Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

Phone had 20% last night. Put it in airplane mode to see what it would do. It was dead at 5:00am. Went to bed at midnight. God this phone's battery sucks.
Aside from my replacement phone having a loose battery and weird vibration rattle, the battery is a significant improvement. It's been 20 hours, had a few minutes of internet use, email set to 30 minutes, weather live tile, and battery is at 89%. Curiously enough, the battery was at 96% when I went to bed, and after 8 hours of sleep, it went to 89%.

I haven't sent my old phone back to Asurion yet, and that has been sitting here all day without a sim. 77% after a full 24 hours.
Phone had 20% last night. Put it in airplane mode to see what it would do. It was dead at 5:00am. Went to bed at midnight. God this phone's battery sucks.

Your phone is busted, i can go overnight without a percentage drain at all, yes not even 1% off charger. you need to do a warranty exchange.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

So, I've never really had any issues with battery life until the last three days. Yesterday and today it has only lasted 3-4 hours on a full charge. No games were involved just light usage. Maybe watched 1 video on YouTube. Used a little navigation, but I always power down after I use nav because it has drained the bettery on my before. Any suggestions?

Hi maceball,

Do you let your battery fully die, and fully charge?

I do, and my phones battery lasts a lot longer than 4 hours -- done this with every phone I've ever owned.
Im only on my 3rd full day of having the L920 and so far its a hit and miss. The only notifications i have running are battery and weather, all mail syncing is set to manual...yesterday it was better than my previous GS3, today its worse. Im still under the hope that there are additional settings ive missed to help sustain a longer battery life.
Woke up yesterday at 10:30 with 89% after taking it off the charger the day before, early afternoon. My day consisted of...

-15 text messages
-12 app updates. 1 app download.
-1 hour of music through Xbox Music.
-Display being on for about 20 minutes, while using Open Note to log gym activities.
-5 minutes of Alphajax
-Few minutes of googling

27 hours later, I have 56% left. Not bad at all. Total time off charger has now been 2 full days.
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My battery life seemed to improve dramatically with the 1308 firmware, but is now back to "normal", or worse, after the 1314 update.
Had a pretty good battery day today. Got some decent usage out of my phone too...played a few games, browsed the internet, used gps tracking, email etc. Didn't even charge it through the night although it was fully charged when I went to bed. Managed to get to 7pm with more than 40% remaining.

The recharge time has been very quick too.

Seems different than other days.
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I just recently got the Lumia 920 and had similar battery problems. Here is what resolved this for me. Turn OFF WIFI and Bluetooth when not being used. Make sure the background tasks are set up so you are not letting the phone drain power for multiple items if you don't regularly use them. If you are sitting near a computer keep the phone plugged in, the battery cannot overcharge. Also, make sure you are closing out of tasks when you are finished with them by using the 'back' arrow at the bottom of the screen, not the windows icon to go back to the home screen. When you think of this phone as a mini computer it makes sense. If you open up an app a task, a text, etc. you are opening that up on the computer. If you click on the windows icon you aren't shutting that down, you are merely opening another instance of something. I had over 40 tasks open at one point. This is an easy way to drain the battery. I found out the hard way and walked into an AT&T store for help and they straightened me out. This should be the #1 TIP that you get with a new phone but I could not find it easily accessible in any of my documentation. Hope this information helps someone else out!
Horrible batter life today. Took off the charger at 7:30 and my phone was down to 60% by 11:30 not using it. I then charged it back up to 100%. I set the phone down and decided to start documenting the battery drain. At 3:12 I had 88% battery. Didn't use the phone at all and 1.5 hours later I am at 62%. This has been happening to me all week. 5:44 49%, 6:10 42%, 7:02 30%, 7:47 19%, haven't used the phone at all

Another update: 8:32 6%, 8:40 dead
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I just recently got the Lumia 920 and had similar battery problems. Here is what resolved this for me. Turn OFF WIFI and Bluetooth when not being used. Make sure the background tasks are set up so you are not letting the phone drain power for multiple items if you don't regularly use them. If you are sitting near a computer keep the phone plugged in, the battery cannot overcharge. Also, make sure you are closing out of tasks when you are finished with them by using the 'back' arrow at the bottom of the screen, not the windows icon to go back to the home screen. When you think of this phone as a mini computer it makes sense. If you open up an app a task, a text, etc. you are opening that up on the computer. If you click on the windows icon you aren't shutting that down, you are merely opening another instance of something. I had over 40 tasks open at one point. This is an easy way to drain the battery. I found out the hard way and walked into an AT&T store for help and they straightened me out. This should be the #1 TIP that you get with a new phone but I could not find it easily accessible in any of my documentation. Hope this information helps someone else out!

Not sure what to say about these tips. If you ahve to keep your phone plugged in while not in use, your phone is probably bad.

Not sure about that 40 tasks thing, you can only have 8 tasks max once you open them. If you are at 8 and open a new app, the 1st app in the 8 drops off. Hold the back button and sift through the cards, you will only count 8, again, the 40 is not accurate. I do agree you should close them, but i dont think they are actually running, they are just cached. I close them anyway.
My Lumia 920 loses 3% per hour with internet connection off (wifi+3g)I always use 2g. I go to university at 1PM with 100%, play 1 hour of music on bus, but on class my phone get standby, Sending 15~20 sms on break. When i see to go away to work is in 88% on 4PM, is normal ?

