Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

So I don't know about you guys. But after the whole Nokia Drive background issue, I have been getting VERY good battery life.
So my phone has been off the charger for 2 hours and it still says 100% and 12 hours left and hasnt moved at all. Id like to believe that this battery is great, but this can not be right at all. I've restarted the phone as well, we'llo see how the day goes, but no way this should be 100% after 2 hours.
So I don't know about you guys. But after the whole Nokia Drive background issue, I have been getting VERY good battery life.

I am trying to compare with/without nokia drive background disabled using my experience yesterday and today. Just like yesterday I left my phone on the charger all night last night, took it off at 7:20am today (same exact time as yesterday), I then waited 10 minutes and rebooted the phone. I then disabled the Nokia Drive background task.

The rest of the day I'll use my phone similar to how I used it yesterday and I *hopefully* will get better battery life.

However, my phone says 100% battery (after sitting there for near 2 hours now), but also says "18 hours left" on this charge...much MUCH less than what it said yesterday at the same time.
I still have poor battery life with drove off. Not to mention poor audio performance with headphones in, I have it maxed on volume and can barely hear the podcast is on. Oh and while typing this my phone almost locked up. I'm definitely going to the store to swap out today or tomorrow. I still want a Lumia but a different new one. All I do is listen to music at work with headphones and I'm 6 hours in with 6 hours estimated left.
I still have poor battery life with drove off. Not to mention poor audio performance with headphones in, I have it maxed on volume and can barely hear the podcast is on. Oh and while typing this my phone almost locked up. I'm definitely going to the store to swap out today or tomorrow. I still want a Lumia but a different new one. All I do is listen to music at work with headphones and I'm 6 hours in with 6 hours estimated left.

Ya, i would say you need to swap, i listened to music for over almost two hours yesterday and had no issues with sound, it was loud. I am glad they had the sound enhancement features as well.

I'd go and swap.
I ran my battery down to the ragged edge today for the purposes of curiosity and for this thread. I intend to keep it topped up as I've read earlier in this thread. I last charged it Saturday morning and I've used it for phone calls, internet, music and camera - medium use and I've made sure I've kept off NFc, Location, Data and Wifi except for when I needed to use them. I also turned the phone off overnight. My phone has literally only just died on me. I'm extremely impressed by the battery life on this phone!
I ran my battery down to the ragged edge today for the purposes of curiosity and for this thread. I intend to keep it topped up as I've read earlier in this thread. I last charged it Saturday morning and I've used it for phone calls, internet, music and camera - medium use and I've made sure I've kept off NFc, Location, Data and Wifi except for when I needed to use them. I also turned the phone off overnight. My phone has literally only just died on me. I'm extremely impressed by the battery life on this phone!

Not sure how your experience would help anybody in this thread and i am not trying to discount your experience.

You flip the switch on different settings and turn off your phone overnight, i am going to make a huge assumption that most do not continusly switch settings on and off besides maybe wifi. Not going to turn off data and turn back on throughout the day. Also, i would suspect most do not turn off their phones overnight every night or if ever. They just leave it charged. Again, i am making an assumption.

Again, not discounting your experience, but i dont toggle settings off and on all day and i shouldn't have to. I dont turn my phone off overnight either, i do reset every day or so just to reset. So i am not sure how your experience is a good indicator on battery performance.
With intermittent browsing use, in 3.5 hours my 920 went from 100% to 24%. No videos, music, calls, texts, anything.

I haven't charged my iPhone 4 since I took it off the charger early Friday morning to go and pick up my new Lumia. It's been on stand buy most of the time since then but still has around 40 something percent..
Not sure how your experience would help anybody in this thread and i am not trying to discount your experience.

You flip the switch on different settings and turn off your phone overnight, i am going to make a huge assumption that most do not continusly switch settings on and off besides maybe wifi. Not going to turn off data and turn back on throughout the day. Also, i would suspect most do not turn off their phones overnight every night or if ever. They just leave it charged. Again, i am making an assumption.

Again, not discounting your experience, but i dont toggle settings off and on all day and i shouldn't have to. I dont turn my phone off overnight either, i do reset every day or so just to reset. So i am not sure how your experience is a good indicator on battery performance.
I completely agree with you and the only reason I do this is because it's what I used to do on my old phone and because i wanted to find out what the absolute best battery time I could get out of the phone was should I ever need to know it. From now on I'll most likely do the same as you more or less, keeping it turned on pretty much all the time and keeping the wifi etc on probably most of the day.

What do you guys think, turning off NFC makes a big difference?

I went to the gym at 7 in the morning, then to work at 8:45. When I returned home at 19:00 I still had 35%, although I used my phone at work, writing messages, downloaded Skype, and stuff like that. I think it's like 80% of my iPhone battery, which was still a little bit better, or maybe 90%...

I still had NFC turned on. Just disabled it, thought it might be a difference...
Something else, if your WiFi connection is hidden, it takes more battery power to stay connected.
I kind of feel that with a brand new phone, we shouldn't have to take up and tips and tricks to make it through or work day (or actually, half a work day).
Weird, my battery life was stuck at 100% for two hours after unplugging from charge.

The next 1.5 hours, it is now down to 83%? I am thinking that the battery % may be inaccurate or at least on my phone it is.

When i was at 100, whatsapping, people hub surfing, getting and checking emails. nothing for two hours

after two ours, same stuff except less emails and about 6 texts and some whatsapping, down to 83%.

