Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Today I noticed another battery drain when I took it off the charger. It dropped 10% in 40 min with no background apps and me not using it and it was warm. I turned off the data and noticed the drain stopped. I turned data back on after 30 min and everything seemed fine. It seems like it gets stuck trying to connect to LTE even though nothing is being used and everything should be going through wifi anyway.

I think this is the trend so far when we talk about battery got more to do with the GSM radio (2G, 3G or even 4G) and apps that we installed rather than the battery itself...

I put the phone on airplane mode last night, ran a movie for about an hour or so and my battery level only dropped 5%....if you extrapolate the run time it'd be 20 hours of movie watching goodness on the Lumia 920.....

so definitely my battery is's the GSM radio that's chewing up the battery...Nokia/Microsoft needs to fix this ASAP...
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

battery was great 1day after portico...lasted 20 hrs with heavy use, I was super impressed, now it's down to 7-10 hrs if I'm lucky.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

GSM radio that's chewing up the battery...Nokia/Microsoft needs to fix this ASAP...
That is one of the most important areas in a mobile OS ... when it comes to power management. Nokia spent A LOT of R&D time on exactly that when they were developing EKA2... hopefully they can help Microsoft with it.. its not an easy task.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I think this is the trend so far when we talk about battery got more to do with the GSM radio (2G, 3G or even 4G) and apps that we installed rather than the battery itself...

I put the phone on airplane mode last night, ran a movie for about an hour or so and my battery level only dropped 5%....if you extrapolate the run time it'd be 20 hours of movie watching goodness on the Lumia 920.....

so definitely my battery is's the GSM radio that's chewing up the battery...Nokia/Microsoft needs to fix this ASAP...

Could also be an app using the radio in the background without being open I guess. In settings -> Applications -> Background tasks -> Advanced it does say that you might not be able to block all of them. I think MS is letting developers use background tasks too freely which is making poorly coded Apps gulp up the battery while not in use.

Since Sweden is cold this time of year I notice instantly when my phone gets just a little bit warmer. So far I've noticed this happens as soon as I use WhatsApp, Skype and Facebook. I tried reinstalling them and even factory resetting the device but they still get my phone warmer and thus my battery life is shorter. I do not get the same problem with streaming music through Wimp, Using my banks app (and many other apps) or using any of the built in apps/features. So my conclusion is that the 3 apps are somehow not working as good as they should and are using either the CPU or the antenna too much.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Could also be an app using the radio in the background without being open I guess. In settings -> Applications -> Background tasks -> Advanced it does say that you might not be able to block all of them. I think MS is letting developers use background tasks too freely which is making poorly coded Apps gulp up the battery while not in use.

Since Sweden is cold this time of year I notice instantly when my phone gets just a little bit warmer. So far I've noticed this happens as soon as I use WhatsApp, Skype and Facebook. I tried reinstalling them and even factory resetting the device but they still get my phone warmer and thus my battery life is shorter. I do not get the same problem with streaming music through Wimp, Using my banks app (and many other apps) or using any of the built in apps/features. So my conclusion is that the 3 apps are somehow not working as good as they should and are using either the CPU or the antenna too much.

yup, I believe that the app also play an important role in draining the battery...FB, Skype an Whatsapp are of course the main suspects here as we can't disable them in the background...

Nokia/Microsoft need to get on to this ASAP as people who don't really have time or patient enough to test their phone to find out what's causing the battery problem would straight away point the finger to having a bad battery while in reality the battery is perfectly fine...this would in turn have people return their Lumia 920 for a replacement (which of course Nokia would have to bear the cost of such return) or even drive people away from such an amazing phone completely...

it's such a pity that such an amazing phone is being hampered by such critical apps...
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

After portico update bricked my phone and I let the phone discharge completely and started using it after unbricking my battery life is AMAZING!

about 1 hour of Slacker streaming and I'm still at 100%

Only thing is ATT is already sending a replacement so hopefully the battery is just as good on that model.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Alot of people seem to be having problems with random battery drains. I think a few things are becoming clear. My phone has had this problem as well. I've used battery measure for wp8 and the graph function makes it really easy to tell when its happening. You'll see a long period of very slow battery drain followed by a very steep drop.

1. This does not appear to be a device issue. People are reporting great battery life one day and then very poor the next day on the same phone. Returning your phone for this reason and exchanging it may not help.

2. This is not a specific app issue. Lots of reports of people saying "X app is the problem, uninstalling it fixed it" followed by many others reporting having that app and having no problems.

