Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

The problem is software, not hardware.

After experiencing the problem many people described on here, I looked through the forum. I noticed right away that the behavior I was having (battery going down ~8% per hour in standby mode) seemed like it was probably software. Then I saw several people on here comment that the Nokia Drive+ Beta seemed to be causing the problem for them, and they could resolve by going to Settings ->Applications -> Background Tasks and blocking it from executing in the background. I tested turning off both that app and The Weather Channel, and it did not appear to be working at first. Then I did a reboot and the problem was immediately fixed.

I'll test unblocking the Weather Channel app from background execution tonight to verify it's not that.

I'm guessing it's the thing so many people are saying, the Nokia Drive+ Beta has some bug and is chewing up power in the background. I'll try to reproduce the issue tomorrow by unblocking and executing it assuming things work fine with the Weather Channel app unblocked tonight.
I like everyone was having major battery life issues (18-20% an hour in standby). I too had Nokia Drive disabled (had it active at first), however the battery life was still horrible. My phone would get so hot, hot enough where you could not touch it or it would burn (not physically, but close). It was warm when in standby and hot when anything else was in use. I finally reset the phone and have not have any of these battery issues (89% after reset, 89% still almost 2 hours after reset after just sitting in standby). The only other live tiles that I had on the phone was (still active after reset), Battery Meter, wpcentral, Package Tracker, and engadget. I have not yet reinstalled any of these so I will install each one individually to see if any of these is causing an issue as well. I also live in an LTE area and also I was connected to wi-fi (which I have not yet re-connected after reset), and set my gmail account to automatically download new messages every hour (which have not yet added this email account either). The only other thing I used that may be an issue is Xbox Music. After reset all default settings were left unchanged.
Ok so I just reconnected my phone to Facebook (through people) and in the last 15 minutes (while sitting in standby) has dropped 3% without being connected to wifi, and no other services running in the background, except Weather (didn't experience any drop with this running).
Ok so I just reconnected my phone to Facebook (through people) and in the last 15 minutes (while sitting in standby) has dropped 3% without being connected to wifi, and no other services running in the background, except Weather (didn't experience any drop with this running).

You just gave me a hilarious image in my head where the trend for all 920 users is to factory reset, have an entirely black empty home screen with just the phone tile and maybe 1 email and 1 messages and boast to all the android and ios users about their 1 week long battery life =)
I only read the first few pages, but someone posted to let the battery die and it might help. Well, I think that worked for me.. I got my phone Saturday morning, and was only lasting like 5 hours these past few days fully charged!! But it died completely yesterday (not intentional) I let it charge overnight, today I was able to go through the whole day of work(11hrs) and still have like around 40%. And yes all my live tiles are on, and I was surfing the web every once in a while and checking my email.
You just gave me a hilarious image in my head where the trend for all 920 users is to factory reset, have an entirely black empty home screen with just the phone tile and maybe 1 email and 1 messages and boast to all the android and ios users about their 1 week long battery life =)

:D Just trying to isolate possible battery drain :P
I've been having completely erratic battery life on my new Lumia 900 (yes, 900). On some days battery life is excellent while on standby, on others it completely sucks. The active radios are always the same (gps, bluetooth, wifi) and there are no apps running (at least visibly). Even if I don't use the phone, sometimes the battery only lasts for a few hours (and sometimes I get 5 days standby time).
To me this seems to be either a problem inherent to the Lumia phones or to Windows Phone (though they've switched the kernel, I'd guess some higher level services are the same).
Glad I stumbled across this... My battery life has been great since getting this phone, but today, I've done almost nothing on it since taking it off the charger this morning @ 7:30, and when I just picked it up, it's sitting @ 19% and the back is hot. I did use the wireless charger for the first time last night, but that's the only thing that changed. Will be watching this thread closely...
After I fully discharged my battery and then fully re-charged it I've had no problems with my 920's battery life.
Just curious, After seeing the poll on the main page of how long does your battery last, I have a question. What do you consider good or acceptible battery life?
36 hours?
24 hours?
18 hours?
12 hours?
I've the same battery issue as many described here. I pulled it off charger morning at 6am and battery was fully dead by 1.30pm with very low usage. No calls, no texts, 30 minutes of internet on LTE and 15 minutes of offline music in total. My Focus will stay at 95% with this usage even after 1.5 yrs. Either the device is faulty or a general issue with some common pattern.

