Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

I'm also having this issue.
Checked facebook twice.
Emailed 3 clients.
Send/Reveived a total of 20 texts.

Had a 5% battery charge by then end of my work day. Seems REALLY low for all of the idle time it had. I've been letting my battery full charge and turn off from a full drain since I bought it on Friday. Should I bring it back to the AT&T Store?
I'm not sure if this helps, since I don't have a 920, but on the 900, there was a very similar issue I had. Heating and battery drain going hand in hand. I would take a look at diagnostics, and I would be draining like 400-600 mAH. I tried apps and everything, nada would fix it but a restart. Until I turned off the data. Once I would do this, drain would drop to 100s, it would cool down, and battery was good. I noticed it would do this in certain locations, particularly the areas where it was hard to maintain signal like tall, multi-story buildings like hospitals. After one of the 900 updates, I never had this problem again. So if you're having it now, try switching off your data (Settings>Cellular) and see if that works.
Ok so today, i came off the charger at 100% at 7 am, but 3 pm, my phone died so basically that is 8 hours of battery life which is not acceptable to me. This equate to 12.5 % battery drain per hour which is really bad imo since i really only whatsapp and use some apps like nextgen reader, people hub.

Ok so what i did after my phone died was charge it back as much as possible for i had to leave work. So i was able able to charge the phone to 60% by the end of work and then charged in my car to about 79% at around 6 pm before i went to the mall. So lets go with 80% at 6 pm. The one change i did since the charge was that i uninstalled the Battery Status app, the one where you can see the percentage on your home screen. I had a funny feeling this could be the battery drainer along with whatsapp.

So here is the update after 80% before going to the mall, i did do a small recharge to get some music on which increased by about 3 % so from 6pm to about 10pm now, my battery drained from 80% to now 50% in four hours of close to 1 hour of surfing and the rest using apps and playing music. So i dont know if removing the battery app or letting it die and recharge helped, but now the drain per hour decreased by 5%. I will do a more extensive trial tomorrow as i charge my phone back up to 100% tonight and see how it goes tomorrow.

Hopefuly i found somewhat of the solutoin which turns to be ironic in the whole situation, the app that show syour battery life may be the app that could be draining the battery.

Lets see what tomorrow brings.
Ok I had to join because I've been having the same problems as a lot of us ...

I really only use WhatsApp and text ... slight internet or facebook use but not much ... and haven't been able to get through the whole day for nothing...

So last night I drained it until it turned off and charged over night ... then this morning did a Hard Reset ...

after the Hard Reset with nothing really set up it said 1 day 15 hour estimated ... so I was happy thinking that fixed it...

So I start setting everything up again(nokia drive, battery status, Whatsapp, ESPN, Gmail, Ymail, weather) all email is either manual or 2 hrs download ... and it stayed the same, I was happy thinking it fixed ... so like 20 minute later (with no using the device) I check again just to make sure and it's already down like 7 % and says only 10 hours of estimated life left...

So it has to be between setting something up ... So I uninstalled Nokia Drive (forget the don't allow in background because that didn't work the first time) and the battery status ... I will update if that bumps up the estimated time like a hour from now or what
I've seen my battery getting better each day. Ended up doing an exchange BC of a bad sim card slot on the first one.
I generally get about 24 hours per charge with around 8-10 hours of somewhat moderate use, (Generally streaming music through Nokia music through a BT Headset, watching some videos, texting, and searching the windows store) and after that 24 hour period I still have 20% left It's been like this for the last 3 days at least, Since I've been charging my phone at the start of my shift at work and remove it onces its fully charged and dont charge it until the next day...
I had a thought. When I use certain apps, the drain on the battery is much greater. When I look at those apps, most of them haven't been updated for wp8 specifically (supertube in particular, but also other games and apps such as ESPN, Fail++, and FML). These must be running in an "emulation mode," as the native language is C++. With desktop x86 systems, emulation always drains the battery in a serious way. Could it be that emulating the wp7 environment could be killing battery life in the same way?
I had a thought. When I use certain apps, the drain on the battery is much greater. When I look at those apps, most of them haven't been updated for wp8 specifically (supertube in particular, but also other games and apps such as ESPN, Fail++, and FML). These must be running in an "emulation mode," as the native language is C++. With desktop x86 systems, emulation always drains the battery in a serious way.
So I had the same problems everyone else had. I turned off Drive and let it die and did a full recharge. I then used the phone for 6 hours with 20% drain (texting, email and some browsing) and it was very pleased. Then I left my phone on while i slept for 7 hours, woke up and it was at 8%.

Something was killing the battery while it should have been sleeping.
I'm curious... Are people having these battery issues setting up as a new phone or are you restoring from backups of a previous device? Or... Is it a mixed bag?

I ask because I know this is a pretty common issue when restoring from a backup of a previous device on IOS.
Sorry guys but I did not read through the whole thread so I don't know if this is covered...

My issues and this is a new phone with zero backup's as I'm coming from an iPhone 4s.

If I use ANY GPS app like Navigon or Inrix traffic or Nokia Drive Beta WHILE plugged in and charging.... The phone gets extremely hot and the battery drains as if it's not even charging.

The 920 says it's charging and I have Navigon running as I would with my iPhone. Within the first 20 min of my drive I lost 20% battery and the 920 was really hot..

