Here's my problem. I've had my L920 for 4 months now and haven't had any issues except for random lock-ups when charging where I need to soft reset the phone. About a week ago my phone has been getting very warm around the top half, and my battery has been draining rapidly. I don't use it much during the day, just check email a couple times. After I turned it off when it was at 7%, I plugged it in and let it charge to 100%, it worked fine up until yesterday when the phone warmed up again and drained my battery. However, yesterday it cooled down in the afternoon at around 30% and seemed to work fine for the rest of the day. For most of today my phone was fine until late afternoon, early evening, it started to warm up. Currently the phone is mildly warm at the top. I have all my background apps blocked, Bluetooth off, tap+send off, and always close fully out of an app after using it. Also recently (about 2 weeks) I've noticed that I'm always on LTE. What could be causing this issue? Please help.