Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

Here's what worked for me - and now I get almost NO drain overnight (or any time the phone is in standby)

Set highest connection to 3G
screen set to low brightness (its enough for me, in fact the medium and high seem too bright and wash out the blacks a little)
ALWAYS have GPS enabled
Leave Bluetooth off unless you need it
only allow background tasks to run for applications you really need - of those that I can control I only have 3 enabled
screen timeout at 1 minute
tap and send turned off
location ALWAYS turned on
battery saver OFF
WIFI ON - but have set it to switch off when the screen times out (careful when listening to streamed music when screen off - it will eat your data plan)

In bold are the biggest differences I have found to battery life.

Location and GPS are the same thing aren't they?

Sent from my LG-E970 using Tapatalk 2
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Tried everything, stuck it into Flight mode last night and in 8h it dropped from 100 to 84 which is the exact same drain when airplane mode was off!

What do you think that suggests?
I'm thinking either faulty battery OR some app is doing this?
Location and GPS are the same thing aren't they?
Lol yes!
I would try and say that I just listed them out on the fly, but the fact I bolded them tells you my brain was in the wrong gear!
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

Tried everything, stuck it into Flight mode last night and in 8h it dropped from 100 to 84 which is the exact same drain when airplane mode was off!

What do you think that suggests?
I'm thinking either faulty battery OR some app is doing this?

I think it is more likely to be an app. What apps have you got installed?
Re: lumia 920 Battery Issues

I think it is more likely to be an app. What apps have you got installed?

Ok, wow.
So this morning i went on a frenzy uninstalling apps i wasn't really using that much as a last-ditch attempt before emailing Mr. Elop, which i was planning on doing tonight (its been about 6months with this poor battery and im sick of it).
Soooo, due to this use I left home at 9:30am with 80% instead of the usual 100% and I was worried that i wouldnt make it through the day.
About 8h later I was down to 50% (which was a bit better than usual but not great considering i hadnt used it at all). So I restarted the phone to hopefully get an extra percent or two which sometimes happens. NEKMINNIT, it was up to 72%!!!! WHAT THE ****.

So in 8h it drained 8%. I was going mental.

It's been pretty good ever since however it has only been 10 or so hours and i'm not getting ahead of myself here.

I'll make a list of all the apps i uninstalled (there were a lot).
I'm going to slowly start re-installing them to see if i can find the culprit.

AU Footy 2013
Beem Plus
Chronos Calender
Earth Time Free
Gold Weather
HERE City Lens
HERE Drive+ Beta (Backgrounding off)
imgur uploader
Incognito Browser
Lost on Campus
Metro Compass
Milkman (With doublewide live tile)
Newser (With standard size live tile)
Nokia Music
Speedo Plus
Stop the Music
Bing Translator
Yahoo! Cricket

The apps in Bold i've had since i got the phone (battery has always been poor) so it's more likely to be one (or more) of them.
I've done a complete flash (so, so many times) and once before i tried not installing any apps at all but the battery was still poor, so maybe its a combination of the 1308 update and the removal of a dodgy app?

But i've got to wait 24h to see if tomorrow is as good as today. PLEASE dont be a one-off thing nokia!!!! PLEASE!
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I normally charge via wireless pad, and take about a 2% drain per hour on idle. I only have three apps running background tasks and have location turned on. My battery has also had the issue, where I will reboot it randomly during the day, and the battery will shoot up about 15% more. Then proceeds to drain at the 2% clip as usual.

Today, I accidentally knocked my phone off the pad while sleeping. I woke up to found it at 50%. Obviously knowing that having it plugged in charges it faster. I proceeded to do that. I didn't really use my phone at all today, and I'm at 96% with 9 hours off the charge. Battery left is 5 days. Here is a link to a screen shot of my battery.

I'm going to see if charging overnight plugged in is the main difference. That's all I can think of that I've done different.
Thats what happened to me the last 3 days:

Saturday night:
Charged my Lumia to 100% and unplugged it at 0 o'clock. I stood up at 10 in the morning with 100% left. (no use in between).
Without using it too much the battery lasted 44 hours and 10 minutes.

I coudn't install the latest update since i'm living in Germany and even after looking manually for the update i don't get the "Update available" notification.

Tuesday night: charged my Lumia to 100% and unplugged it at 0 o'clock. I stood up at 11 in the "morning" with 73% left. (no use in between)
While i'm writing this i have 64% left and have done nothing too special in these 2 hours.

This damn Lumia is driving me crazy.

These are my settings (didn't chage them the last days):
- Power Saving: Off
- WiFi: on (stays connected while screen is off)
- Highest connection: 3g
- Email Update: manual
Standby battery good, but it drains like crazy when I use the phone

Anyone have a solution for this. When I lightly use my phone I get about 12 hours on a full charge. When I have a day where I can play a mobile game or two it is in battery saver mode by 2pm (about 4 hours after I wake up). Any way to increase battery when I'm actually using the phone?
Re: Standby battery good, but it drains like crazy when I use the phone

The more you use your phone, the faster the battery will drain. This is standard.
Just an update on my battery.