THis is off for sure, i will wait through the weekend to see if it fixes itself and exchange.

This kind of makes sense since i had 13% left on my batter last night and my phone died and needed to recharge. Odd.

On wifi, bluetooth off, nfc off, only weather and batter status app on background.

I have had my Lumia since launch day and have experienced the lockups on several occasions and my battery life has not been so great. I am coming from a SG3 which has great battery life. I have disabled Nokia Drive and still see no improvement. I am curious if anyone else having these issues has also installed Words With Friends on their Lumias. I have experienced lockups while playing the game and also after closing out of the game to do other things. End up having to hard reset my phone everytime. I uninstalled it and have seen a big improvement and have had zero lockups and my phone does not heat up as much. I'm just wondering if anyone has had the same experience and perhaps WWF with its background push notifications could be a culprit. Thanks for any input!
I have had my Lumia since launch day and have experienced the lockups on several occasions and my battery life has not been so great. I am coming from a SG3 which has great battery life. I have disabled Nokia Drive and still see no improvement. I am curious if anyone else having these issues has also installed Words With Friends on their Lumias. I have experienced lockups while playing the game and also after closing out of the game to do other things. End up having to hard reset my phone everytime. I uninstalled it and have seen a big improvement and have had zero lockups and my phone does not heat up as much. I'm just wondering if anyone has had the same experience and perhaps WWF with its background push notifications could be a culprit. Thanks for any input!

Hmm, maybe i will do a hard reset, maybe it will fix.
My goal is to simply last through the day with moderate usage. My Focus would run about 10 hours to get to 30-40%.. If this phone does better, great.. but it needs to do at least that.

My battery on the Lumia is kinda all over the place. I disabled the backgrounding of drive yesterday about half way through the day and the battery drain slowed greatly. I was able to make it through the day.

This morning I used the phone, opened the native facebook app and some other stuff and the battery was dropping pretty quickly. About 1.5 hours after unplugging from 100% it was sitting at about 75%. I noticed the facebook app was still in the task list, so I backed out until I thought it was closed. Now 5 hours after unplugging from 100% I'm at 54%. *Edit* 6 hours and now at 50%.

We'll see if it lasts the rest of the day. I swear sometimes I go back in and it looks like the battery % goes up without charging.... Maybe I'm imagining it. I can say the time remaining is all over the place. One time it'll show 9 hours left, then 36, then 5.

I'm thinking about writing an app that'll let you set a poll interval and check the battery % left along with any other data I can grab and dump it to a csv. Of course that app would cause some battery drain, hopefully minimal.

I kind of feel that with a brand new phone, we shouldn't have to take up and tips and tricks to make it through or work day (or actually, half a work day).

I agree with this...
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OK... it has to be Nokia Drive +

I have to do some extensive testing on this but both me and my wife got 920's on Friday night and have had terrible battery life on both of the phones... at first I figured it was just due to fact we were using them pretty heavily getting them setup... but I unplugged today at 6:45am and it's on 2:25pm and I am down to 22%... this is definitely not normal... I am hardly using my phone... my first gen Titan and Focus easily held up through the entire day and into the next day without any problems... a new phone like the 920 with the 2000m battery shouldn't be draining in one day.

I did notice the other day when using Nokia Drive + that even after leaving the app it continued to give directions... I didn't stop my navigation but it keep talking and there was no indication that it was still doing any kind of Navigation...

I uninstalled Nokia Drive + and I have reset the phone... I will do some testing to see if that is the problem... there is definitely something fishy here... no phone should drain with low to moderate use in less than 8 hours.
Windows CE was designed and developed with mobile phones in mind (limited resources, battery, etc.), where NT was designed for desktop machines and servers (more powerful, more resources, "always" plugged in), and its now being adopted to mobile phones, and I think Microsoft have done an outstanding job at optimizing it to run on such weak hardware, but maybe that is where the core of the battery drain issues is?

That's true, but keep in mind that at the time Windows NT was designed, desktop machines and servers had 16mhz CPUs and 1-4 MB (not GB) of RAM. The first server I installed Win NT 3.5 onto had a 25mhz 386 and 4GB of RAM and a 32MB hard drive, and it was quite the beast of a machine at the time. NT has bloated out considerably over the years, but underneath all that bloat were remnants of that original lean OS. Microsoft has done a good job of chopping away a lot of the bloat even on the desktop version of the OS; there's a post on here somewhere where a guy got Windows 8 running reasonably well in 64MB of RAM (it would boot in 32MB but tended to page a lot); this is one of the reasons Win 8 is so much faster than Win 7, and also one of the reasons it's so much more easily patched than the older Windows versions.

The issues with WP8 are simply due to the scale of the changes to the WP and Win8 OS's; I'm hopeful that SP1 will fix most of the battery and crashing issues. Windows 8 was much improved by the SP1 release that was rolled out the patch Tuesday just before the public release.

As for my battery life, I took it off the charger at 5:30 am yesterday, and when I put it back on at 11:00 pm last night I was at 68% charge. All of my services are unblocked; on my L900 the only program I ever found that was a battery killer was the Weather Channel app.
I think that uninstalling or turning off apps is not really a solution I'm looking for. For a quick temporary solution, I think it's still acceptable but for long term use.. it is not.

My battery is already down to 43% after 4 hours. I'm going to exchange it to a new one, but most of the ATT stores I called either they don't have them or they run out of stock.

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