Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

I once went three days...but that required me to do pretty much nothing with the phone lol.

Airplane mode overnight. Sleep 8 hours, drains about 5%.
I once went three days...but that required me to do pretty much nothing with the phone lol.

Haha, I'd agree. My longest is 1.5 days though. Whats the point in paying $2 a day for a phone to not use it???

Quick question for everyone here, how much does your battery drain on idle? I have one background task running (weather), wifi, xbox game notifications, and email pushed per hour. I get about 1-2% drain on idle. Gonna sleep here in a bit and put it on airplane mode just to see how much it drains overnight. Given 3G standby time is 460 hours, this should hardly dent my battery overnight.

Airplane mode overnight. Sleep 8 hours, drains about 5%..

I get the same 1-2% idle drain. Over night it is about 10%. If I could set up an NFC to throw it into and out of Airplane, that would be awesome. Save some wear on the battery.

Streaming Nokia music and playing some of the free Miniclip games last night, I was getting ~20% drain.
Yea... Right now my phone is idling with 1.3% battery usage per hour... But it's idling without SIM card (with WIFi enabled) - as soon as I insert one, the LTE starts to "jump" from "LTE" to "4G" and I start losing battery life very rapidly, even at idle, and since this is AT&T's phone - I cannot turn off LTE with latest firmware. Soo yea, let's see if the firmware fix will not be as buggy and will give me better battery life...
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

My phones battery has been **** lately and after DL'ing battery from the store it says after a full 5hr charge I'm gonna be dry in 5hrs, with a 19% p/h drain! That's fcukin crazy! I'm not sure what wrong with the battery or if its an app that's causing this! Only a handful of apps are allowed in background like email, wpc, and weave. Any help would be awesome!
My battery is a complete mystery to me. Bought the 920 one week ago and it feels like it's getting a little bit better with every charging cycle.
But yesterday I experienced some really strange behaviour. After work I played around with it a while, battery went down to 26%. Later in bed, I spent two minutes on
Youtube, watching videos, surfed the web and searched for apps, all in all for maybe 30-40 minutes. Battery still said 26%.
Conclusion: The phone get's easily through the day, no matter what the battery says. At least that seems to be the case for me.
Anyway, I think there is a serious problem with the way WP8/Nokia reads the battery level. Hope this will be fixed with GDR2.
Does anybody seriously have any clue why the battery life of Lumia 920 drains out so faster ? neither do I play games or use Skype but still it gets over in 5-6 hrs use..uufff..
I think anytime you use Internet Explorer on it mobile data or WiFi, a huge chunk of the battery is drained...So conclusion to that side of things would be probably anything thats data intensive. Apps such as Twitter/WhatsApp ain't like that I guess.
In my case though internet explorer is used rarely.Mostly I use Facebook and twitter.Even I have noticed without doing anything battery still drains out I thought it might be due to Skype or any news apps that constantly run in the background.But result is same even though I uninstalled it.
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Might be pure conjecture but my battery seems to have improved with the new updated firmware. Probably because its not struggling to get a signal. Have to give it a few more days test.
I totally agree with you.

I think anytime you use Internet Explorer on it mobile data or WiFi, a huge chunk of the battery is drained...So conclusion to that side of things would be probably anything thats data intensive. Apps such as Twitter/WhatsApp ain't like that I guess.
I think anytime you use Internet Explorer on it mobile data or WiFi, a huge chunk of the battery is drained...So conclusion to that side of things would be probably anything thats data intensive. Apps such as Twitter/WhatsApp ain't like that I guess.
Perhaps you're right... Perhaps with the latest firmware Nokia tried to decrease the built-in WiFi and cellular modem's power in order to "conserve" battery better, this is also perhaps the reason so many people had connectivity issues with LTE/WiFi with 1308 firmware... Too bad the Nokia is so secretive about the details of their firmware and system app updates - I believe being more "open" and including more detailed info with release notes would be beneficial for both the Nokia and its users.
Does anybody seriously have any clue why the battery life of Lumia 920 drains out so faster ? neither do I play games or use Skype but still it gets over in 5-6 hrs use..uufff..
Try resetting your phone by holding "volume down" and "power" keys - after that check the battery consumption... Some "invisible" process from some app or OS might still be running in background even after you close all "suspended" apps. Hopefully MS will be smart enough to implement a proper task manager with as much details about each background process/task as possible.
UC Browser was heating up my phone badly either if I'm using mobile data or wifi to browse the net. I removed UC browser and restart the phone.
Now, I am back to IE. The phone is warm but still acceptable.
If you aren't on a 4g provider, it's worth switching your highest connection speed from 4G to 3G under cellular or mobile settings.
Depends on what one is doing, heavy internet surf the battery sucks, gaming, Sam.. if one is using Nokia music continuously its not bad, phone use not bad. overall 7/10 with moderate use and all proper settings adjusted and background apps off, etc..with such quick cycles of phones and tech big companies don't bother with longevity.. Disposable disposable disposable.. **** if we could power our devices with natural light, all these companies would lose money and go out of biz.
Too bad the Nokia is so secretive about the details of their firmware and system app updates - I believe being more "open" and including more detailed info with release notes would be beneficial for both the Nokia and its users.

The flip side to that is a placebo effect. If you KNOW they changed around WiFi settings, everyone would be hounding all over it, and complaining when there really wasn't an issue because they just THINK there is an issue.

By not saying what they changed, they do remove a lot of unnecessary noise.
Anyone know if re-flashing the rom would fix battery? I've done 3 hard resets and the battery still drains about 2-3% on idle even when I don't have any background tasks going. Course, it restores itself when I reboot the phone.
Little disappointed with the 920 battery life so far. I may be imagining things but I think it has got noticeably worse since updating to 1308.
I feel the same.The battery is getting over faster and also taking more time to charge up as well.But will reach to a final conclusion only after i monitor for another couple of days with different usage scenarios.

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