Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

well I don't know where I sit on this battery issue some are having. I *think* I have an issue I just don't know. I knew that my battery wouldn't last as long as my iPhone's because of the Live Tile's. I don't think its unreasonable to expect a near days usage before I have to run for an outlet. 7-8 hours would be just fine with me. I have most things turned off, which kind of degrades the WP8 experience. It shouldn't be this bad. But I'll give it a few more days before I start making phone calls.
I posted this in the other thread, but well, I'll just c&p..

I'm having horrible problems with my red 920. Battery depletes super fast, had it fully charged before I went to bed, woke up about 6 hours later with it at 20% (pic here!243&authkey=!AMbvn98uD4rypC8 ). Same thing today, left the house with 50% power, within 3 hours I was at battery critical. Phone also gets hot real quick as well, and I also suffer from a shaky vibrate motor. I love the phone, but these things are killing it for me, as much as I love the phone, I can't make this my daily driver if it's going to be like this. I'm still trying to decide if when I exchange it I want to get a blue or another red, so I'm going to tough it out the next few days. and make sure I have nokia drive totally off.

And perhaps this may be part of the problem, this is what I saw in battery saver when I first unboxed the phone.

I did a complete discharge of the battery yesterday. I waited for the phone to power off on its own and then I repowered it on and let it die on its own again. I did a complete recharge to 100% afterwards and my battery life has improved dramatically. I have had the phone off of the charger for over 11 hours with moderate use including downloading apps, games, browser, texting, and phone calls and I am at 53% at the moment.

Hope that helps some people. The battery life on my 900 blew every other phone I have ever used out of the water and I am hoping to get at least the same out of this phone.
Here's what I'm trying.

Brightness: Auto, Bluetooth: off, Background tasks: everything off

Will turning the touch sensitivity to normal help?
This is very concerning for me. After a much long debate (with myself, of course), I've finally come to the decision that I will get the Lumia 920 as my next phone. I'm not eligible for an upgrade until next month and so I'm reading all I can about issues some users are experiencing so far with their 920s. So far, the battery issue seems pretty ugly.

I really wish Nokia/Microsoft will issue some sort of acknowledgement to this issue soon. I'm wondering how come this battery issue was not included in most professional reviews? Different units? But it seems to me Nokia Drive is one of the main culprit. I'm sure reviewers also tried out the app and so how come it wasn't mentioned?
My issues are documented on an earlier page. I simply let it run yo zero and then did a full charge. I uninstalled Nokia drive, turned off background tasks for goVoice and weather.

I have been in and out of reception with minimal use for about 7 hours and have less than 25% drain!
seems to me the battery stats are off. My battery stats showed like 13% and then i got the battery saver notification. A minute or so later,the phone died and had to recharge.

Seems if on standby the % doesnt move and the estimated time is overexagerated. Like earlier i had 35% and it says one day left then a few min later after some use it goes down to 2hours left.

I have drive off of background only weather and battery looker running background wifi nfc off, medium brightness and that is it. The battery seems to drain fast when using anything.

If nothing changes i will do an exchange, but seems this is a common thing.

Any tips are appreciated
No, all people need to do is turn on the battery saver and not have every app set to refresh it's tile every 30 seconds.

Turn everything down (battery saver on, no unnecessary live tile silliness and don't let apps run in the background that don't need to and you'll be positively amazed at your battery life. I play my 920 at work all day and I come home and I still have 40-45% battery left.

So dont take advantage of all the os features?? any user should be able to have respectable performance without battery saver and some lives tiles. If you turn off everything and then u got yourself an os like the any other os. Turning everything off is not a solution.

My focus s had great battery life and the 900 good life with almost the same type of settings. I can get through the day starting from 730 through 11 with no issues. I cant even get half a day. There is an issue with the battery and with some pictures on this thread clearly shows that.
I know this doesn't help, but my battery life has been outstanding...

I guess if anything, it says that if you're having bad battery life, it isn't how it's supposed to be, and either there's a fix, or it can be exchanged.

One way or another, when all is said and done, you should have a 920 with great battery life.
Exactly, you probably have a bad phone and I would indeed look into a replacement. This is what my phone says after being on Wifi all day at my house with emails updating every hour, medium brightness and facebook, nokia drive & weather channel running in the background. I've texted some and used the internet for keeping up with sports using the ESPN app and was on the phone for about 30 minutes today.
So dont take advantage of all the os features?? any user should be able to have respectable performance without battery saver and some lives tiles. If you turn off everything and then u got yourself an os like the any other os. Turning everything off is not a solution.

My focus s had great battery life and the 900 good life with almost the same type of settings. I can get through the day starting from 730 through 11 with no issues. I cant even get half a day. There is an issue with the battery and with some pictures on this thread clearly shows that.

I completely agree with this... I depending on the status at the end of the day, I may go to the ATT store after work
No, all people need to do is turn on the battery saver and not have every app set to refresh it's tile every 30 seconds.