Thanks you
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My Lumia 920 loses 3% per hour with internet connection off (wifi+3g)I always use 2g. I go to university at 1PM with 100%, play 1 hour of music on bus, but on class my phone get standby, Sending 15~20 sms on break. When i see to go away to work is in 88% on 4PM, is normal ?

Thanks you

If you're losing 3% without doing anything, go get it replaced. Also, after playing one of music, while having my display on frequently, my battery went down about 7%.

Posted earlier I had 56% left. 10.5 hours later...

-75 text messages
-5 minutes of Alpha Jax

Down to 35%. Was also in a LTE medium to low signal area all day.

Conclusion: Based on the info I've posted, if you can't get two full days, then something is wrong with your battery. On idle, it should at most drain one percent if you have some background tasks running.
I've had bad battery life on my 920 before but i think it found the culprit. It wasn't apps, but i think it was the wireless charger. I typically use my wireless charger but noticed that the my phone couldnt really retain a charge. For instance, my phone at 9AM was 100% and at 12PM it was at 60%. What caught my eye was when i plugged it into the USB charger, it immediately dropped to 40%. Based off this i think the using the wireless charger is giving your phone wrong readings for the battery somehow. Around 4PM i fully charged my phone and i've used it for light browsing and streaming music and battery saver off and it dropped down to 92% around 10. Once i turned on battery saver though, it hasn't dropped down by 1% in 2 hours. So maybe you have to cycle with wireless charger and USB charger every now and then.
Instead of opening a new thread ill post my question here, its related to the battery.

So, i've had the L920 for almost a week now and Ibeen letting it fully charge than deplete (to at least 5% remaining) every day. I haven't plugged it in at work (I sit at a desk about 4-5 hours a day), used to plug in my S3 here and there. So my two questions are:

- Is it OK to use a blackberry USB cable to charge phone on my laptop? I've heard some people complain and third party power cable/supply issues.

- How long do i have to let the battery fully charge and deplete before allowing flexibility to charge 'whenever i want'?

I just updated to 1232.5957.1308.0000 about a week ago.
My battery was doing great beforehand since the previous update; doing light browsing, music, texting, and calling would get me ~1 1/2 days on a full charge, though I charge my phone every night regardless.
After the 1308 update, without actually doing anything, I'm losing about 25% of my battery after about 3 hours of idle time.
I haven't changed anything on my Start menu nor my wireless settings, so there shouldn't be any difference cause by additional running apps as far as I can tell.
Instead of opening a new thread ill post my question here, its related to the battery.

So, i've had the L920 for almost a week now and Ibeen letting it fully charge than deplete (to at least 5% remaining) every day. I haven't plugged it in at work (I sit at a desk about 4-5 hours a day), used to plug in my S3 here and there. So my two questions are:

- Is it OK to use a blackberry USB cable to charge phone on my laptop? I've heard some people complain and third party power cable/supply issues.

- How long do i have to let the battery fully charge and deplete before allowing flexibility to charge 'whenever i want'?


I use a blackberry charger at work and in my car, had no issues, but i dont use it as my primary charge only when needed. My primary charge at home when i go to bed is the nokia provided one. Not sure what the consequence is if you use a blackberry or a 3rd party micro usb charger, but my assumption is it doesn't matter, but thats me no knowing anything. A charge is charge to me.

In my collection of phones in the past (iphone 2g, 3gs, 4, lumia 900, focus s, sgs3, and now 920. I never purposely charged the batter all the way down, didn't matte to me, i charged it when i went to bed and never really noticed anything different.

While i am on my 4th 920 due to battery issues. Draining my battery on my previous 920s didnt help, the phone was bad. The last one i have now i only drained it until it shut off once and that happened last week by accident, i forgot to charge it. So my battery has remained consistent and good throughout having this phone for the last almost five months. I know people make a big deal about conditioning your battery, but in my experience with phones over the last 6 years. i dont see much of a difference or at all, i charge it normally.

With that said, my current 920 i did have battery issues when 1308 came out, my signal was pretty poor with signal issues and it drained my battery, 1314 fixed that.
I use a blackberry charger at work and in my car, had no issues, but i dont use it as my primary charge only when needed. My primary charge at home when i go to bed is the nokia provided one. Not sure what the consequence is if you use a blackberry or a 3rd party micro usb charger, but my assumption is it doesn't matter, but thats me no knowing anything. A charge is charge to me.

In my collection of phones in the past (iphone 2g, 3gs, 4, lumia 900, focus s, sgs3, and now 920. I never purposely charged the batter all the way down, didn't matte to me, i charged it when i went to bed and never really noticed anything different.

While i am on my 4th 920 due to battery issues. Draining my battery on my previous 920s didnt help, the phone was bad. The last one i have now i only drained it until it shut off once and that happened last week by accident, i forgot to charge it. So my battery has remained consistent and good throughout having this phone for the last almost five months. I know people make a big deal about conditioning your battery, but in my experience with phones over the last 6 years. i dont see much of a difference or at all, i charge it normally.

With that said, my current 920 i did have battery issues when 1308 came out, my signal was pretty poor with signal issues and it drained my battery, 1314 fixed that.

I really appreciate the feedback, thanks a lot! :)

Same as you, i would definitely always use the Nokia provided wall charger as my main source of charging the device. With my S3, my cat chewed my stock power supply months ago, so i was using the BB chargers i have laying around (at work they handed them out like candy) instead...and i never noticed any performance issues. I never really cared about conditioning the battery but after all the forums posts here i played more cautious.

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