Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

at 100% charge I have 18 hours' battery life left. This is shocking compared to what others seem to be getting.

Step 1. Ignore the "Estimated time remaining" reading
Step 2. Use your phone and see how long it actually lasts.

It's very inaccurate and i never look at it (however i do constantly look at the time since last charge :)
L920 battery problems

Since the last update (sunday my l920 updated) is my lumia acting very strange.
I first tought that my battery is one of the best battery out there, but no. The whole day with emailing, texting and using whatsapp the battery was 59%.
Then I played a game for like 10 minuts and suddenly, the battery van 9%. After that I brought my charger and plug it into my phone. Just in 5 second the phone showed that the battery is 50% again. Anyone else having this issue?

It isn't getting lower than 50%. It just jump to 9% and jump back to 50% when my phone is charging.

Kind regards,
Last night I put my 920 on the charger around 9 or 930pm. I went to bed around midnight, and it was charged ti 100% so I took it off the charger. When I woke up this morning, my battery was drained all the way down to 5%.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? This is the only time that has ever happened to me.
Wow. Talk about shocking battery drain. I just got my L920 last night and this is my first full day of using it. I took it off the charger around 10 AM and around 6 PM I noticed the battery icon was almost empty. Looking in the settings I saw it was at 21%, and that was on stand-by for the whole date. I think I only turned on the screen several times and maybe only one app. I have the most recent update and have read a lot on here to give it a few days to break in but, wow, that is terrible battery drain. I haven't read all the pages (that's a lot of pages) but I hope it gets better. Has anyone tried the 820? Any better? Any worse?
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Lol. Thanks. Feels like I'm part of a support group now.

Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk 2
I think the same.

And I would say something more, since I started to figure it, I keep wifi on all time, together with 3G , I have Wifi at home and office , were I spend most of the time, and In that way I have more battery live.

I have exceptional drain when I am on Mobile Network. When I am at home I am only connected to WiFi and it's enabled to run when the screen is off. I manually set Mobile Network to OFF. This way I get 2-2.5 days of battery, which is amazing and the phone doesn't overheat. When I am out and about and on 3G with WiFi OFF I don't even get a day and the phone overheats with a few minutes of usage. More drain on 3G than on WiFi is obvious but I think the 920 has excessive drain when using mobile network - maybe a bug. So it's not the apps or the background tasks, but something with the mobile network that's causing excessive drain.

View attachment 32586
This is usage on WiFi.
Phone completely discharged last night whilst playing a game. Plugged it in to charge, powered on and left it through the night. Phone was fully charged this morning but the estimated time remaining was down to 6 hours on a full charge. Never seen it that low before when at 100% but at least it may be a little more honest at last. Disabling Bluetooth, NFC, wifi, mobile network and changing screen brightness to low had no effect on the estimated time remaining amount.

I'll leave it unplugged and see if I'm lucky enough to get the 6 hours :)

my battery stats are pretty solid.
something I did that improved a lot my battery life is to set my email refresh to every hour instead of Push.
(I am receiving a lot of email and this was draining my batter a lot even in with my iphone )
I use whatapp, skype, nokia music, and do a few call every day on a 4G data band

I have also preloaded the maps with Nokia Maps

What drain my battery is gaming
Asphalt ( I could play around 3 hours )
GPS navigation is a real eater ( I can't drive more than 6 hours )
Phone completely discharged last night whilst playing a game. Plugged it in to charge, powered on and left it through the night. Phone was fully charged this morning but the estimated time remaining was down to 6 hours on a full charge. Never seen it that low before when at 100% but at least it may be a little more honest at last. Disabling Bluetooth, NFC, wifi, mobile network and changing screen brightness to low had no effect on the estimated time remaining amount.

I'll leave it unplugged and see if I'm lucky enough to get the 6 hours :)

I wouldn't take too much notice of the estimated time remaining. It's based on your recent usage so it assumes you will continue to use the phone in the same manner.
I wouldn't take too much notice of the estimated time remaining. It's based on your recent usage so it assumes you will continue to use the phone in the same manner.

I knew it wasn't a particularly accurate reflection on how much charge was left but I didn't know it was based on recent usage....I thought it was just a general estimate.

It has shot up to 1 day 4 hours now :)
I knew it wasn't a particularly accurate reflection on how much charge was left but I didn't know it was based on recent usage....I thought it was just a general estimate.

It has shot up to 1 day 4 hours now :)

I haven't had to worry about battery life on my 920 until recently but it seems to be draining faster than normal these days. I'll have to do a bit of digging to find the cause but I suspect there is an app I've recently installed that's causing it. It's not a major drain but definitely noticeably faster than what it used to be.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Update for me. My battery life was phenominal on day two. Took it ok the charger about 15 hours ago and I'm still at 80%. Not sure if that is due to the battery being worn in or uninstalling Facebook as some other people suggested on the Nokia site.

Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk 2
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

So, I've never really had any issues with battery life until the last three days. Yesterday and today it has only lasted 3-4 hours on a full charge. No games were involved just light usage. Maybe watched 1 video on YouTube. Used a little navigation, but I always power down after I use nav because it has drained the bettery on my before. Any suggestions?
i was so WORRIED about the battery life after i read all of the comments on this thread. Luckly for me my phone has been doing amazingly since i bought it like 2 weeks ago, let's see how it keeps performing.
Right now I'm more than pleased.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Update for me. My battery life was phenominal on day two. Took it ok the charger about 15 hours ago and I'm still at 80%. Not sure if that is due to the battery being worn in or uninstalling Facebook as some other people suggested on the Nokia site.

Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk 2

Facebook always seems to be the issue on other platforms, I wouldn't doubt it's just a big piece of crap on WP8 as well.
Im on my 4th phone, 2 out of the 4 i've had have had great battery life. My first one i bought and the third one had bad battery life.

Im going on 5 months in with this last one with no issues on battery except when the 1308 update happened which killed my battery due to the signal issues. once 1314 came, fixed it all up.

2 Push emails (one work email so a hundred or so emails a day), 1 every 30 minutes
BT on 2 hours of music through BT in my car
Surfing internet probably 2 -3 hours a day
about 50-100 text a day - normal text
not a lot of calls, maybe a couple minutes on average per day
have facebook app, skype, 3 live tiles
on medium brightness no adjustment
LTE zone
no games

Take off my phone off charger at 730am and typically has 10-30% by midnight depending if my GF uses my phone to snoop on my activity.

Very good batter life. If you are not getting good battery life, i'd suggest doing an exchange. If my phone is off the charger overnight while i sleep for 8 hours, the most it goes down is probably 2%, most of the time, the % i have when i go to bed is the % i see when i wake up.

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