Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I had the same problem with my first 920, it would die while on standby within 4-5 hours from 100 to 0.
Exchanged it in the store for another one & this one is perfect, currently running on 15 hours, with 50% remaining & 15 hour estimate.

It happens with all of the phones, even my old S3 had this problem & I had to get another one.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I have had my phone for a week, and now that the whole "playing with my phone for hours" slightly subsided no battery issues at all. In addition as soon as I disabled some unneeded background tasks the battery life has gotten even better.

Example 1: Used my phone al day since 7 AM, normal tasks, phone calls, e-mail, IM, internet, Pictures, and some games. Went to bed at 12 AM with 40% still available.

Example 2: Today started to use my phone at 8:30 AM, e-mail, IM, few phone calls. My Battery still showing 100%. Go figure.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

14 days with AT&T. Nokia warranty may cover for longer, but I'm not sure I'd take that chance.

Just to clarifiy, if you are within 14 days, you can go into store and get a brand new one to exchange.

ATT has a 1 year warranty on phones so after the 14 days, if your phone is broke, you can't go instore to get a new phone, you will need to go through ATT Warranty. Since this is a new phone, i would suspect you will get another new phone, but in a months time, those that get warranty exchanges will likely get a refurbished one.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Welp... after doing all of the steps and tricks listed in this thread it looks like my only option is return my phone and hope that I get another one with a better battery. *just maybe I can get a price break with the Amazon Wireless black friday deal...just maybe!

I do find humorous that some of the tips and tricks to conserve battery (disable this...disable that ) life sound eerily similar to whats happening in the android world! Next we WP will start to demand task manager to conserve battery life.

I do see my location icon showing up a lot and I am clueless as to why it keeps requesting it ( yes, nokia drive is disabled and was even removed to determine why it appears ) I did visit the Nokia Here website which requested location services

WP needs more intelligent settings like (sigh..) iOS, so we can pick and choose which location service to use
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

When mine is fully charged and unplugged at first, it shows 1 day and 15 hours left on remaining battery life. The ones I checked out in the stores when I unplug them shows the same stat. Does everyone get this initial battery life remaining from a full charge? I am asking because I see some users are posting battery life remaining longer than that. I am using my phone moderately and the best I can get is 7-8 hours before it dies after doing all the tricks discussed so far, battery drain and reset. Not sure if that is good or if I should exchange it. I have 4 days left in the 14 days period.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

What exactly is considered BAD? I've had mine unplugged for about 5 hours and with moderate use and listening to music for about 20 minutes, im down to 80%
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Previously, I took a digg at android for having a task manager, but now I am thinking maybe there should be a tool at the OS level that will allow 'power users' to dig down into the guts of the OS to find out what apps are chewing up the batteries.

I just found out that Android has a tool to help. Not sure if 90% of the people would use this but man it would be more helpful than trying this..or try that. Plus it may help out with tech support to give them more information.

Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

What exactly is considered BAD? I've had mine unplugged for about 5 hours and with moderate use and listening to music for about 20 minutes, im down to 80%
Not sure what others count as bad but I compare it to my 900 on an average work day.

Lumia 900 (LTE):
I could unplug it from the charge around 8a...go to work, and I wouldnt have to charge it again until 11a-12a the next work day. Now if I watched netflix and etc it would drain quicker

Lumia 920 (LTE):
Unplug it at 8a (using same work day usage ) and hit 11% at 1p on the same day!

I am confident that the problem will be fixed and corrected...MS/Nokia just needs to acknowledge the problem and forgo the obligatory..."try rebooting"
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

What exactly is considered BAD? I've had mine unplugged for about 5 hours and with moderate use and listening to music for about 20 minutes, im down to 80%

Just extrapolate that out over the entire battery life. So if you lose 20% in 5 hours, and assuming similar usage the rest of the time, it would take you 25 hours to run the battery all the way down from 100%. I would say you're in a pretty good spot.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I think a lot of it is also environmental in terms of battery usage. I got terrific performance yesterday, at home all day, only dropping to 85% after 12 hours and light useage. Now, I'm at work, and it's already down to 84% by 1:00 PM, with the same amount of use and after being off the charger for 6 hours.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

There is definitely a software issue. Today I unplugged mine at 7am and it stayed at 95%+ until 10am where it dropped into the 80s/70s. At lunch, the phone was at 54% with no heavy use, only 2 email accounts updating, BT and WIFI activated, no LTD, limited background tasks.

