Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

I am a "light user". I had to recharge my previous (6 years old) phone once a week (in average). Now I have to recharge my L920 EVERY day. You make the math ...

My great grandfather owned a bullock cart and I own a Ferrari. He used to go from home to work, never needed petrol. I do the same, I use ?60 a week on petrol. You do the math.
I am a "light user". I had to recharge my previous (6 years old) phone once a week (in average). Now I have to recharge my L920 EVERY day. You make the math ...
This is a bad example ;-) More proper would be this: my sister has iPhone 5, she uses it every day for chatting/texting (using WhatsApp), some browsing, some simple games, some useful apps like music streaming or online banking, some social net apps like FB/Twitter, etc. - she always gets at least a full day of battery life and she always charges it only before going to bed. With my Lumia with similar usage I sometimes get a full day and sometimes much less (must charge it at work or in car while going from work), and even when not using ANY apps during the day the battery life can vary dramatically (unless I manually reboot the phone, but that is annoying)... THAT is the real issue - "inconsistency", not just an "overall battery charge lifetime".
Personally I would say both are real issues

Well, yea, but one of these "issues" affects almost ALL smartphones and you can't really do anything about it except using battery with significantly higher capacities with same physical size as current ones (and such batteries aren't available yet), so it doesn't count ;-)
The other one can be fixed through firmware or OS updates, though both Nokia/MS seem to be very "slow" about it...
I am a "light user". I had to recharge my previous (6 years old) phone once a week (in average). Now I have to recharge my L920 EVERY day. You make the math ...

You're obviously new to smartphones.
Smartphone users typically recharge their phones every day overnight. It's not just Lumia 920s, it's every single smartphone. Big touchscreens, 4G, GPS all use a tonne of juice.
Very light users (ambiguous term btw) could probably stretch smartphones to 2 days JUST.

But still. Charging every night is normal for smartphones. Get used to it or go back to your 6 yr old phone.
I don't know what you guys do, but I get substantially better battery life on my Lumia 920 than I have on any smartphone I have previously owned.

Listening to Nokia Music for 4 hours, Watched one Film, My own local music for couple of hours, Bout 100 SMS, Bout an hours calling, Bluetooth for an hour, Twitter for a good couple of hours, Facebook for about 20 mins.

Could you explain how.
What's are your settings?


I don't know what you guys do, but I get substantially better battery life on my Lumia 920 than I have on any smartphone I have previously owned.

Listening to Nokia Music for 4 hours, Watched one Film, My own local music for couple of hours, Bout 100 SMS, Bout an hours calling, Bluetooth for an hour, Twitter for a good couple of hours, Facebook for about 20 mins.
Could you explain how.
What's are your settings?


I've had my phone since it got released out on EE (since been unlocked), and I drain it fully and recharge it and it just lasts. My Old Galaxy Nexus average life in a day was about 6-7 hours. I get easily 15 hours minimum and that's if I watch 2 HD films on it.


Primary Email - Push
Others To Check Every hour


WiFi always on and when in sleep continues to be on
Mobile Data Set to 3G (as I'm not on a 4G plan..Not that it makes any difference!)
Bluetooth only on when needed (ie driving)
Tap + Send: Off
Location: On

Auto Backup on bar photo's which is always off


Brightness: Low
Sunlight Readability On
Battery Saver Brightness On
Touch Sensitive High

Background tasks all set to block unless I run that specific app

That enough detail for you?
I don't know what you guys do, but I get substantially better battery life on my Lumia 920 than I have on any smartphone I have previously owned.

Listening to Nokia Music for 4 hours, Watched one Film, My own local music for couple of hours, Bout 100 SMS, Bout an hours calling, Bluetooth for an hour, Twitter for a good couple of hours, Facebook for about 20 mins.
Yea, well, Lumia 920 is capable of great battery life, everyone knows this... Problem is, the battery life is pretty inconsistent from user to user, and even for same people on different days... What's even worse is on some markets the people cannot even do certain adjustments to save battery, like disabling LTE... Can you list all of the apps you have installed (also the "background tasks") and do you use LTE or 4G/3G?
Yea, well, Lumia 920 is capable of great battery life, everyone knows this... Problem is, the battery life is pretty inconsistent from user to user, and even for same people on different days... What's even worse is on some markets the people cannot even do certain adjustments to save battery, like disabling LTE... Can you list all of the apps you have installed (also the "background tasks") and do you use LTE or 4G/3G?

Whilst I agree Battery life will vary between user, I think some of the expectations of what people want out of their phone is unrealistic..In the modern day, especially android..If you get 9hrs usage, you've done especially well..I'd say the same with an iPhone.