Also, any one else has slow charging problem? I charged it from my desktop USB port for 3.5 hrs and it went up from 8% to 37%. WTF? My Focus and Blackberry Bold charges normally using the same USB port and cable and it takes less than 2hrs to go 100%. I really hate what is happening with the battery in my 920.
Today marks 2 weeks since I've had my dev edition 920. It's been MUCH BETTER the last few days than it was the first week. With moderate use all day it's usually at around 45% by 6pm.
Two possilbe ways to solve the overheat and battery problem

Firstly, I believe the overheat and battery problem is one problem but not two.

Secondly, I believe it's the software problem but not the hardware problem.

Two possible ways to solve this:

1. Each time when you feel your phone get warmer in your pocket (stand-by), the battery must drain quickly at this time. Just try to restart it, it will get cool again and battery will also be fine.
(There must be something running in the background we can not see.)

2. Set the Battery saver to "Always" till an update coming from Microsoft or Nokia. This is really helpful. (Remember to restart your phone after you change the setting)

3. Check your email account, especially the Yahoo one.
In my case, sometime the Yahoo account is showing sync all the time. After I delete the Yahoo mail and disable the Nokia drive, I can set the Battery saver back to off without any problem.

Originally Posted by elangovan_s
When your phone is getting heated check your mailboxes whether it is showing sync...
i feel that sometime sync is running for long...
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Just curious, After seeing the poll on the main page of how long does your battery last, I have a question. What do you consider good or acceptible battery life?
36 hours?
24 hours?
18 hours?
12 hours?

I want my battery to not noticeably drain if I don't use my phone.

It should last 24 hours with light/moderate usage.

It should last at least 12 hours with heavy usage.

Like I said, I literally charged my phone to 100%, unplugged it, and the battery meter is telling me that I only have 6 hours of life left.
I've the same battery issue as many described here. I pulled it off charger morning at 6am and battery was fully dead by 1.30pm with very low usage. No calls, no texts, 30 minutes of internet on LTE and 15 minutes of offline music in total. My Focus will stay at 95% with this usage even after 1.5 yrs. Either the device is faulty or a general issue with some common pattern.

Also, any one else has slow charging problem? I charged it from my desktop USB port for 3.5 hrs and it went up from 8% to 37%. WTF? My Focus and Blackberry Bold charges normally using the same USB port and cable and it takes less than 2hrs to go 100%. I really hate what is happening with the battery in my 920.

Mine lasts me the full day, and after 12 hours of use today I am at 30%, but I am coming off of a Focus S and that battery seemed to last a lot longer. So I am confused was I spoiled by windows phone 7 battery life and shouldn't expect that good of performance with windows phone 8 and the new kernal.
I fully discharged my battery last night till it said 'goodbye' and began charging till it was 100%, leaving it plugged in till I woke up this morning for work. Since then, I've been streaming Nokia music for the past 3 hours straight, sent a good amount of text messages back & forth and checked my email/instagram/fb/twitter. My battery level is currently at 78% per the Battery Level app. The only background tasks running are:

Battery Level
MSN Stocks
NextGen Reader

My battery life seemed to have improved drastically after the discharge and leaving it plugged in overnight. Hope this helps some of you.

End of the day update on percentage after a 9 hour day:

Since the post above, I continued to stream from Nokia music an additional hour, lots of texting, probably 30-45 minutes of angry birds star wars, streamed about 10 minutes of espn radio, checked emails & fb. I'm now at 32% & recharging a bit before the drive home.
No, all people need to do is turn on the battery saver and not have every app set to refresh it's tile every 30 seconds.

Turn everything down (battery saver on, no unnecessary live tile silliness and don't let apps run in the background that don't need to and you'll be positively amazed at your battery life. I play my 920 at work all day and I come home and I still have 40-45% battery left.

That entirely defeats the purpose of a Windows phone since the whole brand of it is about the live tiles. Nevermind the fact other devices can have background tasks and not tank in a few hours. I don't even think its a Windows Phone issue I think its a Nokia issue given this feels all very similar to the Lumia 900 threads. I just picked up a 920 haven't started using it yet still in its box I will run through its paces tomorrow. Hopefully it will at least last as long as my 900 (Which shouldn't be hard given then 2 hours of listening to local audio drains the battery tremendously)

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