I know the charger has enough power. I've tried a normal USB car charger, a dual port usb with a normal 1 amp and an iPad 2 amp charger and all don't charge the phone while navigation is running.

This is how I would normally use a Navigation system so I don't know what I'm doing wrong or why the phone wont charge while a GPS app is running.

If I turn off location services or I close the GPS via the back button the phone charges fine while plugged in via the car.

Anyone else?
Just brought mine back to my ATT rep, there exchanging it out no questions asked. Have to wait though because there sold out. I guess that's a good sign
End of the day update on percentage after a 9 hour day:

Since the post above, I continued to stream from Nokia music an additional hour, lots of texting, probably 30-45 minutes of angry birds star wars, streamed about 10 minutes of espn radio, checked emails & fb. I'm now at 32% & recharging a bit before the drive home.

Another update:

I started to notice my battery draining fast when I got home last night so I plugged it in. This morning, my battery dropped 5% in approximately 3 minutes and the phone felt pretty warm. Nothing was running in the background and I performed the same activities as yesterday (fb/twitter). I powered the phone off, left it off for 10 seconds and powered it back on. The battery meter rose from 54% to 61% haha.

I'm pretty confident (but not by any means certain) that it's a software issue and will hopefully be addressed with a future update. In the time being, perhaps some of you would like to try power cycling your phones as well (not reset) and see if this helps with the battery life.
8am - 4:30pm

I can hardly get one day out of my Lumia 920..

I have my device since Saturday. I have been charging my device 3 times so far.. 2 times over night and 1 time during the day... It is charging at the moment and I am not gonna unplug it until tomorrow morning...

So but... I unplugged it 8 am today in the morning, and it shut itself off around 4:30 pm today after normal usage.. (surfing the web, texting, and listening to music).

Hope it gets better, otherwise I would try to give it back... I don't want the battery to last 2 or three days...


What do you mean?
So I was having really bad battery issues for the first 2 days where the phone wouldnt last 6 hours. However, after a few full charges, now for some reason the battery lasts well around 24 hours of my standard phone use.
I guess just getting a few charging cycles in, along with the other posted tips, will get your phone on track.
My phone arrived yesterday.. here's an update
There are 5 email accts on my phone, syncing every 15 mins, CNN,weather,stocks,and Nokia drive are running in the back ground, I text the whole day, and 3 calls about 15 mins each...

My battery is at 78% no problems so far.
My battery has been atrocious today. Fully charged overnight. 6:30am Went for a walk and checked my email/Twitter w/ the screen on high sensitivity (it's cold out). (still at 100%) Turned high sensitivity off. Flipped through a few pictures, sent a text picture to family, replied to 2 or 3 texts from AT&T about how awful they've been, and installed the app. Now at 65% at 11:20am.
Ok so today, i came off the charger at 100% at 7 am, but 3 pm, my phone died so basically that is 8 hours of battery life which is not acceptable to me. This equate to 12.5 % battery drain per hour which is really bad imo since i really only whatsapp and use some apps like nextgen reader, people hub.

Ok so what i did after my phone died was charge it back as much as possible for i had to leave work. So i was able able to charge the phone to 60% by the end of work and then charged in my car to about 79% at around 6 pm before i went to the mall. So lets go with 80% at 6 pm. The one change i did since the charge was that i uninstalled the Battery Status app, the one where you can see the percentage on your home screen. I had a funny feeling this could be the battery drainer along with whatsapp.

So here is the update after 80% before going to the mall, i did do a small recharge to get some music on which increased by about 3 % so from 6pm to about 10pm now, my battery drained from 80% to now 50% in four hours of close to 1 hour of surfing and the rest using apps and playing music. So i dont know if removing the battery app or letting it die and recharge helped, but now the drain per hour decreased by 5%. I will do a more extensive trial tomorrow as i charge my phone back up to 100% tonight and see how it goes tomorrow.

Hopefuly i found somewhat of the solutoin which turns to be ironic in the whole situation, the app that show syour battery life may be the app that could be draining the battery.

Lets see what tomorrow brings.

Ok update on my situation. So I got off the charger at 7:30 for work. It is now 1045 here and my battery is at 90%, down 10% in 3 hours. By the same time yesterday, my battery had been 80% so there is an improvement from yesterday and today.

To follow up on my post i quoted, i let my battery die again for the 2nd time and did a recharge and also removed the battery status app that shows you the battery percentage, i believe that is causing the battery drain or at least played a role in it.

My batter was actually at 95% at around 10am until i started whatsapping so i think whatsapp is a battery hog too, but 90% after 3 hours off charge is something i am glad about as opposed to under 80% after 3 hours yesterday. I got the rest of the day to determine if my battery issues have been resolved. I might just get an exchange for fun.
I was getting sub optimal performance from my battery until I completely drained it mon night.

Tuesday was great! 10 hours after a full charge and moderate use it still had 63% remaining.

Today, it has sucked. About 1 hour after a full charge (I had been talking on it the entire time) it was at 69%. Now about 4 hours after a full charge I am down to 35%. Not looking good :(

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Can those of you that are running experiments please try uninstalling whatsapp? I think that might be a culprit for battery drain (i think it is bugged).

No 920 of my own anymore as I had to send it back for replacement.

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