Taking into consideration WP8 appears to be really well refined, I'd expect 12 hours from my phone which I usually get.

I'm on a 3G tariff. Refuse to pay EE's extra pricing when Virgin Mobile gives me DCHSPA anyway :P

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Interesting... I got a replacement phone from AT&T - unfortunately it already came with 1308 firmware. I restored all my apps, set it up as previous phone, did a full charge (using wired charger). Then I played with few apps (I don't have many - much less than you do) - checked Twitter/FB, played with WPCentral app (amazing app, b.t.w!), browsed a few sites/forums, adjusted some phone settings - my battery went from 100% to 87% in about 30 minutes! I didn't watch any videos or play any games... The only "background tasks" I had enabled were for "battery sense", "CNN" and "amazing weather"... The LTE is enabled for me and I cannot disable it with latest firmware. Now I have to guess if I got a defective replacement or if it is a fault of latest buggy firmware...

Edit: here's the screenshot... Pretty ridiculous for a smartphone (any smartphone) to have this drain with light usage:


  • lPqLe4ol.jpg
    31.5 KB · Views: 107
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Interesting... I got a replacement phone from AT&T - unfortunately it already came with 1308 firmware. I restored all my apps, set it up as previous phone, did a full charge (using wired charger). Then I played with few apps (I don't have many - much less than you do) - checked Twitter/FB, played with WPCentral app (amazing app, b.t.w!), browsed a few sites/forums, adjusted some phone settings - my battery went from 100% to 87% in about 30 minutes! I didn't watch any videos or play any games... The only "background tasks" I had enabled were for "battery sense", "CNN" and "amazing weather"... The LTE is enabled for me and I cannot disable it with latest firmware. Now I have to guess if I got a defective replacement or if it is a fault of latest buggy firmware...

Edit: here's the screenshot... Pretty ridiculous for a smartphone (any smartphone) to have this drain with light usage:

Or your replacement phone is starting the learn process on its battery. I mean it does say 1d10h left, report back in a few days. Remember the battery estimates are guesstimates based on your usage and battery draw at that time.

And those of you praising the iphone5, congratulations. It has a tiny screen and doesn't animate dozens of home screen tiles or function the same way at all. I once went an entire weekend on one charge of my 920 in battery saver mode so I guess I outlasted an iphone! Battery usage always depends. Right now the 920 or WP8 in general has a battery drain bug of some kind. It doesn't always hit. When it does it drains fast. When it doesn't, battery life is phenomenal. To me the phone is easily worth the minor inconvenience till it's fixed. Whether or not it is to you depends on you. Get what makes you happy.
Thanks Spencer.

It is interesting to know that you have Whatsapp and Skype installed, what I was considering to be big consumers of batery.

I have copy your configuration, but the WIFI, I need BT but not WIFI and I still keep uninstalled the Skype, although if I see I can have it I will.

And for the moment, location is off also.

Let see what happens for the following two days.


I've had my phone since it got released out on EE (since been unlocked), and I drain it fully and recharge it and it just lasts. My Old Galaxy Nexus average life in a day was about 6-7 hours. I get easily 15 hours minimum and that's if I watch 2 HD films on it.


Primary Email - Push
Others To Check Every hour


WiFi always on and when in sleep continues to be on
Mobile Data Set to 3G (as I'm not on a 4G plan..Not that it makes any difference!)
Bluetooth only on when needed (ie driving)
Tap + Send: Off
Location: On

Auto Backup on bar photo's which is always off


Brightness: Low
Sunlight Readability On
Battery Saver Brightness On
Touch Sensitive High

Background tasks all set to block unless I run that specific app

That enough detail for you?
I'm done...

I come home everyday with a dead phone. I've tried everything from restoring to disabling apps. just isn't working for me. And what's weird is when I visited Orlando the phones battery was amazing. There's something with the signal here in nova that's killing my battery and I'm tired of it. I'm not sure what I'm going to switch to but a phone that dies before 4pm is not the phone for me...
Re: I'm done...

You can try to disable LTE or downgrade it to anything but LTE. See if your battery is getting better. If it is, then must be something wrong with LTE signal from where you live.

I come home everyday with a dead phone. I've tried everything from restoring to disabling apps. just isn't working for me. And what's weird is when I visited Orlando the phones battery was amazing. There's something with the signal here in nova that's killing my battery and I'm tired of it. I'm not sure what I'm going to switch to but a phone that dies before 4pm is not the phone for me...

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