something set off the GPS and it's draining your phone, at least that's what happened to me and I'd be curious if anyone else is having the same issue, at least it won't hurt to tap and check ;-)
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

having the same issues as everyone else,

after doing a mix of al "fixes" stated here im charging much faster and touch wood seems to be keeping charge much better
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I didn't read the entire thread but I've been using smartphones since around 2003. One thing that has always been consistent was that you need to recalibrate the battery settings every once in a while. I do this by running my phone down to 5-10% and then charging over night. I do this every three or four months. This will help ensure that the battery percentages you see are actually correct.

Now I don't know about WinPhone 8 but it has always been that way in the past. Many times its not really the battery but the display that's off. If you do this a couple of times on a new phone first, then use as normal and you're not seeing better battery life then start turning off Location etc.

I understand turning off things but that's not the point of a smartphone. However, not running things you use all the time, every day is also smart.

I ran through my regular routine the first two days is had my 920. I did disable Nokia Drive as a background task because is don't use it but I have wifi, location, Bluetooth on all the time. I have 4 email accounts to receive every 30 mins (I don't need it more often), I make/receive at least 10-15 calls a day, play a few games and do just a bit of surfing. My phone is lasting easily from around 7 am to 10 pm with 20-30% left.

Also, if your phone is getting really hot I think that's a sign of a real problem. Personally I would take it back. My phone runs very cool. Perhaps I'm just lucky. Hopefully everyone gets their issues solved.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Got my Lumia last Sunday and had the battery drain issue first couple of days (may be coming from Android i wanted to try everthing in WP8). I let it completely drain and did a full charge for 3 days. Here are my settings,
  • Locations turned off (i dont need unless i use Nokia drive)
  • Nokia drive blocked in background
  • NFC off
  • Display set to Auto
  • Uninstalled battery level app
  • Gmail is in push mode while outlook is in 15 mins update interval
  • Facebook push mode (run in background)
  • Weather not running in background as British weather is not something to be updated every second, we all know what to expect:)
  • bbc app runs in bg
  • twitter/all other news apps are updated not in push mode but every 5 mins

I listen to music on my way to work (1 hours 15 min train journey including 15 mins tube). And for the music i listen and checking my FB, my battery goes down "only" by 4-8% for 90 mins usage.

I keep checking my phone every half hour on update, try something new in app, use for cals (15-30 mins) during lunch time, hardly text, and then listen to music for another 1.5 hours on my way back.

By end of day, am getting 50% battery remaining after 12 hours of this usage. Am completely happy with it.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Well changing gmail to activesync seemed to have helped a bit. The phone died on me at 10pm last night after a low use 14-15h day. I'd just need a few more hours to be completely happy with it.

I'm turning off location services today to see if it will help.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Well changing gmail to activesync seemed to have helped a bit. The phone died on me at 10pm last night after a low use 14-15h day. I'd just need a few more hours to be completely happy with it.

I'm turning off location services today to see if it will help.

Well in the 25 minutes since making this post, the phone started heating up and lost 10% of the battery. I'm really thinking about taking it back to Rogers.

EDIT: down 15% now in 40 minutes. This is terrible.
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Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Well in the 25 minutes since making this post, the phone started heating up and lost 10% of the battery. I'm really thinking about taking it back to Rogers.

EDIT: down 15% now in 40 minutes. This is terrible.

If you do decide to exchange it at Rogers let us know how it goes. I tried to exchange mine at a Rogers store and the guy said I had to go to a "rogers technical depot" and get a quote. If you get the run-around from them just call Nokia, they're more than happy to help.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

If you do decide to exchange it at Rogers let us know how it goes. I tried to exchange mine at a Rogers store and the guy said I had to go to a "rogers technical depot" and get a quote. If you get the run-around from them just call Nokia, they're more than happy to help.

From what I've read, I think I'd go with Nokia directly. I don't have time to run around town to fix this.

I've rebooted the phone when it was heating up and now it's cool and stable. I'm still convinced it's a software issue.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

So my phone decided to reboot itself randomly yesterday evening after listening to some music via the speaker, it wouldn't turn back on even with the cable plugged in for charging. Nothing happened fr about half an hour then suddenly it sprung back into life and worked fine.

Ever since the battery has been amazing on it, I've had it unplugged all afternoon and it;s barely dropped from 100%.

