Lumia 920 falling off table/moving ON ITS OWN!!!

Cheyenne Price

New member
Dec 8, 2012
I have a video of my phone moving across my desk on its own. Has this been happening to anyone else?!? I got mine about a month ago and a few times noticed that while I was in another room, I'd hear a crash to come in and find my phone on the floor....well, it happened again today and I knew it had to be vibrating on its own I guess very slightly. I'm worried that I'm going to end up with a cracked screen because of this!! I'm currently working on getting this on youtube as I just finished copying the vid to my PC. Any input would be great!
If you didn't have it on video I was going to say proof positive we need a notification center. Then you could know time and app that killed your phone...

I wonder if because of the Qi if it is more susceptible to interference that cause odd things to happen. Live near any military bases?
I don't see your video, but are you putting it face-down? the screen is very slippery as you have no doubt noticed, so if the table is even slightly off level the phone can slide off, especially if it vibrates from a notification.
It is the ghost of Steve Jobs, trying to force WP out of contention! I recommend surrounding yourself with Windows stickers and playing "Start Me Up" by the Rolling Stones in a loop to keep the mischievous specter at bay.
I don't see your video - because it's not on this site like I mentioned.
but are you putting it face-down? - either side
so if the table is even slightly off level the phone can slide off - this shouldn't happen and especially not if you sit it square in the middle of a KITCHEN COUNTER! c'mon man..
especially if it vibrates from a notification - I don't know if you're serious on this or not,, I don't have any notifications on. ever.
link to video on my FB profile ---> Dec 8, 2012 1:31pm | Facebook
I experienced this on my phone and was able to attribute it to being face down. Leaving it face up the experience has not been repeated.
No laughing, it happened to me yesterday evening (thought the dog pulled on the cable), and this morning (no cable attached so I left the dog alone). Was thinking of surrounding the phone with garlic and call a priest (lol). I don't have any casing installed so I guess it's some sort of vibrations that crept the phone off the bedside table. Screen is very slick and back is curved, so it would take very little vibes to move. Now, I lay the phone on a small piece of rubber sheet. Works well. Fortunately the screen was not damaged (3ft fall, found screen facing the floor - thanks Gorilla Glass!)
Haha, I can't believe someone made a post about this because this has happened to me several times! The first couple of times it happened, I quickly blamed whoever was last in the room. I had no proof, but I thought to myself, clearly the phone didn't move by itself!

When I finally saw the phone sliding off my desk, I conjectured it was a combination of the design and the material. The back isn't exactly flat. It's curved. It's also slippery. Despite all that, I love the design, and I wouldn't change a thing. I did, however, become more careful of where and how I would place the phone. I feel like even if the surface of a table is at a slight angle, the phone would slide down it.
Wow, that video is crazy. I had to make sure my 920 wasn't in the room while I watched that...don't want it getting any ideas!
This has happened to me as well. I can't remember if it was on its back or front... But it did happen. Luckily my bedroom is carpeted, so no glass breakage. But yea, I was definitely surprised as I thought it was on a perfectly flat surface with nobody but myself home.
I just placed mine down on its front on my laptop and watched it slide off. What a cool trick haha.
so if the table is even slightly off level the phone can slide off - this shouldn't happen and especially not if you sit it square in the middle of a KITCHEN COUNTER! c'mon man..
especially if it vibrates from a notification - I don't know if you're serious on this or not,, I don't have any notifications on. ever.
link to video on my FB profile ---> Dec 8, 2012 1:31pm | Facebook

Why the attitude? This is simple physics. In your video (thanks for posting the link btw) the phone is face down, on a laptop. The screen on the L900 is a low-friction surface, and the plastic on those dells is also a low-friction plastic. This means that absent some mechanical restraint, the phone will slide at fairly low angles. Between the foundation, table, and laptop there's enough tolerance stacking going on that the top of that Dell is likely to be significantly tilted. Have you put a level on it to verify that it's as flat as you think?

Here's another experiment for you: Put an ice cube on top of the Dell. See if it slides off on its own as it starts to melt. It's the same principle.
It happened to me too in a restaurant. I had it face down on the table, it slid off landing face down on the floor.
This means that absent some mechanical restraint, the phone will slide at fairly low angles.

I think what makes this so freaky is that it can give a very low static friction, and once it's off a very consistent dynamic friction coefficient: it can start sliding at almost zero tilt, and will keep sliding at nearly constant and very slow speed. That looks spooky. Usually the static friction is so high that you need to tilt quite a bit to get an object going, and once it goes it speeds up fast. I recall the glass on the back of the iPhone 4 did the same, causing the phone to slowly creep toward me on the couch.

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