Now this has been happening for the past 3 days, over night.
On the first morning I woke up with 83% battery, the second 26% and today 56%.
in all the cases, phone was stone cold when I touched it, no oberheati g from the possible battery drain.
During those three days I have installed only one thing before the battery started to dain, Blink Microsoft lens...
I have only three apps allowed to run in the background, and this has necer caused draining issue over night in the past.
this started happening all of a sudden during the last 3 days, the only out of norm event I can come up with is the fact, that I have been charging my phone with usb cable attached to router/pc, so I will attempt to completely discharge the phone and charge itwith my wall charger.
My othersuspect is network issues, maybe 3/5 signal is draining it, although this was never the case before... Will see that by going into flight mode and if it stll drains, I don't know, I will hard reset, maybe one of the updated apps in the recent days messes things up.
any other ideas?