Lumia 920 battery - Your opinions

Can those of you that are running experiments please try uninstalling whatsapp? I think that might be a culprit for battery drain (i think it is bugged).

No 920 of my own anymore as I had to send it back for replacement.

Ill give a try, everytime use it for a few minutes my phone gets super warm, nothing else does that. Ill uninstall and see how it goes.
Nokia Drive+ Beta seems to have been my culprit.

I completely removed the app and have 85% battery 5.5 hours into my day with no charging.

Yesterday I made it about 4 hours (2 hours before I got the BATTERY IS LOW, SWITCHING TO BATTERY SAVER message).
Ill give a try, everytime use it for a few minutes my phone gets super warm, nothing else does that. Ill uninstall and see how it goes.

Thats exactly what I notice too, please update us on any noticeable differences with whatsapp out of the picture! Thanks.
Can those of you that are running experiments please try uninstalling whatsapp? I think that might be a culprit for battery drain (i think it is bugged).

No 920 of my own anymore as I had to send it back for replacement.

I've never had Whatsapp and still have battery problems.
In 5 hours I've sent/received around 10 text messages and have surfed the web for about 25 minutes. No background apps running. I'm at 64% battery.

I love the phone but I think I'm going to have to take it back.
In 5 hours I've sent/received around 10 text messages and have surfed the web for about 25 minutes. No background apps running. I'm at 64% battery.

I love the phone but I think I'm going to have to take it back.

please read the forums. You will get better. You have 14 days. Give it a week. And make sure Nokia drive is blocked for background apps
So as an update - at 2:10 I checked and my phone was at 100%. So it charged up in less than an hour. Obviously a major improvement.

Seems removing Nokia Drive+ Beta has resolved the issue. Time will tell, but I feel the issue is resolved.
So I was having really bad battery issues for the first 2 days where the phone wouldnt last 6 hours. However, after a few full charges, now for some reason the battery lasts well around 24 hours of my standard phone use.
I guess just getting a few charging cycles in, along with the other posted tips, will get your phone on track.

this is mu experience go a T. Kind of peculiar but I'm not complaining. The other day I forgot to leave a charger in the car. We did about two hours of navigation using drive on the phone and came home with about 9% battery left. Phones was off the charger from about 9am until about 10pm. While driving I also had Nokia music playing in the background. Couple dozen emails and texts along with a bit of web browsing checking out places to eat, coupons while shopping, etc. All in all, pretty solid results that day. Couldn't complain about the battery life if I wanted to.
I dont understand what people expect from this phone. It is widely known and understood that Android phones blast through battery life like nobodies business, but people here lose 35% over the course of 6 hours with moderate use and they're ready to jump off a building. We have tons of cool features, a really sharp and large screen, multitasking, and a very poweful all-around device. Of course this comes at a cost, but it still isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be.

edit: today is my first real day with the phone and after 6 hours off charge I'm down to 60% remaining. I've been downloading apps, surfing the web, playing with the phone, and listening to music on and off throughout the day... and this was all with Nokia Drive+ running in the background. I'm very impressed!
please read the forums. You will get better. You have 14 days. Give it a week. And make sure Nokia drive is blocked for background apps

I've done what others suggested. Nokia Drive isn't running in the background - nothing is. Its been through several charge cycles too. I'm going to wait until the last day I can return it. I just hope something changes by then.
I've done what others suggested. Nokia Drive isn't running in the background - nothing is. Its been through several charge cycles too. I'm going to wait until the last day I can return it. I just hope something changes by then.

same here :'( this is bad
I dont understand what people expect from this phone. It is widely known and understood that Android phones blast through battery life like nobodies business, but people here lose 35% over the course of 6 hours with moderate use and they're ready to jump off a building. We have tons of cool features, a really sharp and large screen, multitasking, and a very poweful all-around device. Of course this comes at a cost, but it still isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be.

Try much worse than that. My first phone I was losing 10% an hour doing NOTHING and with my exchanged phone I'm losing 6% an hour doing absolutely nothing. It's unacceptable and at this point I'm infuriated I left the land of Apple for **** like this. I've cycled the battery, I have background tasks off, I deleted Nokia drive, I've done everything.
Thats exactly what I notice too, please update us on any noticeable differences with whatsapp out of the picture! Thanks.

I am only a few hours in after uninstalling whatsapp, to be honest, i couldn't say i had any improvements since uninstalling. While whatsapp will drain battery naturally as it runs in the background and pushes messages, to me for now, doesn't seem it is enough to be the reason for the significant drain.

All i know right now is after letting my phone die yesterday and recharging in addition to removing the battery level app, seems to be much better and on par with performance on my 900. by the end of the day, my goal is to be at 20% left before bed at 11-130. The first few days, im not even close to getting 20% at 11:30, i'd be at 20% at 3pm.

So far, much better as of today.
I only have battery level tuning in the bg,2 email set got 1hr, battery saver on, everything is off except locations . I've only done 1 full charge . I only have until next Wednesday to to send my cyan back because no stores in nyc have them or I can go to a store for a replacement and if I do it will have to be for a black red or white phone. It stinks that the preorder was on a Wednesday and I didn't receive my phone u til last night at 7pm so I lost 7 days of due to shipping. I'm giving the phone until Friday to fix its battery issue or its gone
Try much worse than that. My first phone I was losing 10% an hour doing NOTHING and with my exchanged phone I'm losing 6% an hour doing absolutely nothing. It's unacceptable and at this point I'm infuriated I left the land of Apple for **** like this. I've cycled the battery, I have background tasks off, I deleted Nokia drive, I've done everything.

It's odd that people are having such wildly different experiences with the battery performance. It could be defective batteries I guess, but honestly I think you need more time with the phone to conclude that it's a real issue.

Apple will of course have better battery life than any phone with multitasking and a big screen, so I'm not too surprised about that. All of my friends who use droids either upgraded to bigger batteries or charge throughout the day because they'll last about 6 hours otherwise. There's no doubt that the 920 outperforms vastly compared to those.
my battery life was pretty bad for the first few days, but i can report that over the last couple of days my battery life has been amazing. been at work since 7am today, just got off and i'm sitting on 85% remaining, and this is with about 30 mins of calls, some texting and emailing, and a few quick games. only change i made was turning off NFC and removing nokia drive from background tasks. best battery i've ever had on a phone at this point. it still freezes up on occasion though...
Today I had the Data, Location and Wifi running, using maps, drive, internet explorer, emails and texting with medium use from 7am through to 7pm and my battery has gone from 100% down to 70%. That use would have easily flattened my old phone's battery. Astonished!
my battery life was pretty bad for the first few days, but i can report that over the last couple of days my battery life has been amazing. been at work since 7am today, just got off and i'm sitting on 85% remaining, and this is with about 30 mins of calls, some texting and emailing, and a few quick games. only change i made was turning off NFC and removing nokia drive from background tasks. best battery i've ever had on a phone at this point. it still freezes up on occasion though...

Mine freezes up some times too is this normal??

As far as battery goes ... Just uninstall Nokia Drive and Battery Level 8 or what ever it is called ... that did wonders for me ... I hope they fix the Nokia Drive thing cause that's the navigation , that's a big need for most PPL on a phone

I'm at 59% ... Slight/Moderate use
9 Hrs since last charge with estimated 10 Hrs left

Maybe I'll just take it back and try to get an exchange cause the Battery and Freezes
It's so weird how some of you all are getting such great battery life while others (like myself) have tried the same things to no avail.

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