Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

Holy crap, 15 pages for a battery issue. I had it cjalked up to random bad batteries but looks like I was wrong.

it's definitely not random bad batteries and the notion that we should change the way we use phones to have decent battery life is crazy. Hopefully they are aware of this and have a fix coming fast.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I've had my phone since 11/14 and have had no issues with battery life.
Background tasks only let iHeart Radio, Battery level for WP8 and Weather channel run.
NFC has been turned off since I dont have anything to use it,
Battery saver is on. I routinely end my day with 40 - 50% battery.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I've had mine for a week and never had a problem with my Battery. constantly getting a day and half of use before needing recharge
I never understood the whole "it sucks that I have to turn most of the features off to get good battery life". I mean if I buy a car and use all 300 horsepower every time I drive, I'm not going to get the sticker gas mileage on the window.
I never understood the whole "it sucks that I have to turn most of the features off to get good battery life". I mean if I buy a car and use all 300 horsepower every time I drive, I'm not going to get the sticker gas mileage on the window.

If you read the thread you see that people are turning off features in attempts to have decent battery life with the phone. Imagine if you couldn't listen to the radio or use air conditioning because of fear your car battery would die. We should be able to use the phone without having us change the way we do things.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I never understood the whole "it sucks that I have to turn most of the features off to get good battery life". I mean if I buy a car and use all 300 horsepower every time I drive, I'm not going to get the sticker gas mileage on the window.

I never understood why people buy something for the features and then cant use.
It's not about the features here...the point of turning features off is because your not using them. If I'm at work why do I have Nokia Drive running in the background? If I'm at home why do I have NFC on? It's the same as if leaving the light in your room when your not at home.

I understand the people who are turning the features off and still have bad battery life that's fine my post wasn't directed to them, its was to those who want to leave everything on including the kitchen sink faucet running even when they are not using it, and expect outstanding battery life. That's absurd to me and its just my opinion don't shoot me.
It's not about the features here...the point of turning features off is because your not using them. If I'm at work why do I have Nokia Drive running in the background? If I'm at home why do I have NFC on? It's the same as if leaving the light in your room when your not at home.

I understand the people who are turning the features off and still have bad battery life that's fine my post wasn't directed to them, its was to those who want to leave everything on including the kitchen sink faucet running even when they are not using it, and expect outstanding battery life. That's absurd to me and its just my opinion don't shoot me.

I think that most of us here are smart enough to turn the features we don't need off but when you take all the necessary steps to maximum battery life and it still isn't good then there is a problem.
I think that most of us here are smart enough to turn the features we don't need off but when you take all the necessary steps to maximum battery life and it still isn't good then there is a problem.

Agreed, which is totally understandable and the phone should be exchanged or other solutions should be sought.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

You guys that are still having problems need to perform a cold boot. It seems like many of the posters here have tried everything but the one thing that has been shown to work.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Prior to getting my Lumia, I read about the poor battery performance and was worried about getting one. Then I read a poll that indicated that the majority got good battery life. Given that good, poor and bad are subjective terms, I went ahead and got my phone. The battery life is phenomenal. My HTC HD7 would net me about 10 hours if stand-by and 1 full hour of gaming. The Lumia barely dropped a notch after over a full hour of gaming and rest still at over 80% after a full day of usage.

For those reading these forums trying to make a decision, remember that not everyone is experiencing problems and in fact I would say the vast majority of Lumia owners experienced few problems and instead of commenting on forums they are just enjoying their phones.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Didn't feel like reading 19 pages worth of posts, but I had the same issue the first few days and it has improved greatly for me. I leave everything on including NFC and my phone be getting a 7ish am to 12am ish time before needing to charge. One night I forgot to charge my phone and when I checked on it the next day, it only decreased 10%.
I say let it discharge a few times and a nice reboot wouldn't hurt neither. Hopefully this cures this epidemic
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I am on my second 920. My first 920 was using 10-15% battery per hour just sitting on a table. Took it to AT&T store after 5 days of reading battery complaints on this forum and I told them all that I did (battery cycles, turn off all background apps, removed Nokia Drive/Maps) and the battery still lasted just 6 hours with hardly any use, so they told me to reset the phone. When I tried resetting the phone it bricked. My second phone was just as bad until I turned off location services. I went to bed last night with a fresh charge and woke up to my surprise the battery had 93% left. I am hoping that location services is the culprit and that there is an easy fix. Have until the 23rd to return the phone. Hate that it takes such great photos/video but is gimped by a whack battery issue!!
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Please don't! Modern lithium batteries don't not like to be fully discharged