Settings are as follows: -
Battery saver = ON
Brightness = HIGH
Live tiles = Weather and Battery
Location = OFF

Granted I've not been on 3g (working abroad) or on wifi but even with it sitting there for 3 hours and making a few calls and texts its barely dropped any % !
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

If you do decide to exchange it at Rogers let us know how it goes. I tried to exchange mine at a Rogers store and the guy said I had to go to a "rogers technical depot" and get a quote. If you get the run-around from them just call Nokia, they're more than happy to help.

I took mine back to the Rogers store where I picked it up and had no problems returning it. I would have exchanged it but they didn't have any. Exchanging wouldn't have been a problem either. It only took about 2 minutes to process and then I went to the Microsoft store and picked one up. The new one has amazing battery life. Its been 32 hours since I charged it and I still have 45% left.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Good news so far, my phone is definitely keeping cool and has not drained after moderate use. See my post regarding the GPS glitch. Tap the very top edge of your screen which brings up your battery and other icons, if you see a target icon next to your battery meter, your GPS is running which makes the upper back part of your phone hot and drains your battery considerably.

Apps that that track your location (Most do) will briefly call for GPS but it's supposed to close out after getting your location, but last night I noticed the icon there despite putting my phone to sleep, maybe my GPS couldn't find my location and it kept trying, maybe it was hanging and never shut off, either way I found what was making my phone hot, today after moderate use, forget warm, it's actually cool :-)

I'll see if it stands the test of time but I'm confident that's it, I'm using my Lumia as an ice pack right now :-p I'll keep everyone posted.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I took mine back to the Rogers store where I picked it up and had no problems returning it. I would have exchanged it but they didn't have any. Exchanging wouldn't have been a problem either. It only took about 2 minutes to process and then I went to the Microsoft store and picked one up. The new one has amazing battery life. Its been 32 hours since I charged it and I still have 45% left.

Man that really bugs me now. Why were the employees at the store I went to so hostile unhelpful?
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I'm going to exchange mine for another one as soon as I can find an AT&T store that has any in stock. I've had one day where the battery lasted as expected but in general, it is very poor. Last Friday, I took it off the charger at 7:30 AM and by 7:00 PM it was completely dead and that includes sitting on a charger at work for about 2.5 hours. That's with very little use, checking emails and an occasional web browse.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

here is what fix the battery for me.

1) goto setting and display + touch
2) change Touch sensitivity to Normal
3) let the device's battery drain completely until it shut off by itself
4) charge it up to 100% - don't touch it until it is at 100%
5) let the device's battery drain completely again
6) charge it up to 100% again - don't touch it until it is at 100%
ta da, my phone now last 2 days.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

here is what fix the battery for me.

1) goto setting and display + touch
2) change Touch sensitivity to Normal
3) let the device's battery drain completely until it shut off by itself
4) charge it up to 100% - don't touch it until it is at 100%
5) let the device's battery drain completely again
6) charge it up to 100% again - don't touch it until it is at 100%
ta da, my phone now last 2 days.

Clarification, did your phone actually last two full days without charge on use or are you just reading the estimated life remaining?
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

quick update, i exchanged my phone for a new one at AT&T yesterday and have noticed significantly better battery life. HOWEVER, after reading the past day's posts on here it may have actually had to do more with location services. i used to have it enabled for the people hub and other apps and while reading this thread i checked to see if they were on with the new phone, they were OFF. can anyone else confirm better battery life after disabling location in some apps? i'm not 100% certain that i would have gotten better battery life with my previous phone with them off or if it's just a coincidence.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Went to bed yesterday after 12 hours of usage with out charge and my phone was still showing 47% left.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

quick update, i exchanged my phone for a new one at AT&T yesterday and have noticed significantly better battery life. HOWEVER, after reading the past day's posts on here it may have actually had to do more with location services. i used to have it enabled for the people hub and other apps and while reading this thread i checked to see if they were on with the new phone, they were OFF. can anyone else confirm better battery life after disabling location in some apps? i'm not 100% certain that i would have gotten better battery life with my previous phone with them off or if it's just a coincidence.

Yes I'm firmly convinced that replacements aren't necessary, it's a bug regarding a setting or some leak scenario. All these battery tips just help band aid a deeper issue. This is also why hard resetting was shown to help. It'll get fixed, I'm not worried.

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