3. I think this is an API issue. Once certain apps activate a specific and as yet unknown API, they will trigger rapid battery drain sometimes but not always associated with the phone becoming hot to the touch.

For me, when i noticed accelerated battery drain, a quick restart (note NOT reset but restart) of the phone is all that is needed to clear the drain.wp_ss_20121227_0001.png

That drop towards the right is while the phone is idling. I noticed the phone was warm, restarted it and went about my business. Battery back to usual awesome.

This does not excuse microsoft or nokia, this is clearly and issue that must be fixed. But endless cycles of returning your phone or uninstalling apps is probably not going to be your panacea.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I believe some this anger should be pointed to the apps dev. there are just some apps that get your phone hot and that's draining the battery. 10 min of browsing and my phone gets warm, if I use baconit flip view mode forget about it.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I have not read the entire thread, so this might have been discussed. When I first received my phone I had no battery issue. After the portico update my phone went over 24 hours with moderate usage, still no battery issues. It could have gone longer but I had a charger at that point. There was an issue that caused me to use a different charger, non Nokia. After that I started getting only 3 hours from my phone with no usage. After a few days I realized my phone was not connecting to my microcell. I forced my phone into 3G only, using ##3282 (I have AT&T and they disable this from the menu) and my phone connected to the microcell and my battery life was back to being great. I put it back on Automatic and in my house my phone connects to my microcell and outside it connects to LTE and I get between 26 and 36 mbs, and still have great battery life. I did read other people discussing reception issues causing battery issues. It may be worth a try to turn off LTE for a bit. If you are not in an LTE area keeping it off permanently wouldn't hurt. I kept LTE off for a couple hours. I do not know if this is what is causing other peoples issues, as I did not initially have battery issues.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Portico update seemed to help many of the battery issues, but now after about a week I don't seem to be getting as good of battery life despite much of the same usage. Really not sure what's going on there.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I've created a plot of a typical day of battery drain during the work week for me using the 'Battery Tile and Log' app. There seems to be an issue when I get home that drains the battery very quickly. If I turn Airplane mode on, the drain stops. There's obviously something going on with the radio or wifi. NFC is off. I usually get no LTE at work so maybe that has something to do with it. No background tasks besides Amazing Weather and the Battery app and I wasn't using the phone at all during the drain. I also notice my location symbol is on a lot. It was even on when in airplane mode. I'll try to further figure out what's going on this weekend by selectively turning off services during a drain.

View attachment 25361

I downloaded the app, but I am unable to create the graph chart. Did you use Excel or another app?
Been an hour and I'm already down to 85% :/ I guess this is one of the "bad days" you all keep talking about
This battery issue is so.weird. From 100% to 70% my battery drained fairly quickly from less than light use. Now it seems to be draining slower with moderate use. I hate this . Good thing Nokia is sending me lucky number 4 :) :(
I honestly have no idea what is going on. It usually goes 1% every hour with light texting and idling. This is reminding me of my old Droid incredible :/
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Mine is generally pretty good now. I reset it recently since I changed my Microsoft account from google to I'm at 45% after only having it off the charger about ten hours but that's very heavy use. Some browsing, music, music downloads, some video, at least 40 pics (including upload to Skydrive) and at least 90-100 text messages sent (and an equal amount recieved) and two short phone calls. Location on, wi-fi on. Bluetooth and NFC off.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Mine is generally pretty good now. I reset it recently since I changed my Microsoft account from google to
I intend to change as well, but am a little hesitant. Everything go OK? Do you have an XBox account?
Mine is generally pretty good now. I reset it recently since I changed my Microsoft account from google to I'm at 45% after only having it off the charger about ten hours but that's very heavy use. Some browsing, music, music downloads, some video, at least 40 pics (including upload to Skydrive) and at least 90-100 text messages sent (and an equal amount recieved) and two short phone calls. Location on, wi-fi on. Bluetooth and NFC off.

I wish I could get that kind of battery life
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

My battery issues started few days a go, before it my battery could go over 2 days with semi use. After the issue my phone went dark in 2-3h and didnt start after few hours. I made hard boot last night and used my back up from skydrive and now i have followed the battery level all the time. Last night it was 77% and after 14h its 74%, so far looking good. I have no idea what could have caused the battery issues, because i didnt download any new apps / updated any. My setting are Wlan off, bluetooth off, Nfc off, location on, 4G, 2 mail accounts updating every 1h, brightness automatic, and the touch is high.
im thinking this is some sort of software bug the battery is fine, but the phone cant read/took everything off it?

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