Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

im on my 3rd 920 and this one was shipped to me straight from nokia. its brand new and was perfect until the updates last week. now my battery is draining out quicker than my 2 previous ones. If i leave the phone alone in idle it last forever but once the screen turns on now matter what im doing it drains. i could be stairing at the home screen and drain drain drain. Dont ask whats on because everything is OFF. no background apps either. I already emailed macy from nokia and Elop. it was a long and *****y email.
at what point in the day u need to recharge?
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

im on my 3rd 920 and this one was shipped to me straight from nokia. its brand new and was perfect until the updates last week. now my battery is draining out quicker than my 2 previous ones. If i leave the phone alone in idle it last forever but once the screen turns on now matter what im doing it drains. i could be stairing at the home screen and drain drain drain. Dont ask whats on because everything is OFF. no background apps either. I already emailed macy from nokia and Elop. it was a long and *****y email.

I am having the same issue. Ever since the update my phone's battery has been draining big time. I have barely used it today. I think I sent anywhere from 7-10 texts, and looked up soccer scores twice. That is it.

Battery info: 42%
Estimated time remaining: 7 hours
Time since last charge: 8 hours
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

at what point in the day u need to recharge?

depends on what i do with the phone. if i dont touch it at all i wont have to recharge for 2,3 days i guess. standby is awesome. but as soon as that screen goes on it drains. i played wheres my water for maybe 10 minutes and lost 12% battery. i sent about 8 texts on and off and streamed 4 songs over nokia music via wifi and like 16% i tookk maybe 6 pictures and looked at them for a few minutes and lost like 6 %. anytime the screen is on i loose lots of juice. this only started after the update. i dont want to reset the phone again . im tired of doing that. 3 phones in 6 weeks and like 9 resets. its annoying
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

If ur battery is not draining on standby u got a normal.battery. The drain as u use is normal from my experience on two phones.
This isn't normal because it wasn't like until I updated my phone. I shouldn't be bleeding battery life while streaming audio on WiFi at a pace like it does or losing 8% battery on a 10 m call
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I had pretty good battery life, lasting all day from 8 to well past midnight, pretty much always having decent charge still available most nights, unless I had very high usage. After the update, it seems it was not as good, so I tried the soft reset others had suggested, and it looks like I am back to normal decent battery life. I have had it on for over 11 hours and I still have 42% of the charge left. Before the reset, I was running out by the end of the day. I am also back to it staying at 100% charge for several hours after I take it off the charger in the morning. I always exit out of apps when I am done with them pressing the back arrow to get to the start screen so I do not leave unneeded apps running in the background, and I have a most of the background operations blocked in the settings for apps I really do not really use much. I am on wifi most of the time, though when I am off WiFi and on cellular data, it seems to still last as long, or maybe longer. If you have not tried a soft reset since the update (holding volume down and power pressed), it might be worth a try to see if it helps.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

well I'll officially say my battery troubles are a thing of the past. 1 day 8 hours was the longest I got out of a charge the other day. I'm at 50 % now and its been off the charger 9 hours. I didnt have to replace the phone or anything. Just stuck it out. seems to be paying off.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

My battery isn't good at all. It's a developer phone. According to the IMEI, it's still in warranty but it needs a proof of purchase. I am not sure how would you proof that you "bought" a developer build since it was free. And just as important, would they send one back that's unlocked and pentaband?
My battery isn't good at all. It's a developer phone. According to the IMEI, it's still in warranty but it needs a proof of purchase. I am not sure how would you proof that you "bought" a developer build since it was free. And just as important, would they send one back that's unlocked and pentaband?
doesn't the box have a pop label?
I'd it normal to lose like 4-6% on a reset (down and power)?

I emailed Stephen elop like I did with my second Lumia and was contacted by Nicki the head of customer relations in North America. She wants me to send back this phone (my 3rd) and is going to send me a 4th phone. Apparently Nokia is unaware of any battery issues with the Lumia 920 hmmm... I really like the phone even though I whine about it alot so I will try a fourth. I sent her a video of my screen flashing white after a low light picture and detailed the auto brightness issues
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I hate my battery life so much, but I don't want to try and exchange it for something worse. My tablet has better battery life then my phone.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Yesterday I lost battery like crazy, I was in an area with Spotty 3G/H+ coverage with LTE set as my maximum, phone kept going between EDGE, 3G and H+ depending on where in the building I was. So apparently making it constantly searching for LTE kills the battery quickly. Also installed WhatsApp when I got home to my good LTE coverage and that made my phone moderately hot and used quite a bit of power, seems like a poorly coded App. I think most of the battery drains are due to poorly written Apps or being in low signal areas. I think Microsoft needs to test the apps published more since apparently people are too stupid to realise it's the crappy apps they install thats causing their problems.
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I tried uninstalling every app I installed since the update and here's what I found. nothing. But I can tell you this. I went to bed at 3am at 97% fresh off a wireless charge. Its 830 am EST I'm at 9%. No background apps, everything off phone is not hot wtf????
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I tried uninstalling every app I installed since the update and here's what I found. nothing. But I can tell you this. I went to bed at 3am at 97% fresh off a wireless charge. Its 830 am EST I'm at 9%. No background apps, everything off phone is not hot wtf????

Factory reset phone (should still keep your Portico update far as I know) and I bet you wont get that problem in idle.
Anyone with a battery issue please tell me if your phone creaks now or if you can flex the top of your phone by the ffc?
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Factory reset phone (should still keep your Portico update far as I know) and I bet you wont get that problem in idle.

Im just going to throw it into the garbage where it belongs. i emailed Stephen Elop when my 2nd phone had issues and was sent a new phone now this phone is having issues (3rd) and I emailed Stephan Elop again who sent my email to Nicki and this is the email i received

Your email was forwarded to me and I am so sorry to hear of the problems you’ve experienced with your Lumia 920. I manage the customer care team here in North America and I was wondering if you would be willing to accept a new Lumia 920 from us in exchange for the one you describe below. It’s an unusual symptom that we haven’t seen. Given that we’ve just launched PR 1.1, we would like to analyze your device for potential root cause and to ensure other phones don’t encounter the same issue.

Please let me know.
Nicki "

I replied with my exact battery issues ,when they started, the auto brightness issues myself and other on here have stated and my white camera flash issue. I also told her to read these forums and they could get a better understanding of all the issues affect the phone. I then told her that i would except a 4th phone but last night at a family xmas party i was surrounded by 9 iphones,4 gs3's, 1 lg optimus (cool phone), a galaxy express, a few cheap metro pcs phones and 1 other lumia 920 in white. The only people that had anything negative to say about their phones was me and my brother who have 920s and an aunt who first gs3 had a bad battery but was replaced and works fine now. My brothers screen is covered in scratches from 1 drop and his 2 yr old iphones screen is mint after falling countless times. so im going to email her back later and let her know thatI dont want another lumia 920 and I want her to see if she can convince AT&T get me a phone from another company. or ill just BS AT&T that Im gonna cancel my contract i signed in NOV because of all these phone issues. Im a Good BSer when it comes to these companies. Personally i feel i gave Nokia 3 tries and they failed and im the one who is paying for it.
Similar battery issues here. When people ask about my phone, I'd love to tell them good things. But the battery is terrible.

What email do I contact for good customer service?
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Today I noticed another battery drain when I took it off the charger. It dropped 10% in 40 min with no background apps and me not using it and it was warm. I turned off the data and noticed the drain stopped. I turned data back on after 30 min and everything seemed fine. It seems like it gets stuck trying to connect to LTE even though nothing is being used and everything should be going through wifi anyway.

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