Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I had to run the battery flat and recharge a couple of times before I started getting a decent amount of run time.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I had to run the battery flat and recharge a couple of times before I started getting a decent amount of run time.
Should stabilised by now: 1Week usage with 2 recharges per day.
And this method can't fullfill wonders when HSDPA is on all the time. As I wrote before if you are not connected with the "highspeed" network, the battery life is comparable with other smartphones.

Email Nokia or Microsoft about this, it could be useful, its a good idea too, us at At&t can't even turn off our LTE, I wish I could use 3G while texting or whatnot.
I also posted it on the official Forum.
Discovered cause of Battery Drain lumia 920/820 - Nokia Support Discussions

Hope a NOKIA engineer replies.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I also experiencing it and i just ignore it batteries for cell phone are really not long lasting unlike other batteries which reminds me of Finland country where i seen the best quality of akku or battery but they are not for mobile phone but if they discover the content of it and fit to mobile for sure that problem will surely fix.
Fix for the lumia 920 battery problems !

Wen i got my lumia 920, i went along with the popular choice of letting it drain down before charging it through the night. I started installing my apps and setting up my mail accounts and other details while it died

during the first couple o weeks, i was dissapointed with not being able to get 12 hours from my fone, even after turning off the nfc , bluetooth, location, auto brightness adjust turned off and brightness at low, mail sync set to minimum, lock screen for 1 minute.( I do text a lot (whatsapp) and take the occasional pictures)

The situation persisted even after many charging cycles and a couple of soft resets. I even called nokia customer care with no use.

As my last attempt i un-installed all the applications , (including nokia apps ) and let the phone drain (idle) with brightness set to max and all other functionalities turned on. Following which i charged it overnight (10 hours).

and now i have the same apps installed and whatsapp the same amount of time , and the phone easily averages 16-18 hours a day with no problem!

so ppl stuck with a similar kind of situation should giv this a try !!
Re: Fix for the lumia 920 battery problems !

I heard if you wear different color socks, eat nothing but cabbage for a week and align your phone for exactly 4 hours and 20 minutes due South, it will improve battery life.

Listen, if you do a search, there are a MILLION and ONE suggestions on battery life.
Re: Fix for the lumia 920 battery problems !

It's a mind trick.

Wait for MS to release an official fix.
Well its been over a week since the portico update on my lumia and at first nothing happened with the battery life. However since it died completely i fully charged it overnight and its been really good. 100% to 15% last me 2 days and im currently on 89% since i charged it at 8am.
The battery percentage does go funny sometimes but i just switched the phone off and on again and within a few mins the percentage goes up.
Very happy now with the battery life.
Now this has been happening for the past 3 days, over night.

On the first morning I woke up with 83% battery, the second 26% and today 56%.
in all the cases, phone was stone cold when I touched it, no oberheati g from the possible battery drain.
During those three days I have installed only one thing before the battery started to dain, Blink Microsoft lens...
I have only three apps allowed to run in the background, and this has necer caused draining issue over night in the past.

this started happening all of a sudden during the last 3 days, the only out of norm event I can come up with is the fact, that I have been charging my phone with usb cable attached to router/pc, so I will attempt to completely discharge the phone and charge itwith my wall charger.

My othersuspect is network issues, maybe 3/5 signal is draining it, although this was never the case before... Will see that by going into flight mode and if it stll drains, I don't know, I will hard reset, maybe one of the updated apps in the recent days messes things up.

any other ideas?
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Re: Mysterious battery drain - need your opinions.

Have you tried the "battery pull" reset yet? Hold power and volume down for 12 seconds or until phone vibrates. You should try that first before hard resetting as it won't delete your data but the hard reset will.
Re: Mysterious battery drain - need your opinions.

I did that this morning, will see how the phone behaves over night, I will leave it in offline mode to see if that is network that is draining my battery.
I did that this morning, will see how the phone behaves over night, I will leave it in offline mode to see if that is network that is draining my battery.

Don't know what you mean "offline". Data/wifi?
Even if either one is what you are talking about, you will see an increase in battery life or decrease in drainage. What I'm saying is that won't be a viable test since it will increase battery life.

You should start with going through all of your settings and look through the ones that use GPS, or some type of upload "for Microsoft purposes". My 8x seems to have a drain but that is connected to my extensive use.

But do go through your background processes, and go into those apps that utilize background processes. Every app isn't coded correctly.
Re: Mysterious battery drain - need your opinions.

given the sudden onset of the problem, my guess would be that you have a network issue
Re: Mysterious battery drain - need your opinions.

Network issue is my guess as well, that is why I want to put it into flight mode which basically means, my network will be offline.

I don't have wifi/3g data on in the nights anyway, so the drain occurs with internet connection offline!
Re: Mysterious battery drain - need your opinions.

Hi all. Just wanted to say that I have been a very happy 920 owner for a month now. All of a sudden 3 days ago, mine started having issues out of the blue as well. I usually get through a whole day with about 30% left or so. the other day, I had to go buy a charger during lunch while at work. It was dying that quickly. The same day, it started lagging and the screen was unresponsive at times. The day after, it froze for the 1st time since I've had it. The only thing I changed was the night before this started, I downloaded the "Blink" and "ProShot" apps. I have not opened them yet. I also updated whatever apps the store told me there was an update for. Seems to be ok after freezing yesterday and having to soft reset it. My Gf's 920 froze completely today for the 1st time. Had to soft reset that as well. I do not think it is either of the apps I installed. Wondering if it might have something to do with the apps that were updated tho. I think Nokia Music was 1 of them. Atleast I know 1 of the nokia apps was updated. Not sure what other ones were updated. But I'm thinking (hoping) it just has to do with 1 of the updates. Seems odd that some people starting experiencing the same issues at roughly the same time. Thoughts?
Re: Mysterious battery drain - need your opinions.

For me were 4G and whatsapp !!
I am using 2g now and Stop my music app and everything is fine , not perfect but it is really okey .
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

From what I see there are different kinds of battery problems. Some are just caused by apps, but mine is different... My battery has no significant drain, but about 2-4% per hour on idle, this is kind of abnormal, it's like ~20% overnight. I noticed that the battery meter itself is not accurate, i.e. it shows different readings after restarts, so I tried calibrating it as well as resetting the phone, none seems to work so far. I don't know if this issue belongs to hardware or software. Because I checked many Lumia online communities and lots people have similar issue, so hopefully it is just an OS bug that will get fixed in the near future. (The bad news is that both Nokia and MS have said nothing about it...)
Re: Mysterious battery drain - need your opinions.

It seems to be problem with the network.In offline moze my battery did not drain At all, which is what I suspected.Thanks for,the brainstorm :)
Re: Mysterious battery drain - need your opinions.

Stupid question but are all tabs in internet explorer closed down and blank?
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I tried to contact dealer after I purchase this 920 for one week about this question. Because my average using time after full charging is only 7 hours. They suggest me to change another carrier because I am using a Telstra version 920, they also suggest me if this problem still exist after one week I can get repalcement. Hope that is true

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