I plugged it for 30min after which it dropped to 47% and then I unplugged it to run to a meeting where the battery actually went back up to 52% without charging.

I had a gmail account and after reading the syncing woes with WP8, I deleted it, soft reset and added it as an activesync account.

Since then, I've only lost 10% battery in the last 2 hours while actually playing music by bluetooth.

I'm hoping that this was the culprit.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Are you guys going by the Battery Level for WP8 or the one in the settings to find your remaining Battery.

Battery Level for WP8 only updates every 30mins
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Settings and then inside of battery saver is where I'm getting mine. I've noticed that sometime when I tap thru to battery saver it is 1-2% off compared to not tapping thru.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I'm currently chatting with windowsphone support, if they give me anything useful I'll report. so far its the usual stuff that everyone here has tried. Today was a perfect example. Unplugged at 8:45 am. By 10 am it was at 72%. The apps I used were cnn, fox news, espn, ap mobile, BBC and wp central apps. None of which runs in the background, except cnn because it crashes if you block it. I made a 3 minute call and as of 1:26 Im at 44%. Time since last charge 4 hours.. remaining 14 (lol) hours. medium brightness.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I have the same issue, the phone held charge well over the weekend (even though I was using it a lot for video and photos) but at work it drained really quick. The phone actually gets really warm ! I wonder if its an email/exchange problem ?
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Not sure what others count as bad but I compare it to my 900 on an average work day.

Lumia 900 (LTE):
I could unplug it from the charge around 8a...go to work, and I wouldnt have to charge it again until 11a-12a the next work day. Now if I watched netflix and etc it would drain quicker

Lumia 920 (LTE):
Unplug it at 8a (using same work day usage ) and hit 11% at 1p on the same day!

I am confident that the problem will be fixed and corrected...MS/Nokia just needs to acknowledge the problem and forgo the obligatory..."try rebooting"

Does it last longer at the weekend ? There seems to be a correlation with going to work and it draining faster there.......
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Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

In an unscientific sample of 2 days I noticed a huge difference turning off the Location service.

Yesterday with the service turned on I got ~9 hours out of the battery...which was sad considering in that 9 hours all I did was look at Twitter twice & had a 2 minute phone call.

Today I turned the location service off and 6 hours into a moderate amount of usage (~10 minutes of phone calls, lots of twitter & email, and some texting, web surfing, & messing with a couple of apps) I'm still above 80% battery.
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Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I haven't had the drain monster attack yet today, this is what I typically see and as long as the drains are few and far between it's fine by me till the fix comes. I had almost an hour call earlier and the rest of the time I've surfed and texted and checked my twitter feeds. I'm trying to take screenshots every hour just to track when things go wonky if it happens today. Might be a good idea for others to do the same. Note the fluctuation in estimated time remaining. That's very likely because it recalculated after I was on the phone for almost an hour and assumed I would continue to use the battery like that.

EDIT: Just to wrap up the picture tracking, the last picture I took was 18% remaining, 2 hours estimated left, 18 hours since charger. I don't recall when I took the picture but it was later in the evening so basically it was a good day.


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Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

My batter is much better now that I did the following steps.

1. I ran the batter completely dead.
2. I charged the phone until it was fully charged. (about 3 hours.)
3. I uninstalled Nokia Drive + Beta
4. I used the phone casually, a little email, Weave, and internet.

The phone now has 90% remaining battery since it's last charge 4 hours ago. It also says I have 1 day 10 hours remaining. I plan on installing Nokia Drive again to see if the batter problem comes back. Hopefully it works fine with Nokia Drive installed.
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Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Having turn "off" auto brightness and setting it to "low" helps battery tremendously. Even with low brightness, you can ready text vey clearly.

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