Battery has been great today!
Took it off the charger last night at 11pm
Woke up at 6:30am and it was at 90%, rebooted the phone and suddenly 100% (and i usually get a 15-20% drain, so 0% was mind blowing), browsed rss/reddit/news for 1h, then music for 1h.
Rest of the day some occasional reddit, 20 or so smss, 2 or 3 phonecalls.
With this kind of usage over the past 6 months the phone would EASILY be dead by 2 or 3pm.
HOWEVER, its currently 9pm (22h since unplugging) and i'm still at 21%!!

Best battery i've had in 6 months of owning this phone. I attribute it to the 1308 update + removing a dodgy app (one of the apps in the above list, still working out which one)
So very happy.

Should add that im on wifi for most of that time, 3G was about 1 or 2h all up.

Bit disappointed i had to give up Milkman and Newser as i used those apps everyday. But i'm going to start reinstalling apps in a week or so (I want to savour this extra battery for a little bit)
Re: Standby battery good, but it drains like crazy when I use the phone

I'm getting the same problem with my car, it uses petrol whenever I drive anywhere but it uses nothing when sat on my driveway. I think it may be faulty.
It should be noted that the Battery indicator can take some time to become correct.

However, my battery continues to impress and since the update GPS doesn't kill my battery. If you don't have that, turn location off. It will kill your battery quickly.
I set my phone down with 80% battery and didn't touch it for about 2 hours. All of a sudden I hear the low battery noise and I pick up my phone and It is really hot. This is the second time that this has happened and its really weird because I block everything from running the back round. Anyone know why my phone is doing this?
I wish this question wouldn't have been moved to a thread with 53 pages! I'm sure a lot has changed since this thread started.

I have the same problem and it's my only big complaint with my 920 and WP8. Many days I'll get 1-2 days on a charge. Then, like you, my battery will die in hrs. If I'm lucky, I'll feel it getting hot in my pocket and I'll do a re-boot. I close all my apps after I use them, and I allow very little to run in the background. This is a very frustrating problem and has me considering moving back to my iphone 5.
I wish this question wouldn't have been moved to a thread with 53 pages! I'm sure a lot has changed since this thread started.

I have the same problem and it's my only big complaint with my 920 and WP8. Many days I'll get 1-2 days on a charge. Then, like you, my battery will die in hrs. If I'm lucky, I'll feel it getting hot in my pocket and I'll do a re-boot. I close all my apps after I use them, and I allow very little to run in the background. This is a very frustrating problem and has me considering moving back to my iphone 5.

Yeah I love my Lumia 920 man but this is a very serious problem and they need to fix it ASAP!
Well **** im getting confused with this battery percentage.
Was enjoying a pretty good day for once with this phone (battery wise) and it got to 50%.
So i rebooted it just to see if i could get anything out of it. Went down to 38%. That was maddening. So i did it again, down to 33%. Infuriating.
Turned it off and let it sit for 3mins or so, then back on again and it was up to 41%.
I dont even know what will happen if i do it again. Odd.
I wish this question wouldn't have been moved to a thread with 53 pages! I'm sure a lot has changed since this thread started.

I have the same problem and it's my only big complaint with my 920 and WP8. Many days I'll get 1-2 days on a charge. Then, like you, my battery will die in hrs. If I'm lucky, I'll feel it getting hot in my pocket and I'll do a re-boot. I close all my apps after I use them, and I allow very little to run in the background. This is a very frustrating problem and has me considering moving back to my iphone 5.

Really? My iPhone 5 gets me a full day everytime with extra 30% when I get home. That's with a little browsing, facebook, flipboard, whatsapp, gaming and 5-7 hours of music playback + texting. Now I'm scared. I just want my phone to get me through the day. I hate charging phones since I get so tired after work and gym. With my iPhone I can charge it overnight.. Can I do that with my 920?

If ever I push through with my Lumia 920 (selling my 5), I wouldn't be using it for music since I will be using my iPod classic now. Yes, I have to bring two devices since Windows Phone doesn't do play counts yet.

If I stop listening to music to my 920 will I last a day with what I do with my iPhone? Probably just 2 hours of music for the gym. Thanks! If not then I think I need to stick with my iPhone 5 for now and just get the next Lumia upgrade.
Really? My iPhone 5 gets me a full day everytime with extra 30% when I get home. That's with a little browsing, facebook, flipboard, whatsapp, gaming and 5-7 hours of music playback + texting. Now I'm scared. I just want my phone to get me through the day. I hate charging phones since I get so tired after work and gym.

Similar usage with my 920 (only 1-2h of music though) and my day today was from about 6am to 7pm and i still had about 30% left.
This was however after 6 months of horrible battery..... But its getting much better now.
I'm finding that if i have my phone in my front pocket a lot it tends to drain the battery somewhat. Could be do to exterior heat effecting the interior or possibly it being in the sun as well. I had it out all day yesterday and i found that the battery lasted longer than if i was driving around town running errands. With it in my pocket, i usually unplug it at 7am and usually have to charge again around 2-4pm.. Yesterday i didn't have to charge it till 8pm or so at night from 7am that morning. I don't feel like walking around with my phone in my hand neither.

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