They won't fully discharge anyway, because the Software turns the phone off when it hits a certain minimum capacity.

The point is not that the battery needs it or anything, it's that the phone needs it. The battery gets charged to some point in the factory and then inserted into the phone. There it naturally discharges over time, and the phone is off and doesn't know the capacity or anything.

The point is, that the phone needs to be calibrated to the battery, not the battery itself. I've had this with my Samsung smartphone, when sometimes the 1500mAh battery would only last half as long as usual and when the phone would say 87% to be a full charge. What I did was to use it until it simply ran out of battery, then try to turn it on again, and when it turned off again, I could take out the battery for a few minutes so that the phone shuts off completely with no current to power any of the sensors, then I would insert the battery again, and then plug it in. (Some people would plug it in when the battery is out, so that the phones sensors recalibrate, don't know if that works or not and can't remember which method worked better, it's been too long, but I tried both at times).

Once I've plugged it in again with the empty battery inside, I would let it charge overnight. Sometimes I would even take out the battery after the full charge and put it back in to see if it still showed the same 100% reading or if it was less. Anyway, what I meant to say is that it isn't the batterys own fault, but the phones. The phone can think that the battery is full when it is not, or that it is empty when it is not.

Also, disable NFC, the same way you (should) have bluetooth or wifi disabled if you don't use it. They are all antennas and they all use power when turned on. Anyone who got one of the normal phones with bluetooth and/or wifi between 2004 and 2008 will have learned this, as it could have reduced the battery life of your phone with its 700-950 mAh battery to 2-3 hours if you forgot to turn it off, or if you didn't know you had to in the first days when you first got it.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Phone is down 25% since I took it off the wall charger two hours ago (at 100%). Not used the phone at all.

Phone battery was pretty good until I started using it on a car cigarette charger this weekend, wonder if it has screwed something up.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

With this being my first Windows Phone, is Microsoft pretty good at releasing updates, patches or hot fixes for their phones? My battery life isn't as bad as some of the other users on this forum, but certainly not as good as my previous android devices. I'm curious to see if Microsoft or Nokia releases a hotfix for this.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I wanted to give an update on my situation. Over the weekend I attempted to hard reset my cyan 920, but this bricked the phone completely. It wouldn't go past the Nokia boot up screen and the battery no longer charged at all. I returned the phone to an AT&T store and exchanged it for the black version (which I'm ok with). The battery life on the new one is night and day compared to what I was getting. I'm no longer losing significant battery life while the phone is on standby and that's without turning off all of the various features (I have turned off Nokia Drive in the background as I don't need it running.). The new phone is easily lasting the day where the previous was lucky to go 10 hours, even after completely draining and recharging the battery, turning off everything, and using battery saver.

For those experience battery life issues, I would consider exchanging the phone. A hard reset may help some but I would be careful of this as I'm not the only one who has experienced a bricked phone from that process. If you feel something is definitely wrong with your phone's battery, there is a good chance that there actually is and you may be better off with a new one. Just my experience.

P.S. If you experience issues in exchanging with AT&T, I would contact Nokia directly. They were extremely helpful and were willing to help me out much faster than AT&T. Fortunately, I was eventually able to exchange in store once I found a store with the black version. However, AT&T's service overall was terrible and they fought me on exchanging a cyan for black.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

14 days with AT&T. Nokia warranty may cover for longer, but I'm not sure I'd take that chance.

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