Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

Mine freezes up some times too is this normal??

As far as battery goes ... Just uninstall Nokia Drive and Battery Level 8 or what ever it is called ... that did wonders for me ... I hope they fix the Nokia Drive thing cause that's the navigation , that's a big need for most PPL on a phone

I'm at 59% ... Slight/Moderate use
9 Hrs since last charge with estimated 10 Hrs left

Maybe I'll just take it back and try to get an exchange cause the Battery and Freezes

Not sure why you need to uninstall nokia drive. Turn the background off, go into settings download the map and turn off connection so that the drive actually is using the internal downloaded map instead of data. Since background is off, shouldnt matter anyway.
I have no battery problems. I would not uninstall Nokia Drive either. Just turn it off in the background tasks after using it and check the box to turn it back on next time you launch the app. Just having the app on there does not drain the battery.
Not sure why you need to uninstall nokia drive. Turn the background off, go into settings download the map and turn off connection so that the drive actually is using the internal downloaded map instead of data. Since background is off, shouldnt matter anyway.

Downloading the maps might help, but I think Nokia Drive drains the battery since it is pulling location via GPS the entire time. It leaves the GPS tracking on when you exit the app, which must be the issue, but like you said just turn it off in background tasks, check the box, and be on your way.
I did have it turned off but that didn't work for me ... So i Uninstalled it ... let me re install it and see if it was just the battery level app

I'll update later and see how it goes
Not sure why you need to uninstall nokia drive. Turn the background off, go into settings download the map and turn off connection so that the drive actually is using the internal downloaded map instead of data. Since background is off, shouldnt matter anyway.

I have no battery problems. I would not uninstall Nokia Drive either. Just turn it off in the background tasks after using it and check the box to turn it back on next time you launch the app. Just having the app on there does not drain the battery.

So i just re installed the Drive ... downloaded the voice then hit the back button to exit out ... went into the background apps ... blocked Drive ...then clicked the Check Mark to let it next time the app Opens ... and it just comes back on automatically... it doesn't stay blocked

Estimated battery life went from 10Hrs to 6hrs just from installing it...
As per the front page, have those that are having battery drain disabled nfc?
Battery life and Nokia Drive.

I don't know how good/bad an impact it has on battery life in the background, but I can confirm that it drains the battery pretty hard while in use.

I bought my phone last Friday and had to drive 4 hours the next day. I used drive as my navigator. With the phone plugged in to the car the battery was still draining slowly with drive on and music playing and one bluetooth device connected. I haven't had as long a drive since to verify, but I've yet to see any other combination of things cause battery drain while plugged in.

Regular battery usage has been mostly ok, but I tend to keep it plugged in when not in use... No overnight major drainage issues (I have it unplugged with alarm app on while sleeping).
Nokia drive is makes this phone unusable, I had to wait in my car to charge it up as it died while using navigation and plugged in.

Gonna try disabling NFC
And uninstalled battery app
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Downloading the maps might help, but I think Nokia Drive drains the battery since it is pulling location via GPS the entire time. It leaves the GPS tracking on when you exit the app, which must be the issue, but like you said just turn it off in background tasks, check the box, and be on your way.

I believe there is a setting within drive that you can use it completely off line. If you turn that off and right below it is the location setting, turn that off, you should be good to go. Then just switch it back on when you need it.
Nope, I've had that off and if doesn't help. Still have a **** battery.

This is true for me too, during my issues, nfc has been off the whole time. Nfc will probably drain your batter, but it is only one part of the issue.
For the first few days I was unsure if I was getting crazy battery drain because I was constantly using/configuring stuff. However now I'm convinced I have an issue and I have noticed every time my battery starts dropping fast the back does heat up. I sat down to lunch at 50% and was at 35% within an hour and the phone never left my pocket. However now a few hours later it's no longer warm and the battery is back to regular drain. All I've done is check e-mails, no navigation, etc. I'm going to try a hard reset and install no apps and see if I can pinpoint anything that causes this from stock.
I don't want to jinx myself

First few days were pretty fast battery drain. worse than my iphone 4s. but today I've been unplugged since 6:30am with a light-moderate usage day(a mix of phone calls, text, email, web, games, downloading in the app store) and I'm at 56% left at 4pm. I've never had any iphone last thing long so while it's not as long as some users were posting up, if I can get usage like this or better i'll be extremely happy!

I've had my phone 3 days and have had amazing battery life thus far. I came from a lumia 900 so i'm a bit familiar with maximizing battery life in the 920. Here are some tips for the newbies:

Download toggle from the app store and install Bluetooth, gps, and wifi tiles to your homescreen. Now you can activate and disable them vey quickly.

GPS is very draining on the battery and should be turned off when not in use. When using Nokia drive, take of the screen when your driving down a long stretch of road and turn screen back on when you need it.

Change email, facebook, and twitter syncing to every hour. unless you need push email, don't activate it. its a notorious battery drainer.

Use the back arrow to fully close out apps your no longer using. Windows 8 supports up to 8 active tasks, and if you don't fully close them by backing completely out of the app the app will remain open in the background draining your battery! Again, simply hitting the Windows button does not close the app. You must completely back out of the app using the back button to close it.

Also, take off Bluetooth when not in use. Its a minor drain on the battery, but a drain nonetheless.

Lastly, give your phone a rest on occasion! these phones are awesome and its easy to get carried away messing with them to the point where they get overwhelmed.
Unless something changed I'm still fairly certain open app cards do not drain your battery unless they are using background agents, which are separate things that you mess with under settings/applications.
Well my first day use with my phone: Battery drain appears fast but so far its clocking in at a 26 hour predicted battery usage time still haven't charged it yet today. Nothing special configured or done specifically to enhance battery life. However I did notice at least twice today the phone would heat up for no reason and I had to reboot it to prevent it from being too hot.
Do you have GMail account sync set at Email, Contacts and Calendar? There seems to be a serious problem atm with it syncing all the time. Severe Windows Phone 8 bug rears its head for Gmail users | Windows Phone Central

Besides the app crashing, constant failed-syncing of anything is never good and may be related to all of those battery-life complaints. To paraphrase the internet: 'This kills the phone'.

Now for even worse news: deleting the account on the phone will do nothing to fix this and in fact it requires you hard reset the device to stop the syncing...
GPS is draining on all phones.. if you are getting 3-4 hours of continuous GPS usage, that is pretty standard.

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