Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

You can turn cellular data on or off. In areas with poor cell coverage, it's been suggested that turning cell data off with wifi turned on will improve battery life. You'll still receive calls/SMS over cell, but all data will be requested over wifi. Of course, this requires a wireless network to connect to.

To turn off data on AT&T 920:
  1. Go to settings
  2. Cellular
  3. Data connection: choose either on or off

Or you can dial ##3282, go to three dots in lower right corner and just chose it from the menu.
Re: Erratic battery life

My battery life is still all over the place, I've had two 920's and both act the same. Today I had a 40% power drop in about two hours.:amaze:
Re: Erratic battery life

Your phone is faulty, return it and get it fixed. It's not that hard.
Re: Erratic battery life

That sucks. Mine was doing the same thing and the hard reset cleaned it up. Well thats all I got, sorry buddy. Take it back and get an iphone:excited:. Jokes, just jokes.
Re: Top 10 method to increase Battery Life for Lumia 920

After i dial ##3282 and choose it manually when i reboot to save the changes the Phone never save the changes, it comes back to LTE

That's what happens with mine. I'm with AT&T myself! Just doesn't matter any more. My battery in the 920 has become stable. I love my 920, but it's a whacked phone for sure. I love craziness!
Basically turn everything off and make it a dumb phone. That will get you thru the day. I can't have Gmail, can't have Xbox game connect, I think they fixed Skype but I'm not trying just yet, stay away from Drive, turn all background tasks off, turn off LTE, you won't need it anyway since its now a dumb phone, don't play any games unless you want to fry an egg, poached please. What else, uninstall all your apps too. Some randomly hang up and by the time you feel the warmth on your leg, its too late.

Since the list is so long I'm sure I've missed a few. 😒
Re: Top 10 method to increase Battery Life for Lumia 920

Not long. Once I updated the phone. Uninstalled the battery level app. And quit worrying about it. Less than 2 weeks. Got the phone Saturday before Christmas.
Re: Top 10 method to increase Battery Life for Lumia 920

People who post screen shots with 3days battery life etc remaining give false impressions to other users. These people do not use their phone that much! If I leave my phone next to me for a few hours and don't touch it, the remaining battery life starts to increase.. 1 day.. 2 days. 3 days.. etc...
Best Battery life I've gotten so far.....

After checking out posts on this forum and a helpful how-to video, I'm getting great battery life on my 920. Sorry about the pic quality, taken with my old phone .... and this was before I found out about the screen shot feature :\

Re: Best Battery life I've gotten so far.....

...soooo care the share the deets on how you managed to improve your battery life so that others can benefit?
Lumia 920 random battery drain

Got the 920 in December, so it's 3 months old. I have implemented every recommended protocol for conserving battery life (NFC off, lock-screen at 5 min, background app updates blocked, etc.). I am also a VERY light user (a couple of calls or texts per day, some light web searching, a couple of times 10-15 min), so I should get excellent battery life.

Some days the battery life is excellent. Starting at 100% in the morning, and after a full working day by 9 pm I am still at 90% charge. Then sometimes, in the middle of the day, the battery starts to drain at 15%/hour ON STANDBY. The phone gets quite warm suddenly when this happens as well. So far, these incidents are completely random, but they happen almost every second charge. This happens without my changing any setting on the phone at all. Also, it happens at the same location, while connected to Wi-Fi at work. Furthermore, if I turn the phone off and then turn it on again 10 minutes later, standby battery drain appears to return to a reasonable level (back to maybe 1%/hour, if that). These random, but nevertheless frequent, incidents do not seem to be improving.

Do I need to return my phone?
Re: Lumia 920 random battery drain

Why can lock-screen at 5 min help save your battery life??
i thought the shorter the better
Re: Best Battery life I've gotten so far.....

That Coolknight thread should be stickied in each forum. I got over 2 days with my 920 over this weekend. I think people need to understand to not having everything always turned "on" for these phones.
Re: Lumia 920 random battery drain

I see the same thing. Very random.
I've gotten to where I can almost live with this. I'm afraid if I send my 920 in I'll get a refurb back that has other issues.
Not sure what to do. Keep hoping Nokia announces its a problem, they know what it is, and a fix is coming soon.
Dreaming I know....
Re: Erratic battery life

Your phone is faulty, return it and get it fixed. It's not that hard.

If it's faulty, why it is not consistently faulty? This is solid state electronics.

Mine has had days of running with 80% charge left and the end of the day, but many more days with 10% charge left. And it's not because of use.

Why would one night it loose 5% an hour and other nights 0% an hour? Same place, location etc.

There are 2 potential reasons:

- Software bug where background processes are left running
- Hardware issue where a PCB shorts out something periodically

Nokia have had enough reports of this by now to identify the cause. They need to come clean and either do a recall exchange if it's hardware, or push an update out ASAP.

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