Turn everything down (battery saver on, no unnecessary live tile silliness and don't let apps run in the background that don't need to and you'll be positively amazed at your battery life. I play my 920 at work all day and I come home and I still have 40-45% battery left.
Man, I sound like a broken record. Bit here we go again. Live tiles can only update every 30 minutes (or longer). Having 8 to 10 background tasks running all the time will burn through maybe 4-5% of your battery in a 16 hour day. If you are having battery issues, look elsewhere. Screen on is #1 killer. LTE radio, and a weak connection is #2. I don't have a 920, but please, somebody do some real testing. Turn off data for 12 hours and see how much battery you drain. Try something else if that doesn't work, like Location. But document what you do.

Sent from my Lumia 900 using Board Express Pro
There are two background programs that I removed and blocked, and now my battery is good. I removed metrotube and that helped a little. When I removed Nokia Drive however, the battery stopped draining. May nit work for you but definitely helped me!
I know this doesn't help, but my battery life has been outstanding...

I guess if anything, it says that if you're having bad battery life, it isn't how it's supposed to be, and either there's a fix, or it can be exchanged.

One way or another, when all is said and done, you should have a 920 with great battery life.
Ditto here - I've had issues with my battery on Friday/Saturday, however yesterday I was able to get 12 hours without charging and ended with 45% right before I went to bed.

If anyone is curious about removing background applications, here are the steps:

Settings > Swipe to 'applications' > 'background tasks' > block w/e you seem unnecessary.

Ditto here - I've had issues with my battery on Friday/Saturday, however yesterday I was able to get 12 hours without charging and ended with 45% right before I went to bed.

If anyone is curious about removing background applications, here are the steps:

Settings > Swipe to 'applications' > 'background tasks' > block w/e you seem unnecessary.


12 hours? Not bad, but did you even get to use your phone at all?
12 hours? Not bad, but did you even get to use your phone at all?
Yes I did. I took photos with it, played that that knife throwing game, played micheal buble's christmas album a few times, played with the camera, tried NFC for the first time with my gf's Note 2, check emails. Normal day of usage and no restrictions besides turn off some background applications.

All in all, I had the phone in my hand for most of the day with normal usage.
Just so everyone knows, the "Estimated Time Left" amount varies depending on what you did with your phone within the last 15 or so minutes.

For example, if you just finished playing a game and checked battery saver, it will show a very small number. But if you wait for 30 minutes after playing a game before you check, you'll notice the time left is a lot higher.

I believe the Battery Saver app takes samples of battery drain/usage that are very recent.

Sometimes yesterday my phone would tell me I had 4 days left on the charge, after playing a game for a while it would say 1 day 12 hours, etc. In the end I was able to use my phone moderately within a 14 hour period and I ended up with 20% battery left.

Today I've turned off the Nokia Drive background task to see if it helps.
Am I the only one getting pretty amazing battery charge on my 920? Some surfing on wifi, couple of calls, a few games and yet at the end of the day the battery was around 75% which is phenomenal considering the fact that on my galaxy S I'd be at 20% already.
Try disabling the background tasks. No need to uninstall anything.

Go to Settings > Background Tasks > Block all of the enabled ones.

I had problems on my first day as well, not sure which app was draining the battery but after disabling all background tasks (I don't actually need any of them) the phone has enough juice to run for 2 days before a recharge is needed.
So on comparing windows phone 7 to 8 ... its a bit tricky, and I don't think it can be compared in a straight forward manner. I know that to most consumers, it only makes sense for them to be compared like that.. but..

I am still confused about the Windows Phone 8 kernel.

So Microsoft says that it shares a lot with the Windows 8 kernel, which is Windows NT 6.2, the latest version of NT. So is the kernel in the phone a "lighter" version of 6.2 as well ?

Also, they are calling it Windows Phone 8.0 .. but for some reason I thought that the version number corresponds with the development of the core, which in the case of Windows Phone 7 .. windows CE 7.0, correct ?

So now we are at 8.0, but technically we are not.. since the CE core didn't graduate from 7.0 to 8.0, but we got a brand new core.. which would make it 1.0 , or.. 6.2 ? Very confusing.

I know that they can call it whatever they want, I am just trying to get a clear picture, because comparing Windows CE to Windows NT is not.. I don't want to say fair, but I feel like it can't be done in objective way.

Windows CE was designed and developed with mobile phones in mind (limited resources, battery, etc.), where NT was designed for desktop machines and servers (more powerful, more resources, "always" plugged in), and its now being adopted to mobile phones, and I think Microsoft have done an outstanding job at optimizing it to run on such weak hardware, but maybe that is where the core of the battery drain issues is ?

I really don't know, just speculating. And.. considering that some people are getting good battery life, and other aren't.. kind of throws my theory out the window, but still.

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