I am not an owner of 920, I have HTC 8x/ and I went here to find out is 920 better than 8X and is it possible for me to switch.
At first let me say that I had two Lamia 800 and one HTC HD7. I switched back to iPhone after MS decided not to update old phones to WP8. And I told myself, forget about WP. Use what you used before. But because I do love Windows, I bought HTC 8x.
Why not 920? Primary because of very bad experience I had with Lumia 800 and secondary because 920 looks like mammoth. It is heavy and big. So I bought HTC 8X. Only after few months later I understood that it was my mistake. I don't like HTC, always saying this company released nothing than half-ready devices with too many strange and stupid decisions in design and support.
Last two weeks I was lost in thought. Should I sell 8X and buy 920? The main reason was - much, much better camera in 920. May be for some people camera on phone is not a key element, but for me, it is. I do have good Canon camera, but if phone can make good pictures (for personal collection), why should I take camera in every trip? The second reason - 32 GB of storage versus 16 GB in 8x. Yesterday I was able to play with 920 and compare it with 8X side by side. Here what I can say about best things in both phones compared to each other.
- Camera still images. 920 much better in auto mode, but has less options

8X can produce same quality only with good environment light.
- Camera video - 920 best! Don't even want to compare

- Sound (ringer) - Both loud and good.
- Vibration - 8X much better (for me as I like to hear and feel it). 920 has motor weaker than twice! You can barely hear it.

- Storage - 920
- Software - 920 (I mean exclusive apps from nokia for Lumia, like app to clear famous Other storage.
- Design - I like 8X over 920. But 920 looks good too. Draw.
- Screen - 8X has 4.3’’, Lumia 4.5 and having 4.3'' screen, 8X as tall as Lumia with 4.5!

So here 920 is better.
- Colors - 8X has warmer white color, 920 colder.
- Weight - Looks like I can live with "brickLumia" although I think with such weight they should put nuclear reactor inside it so we can use it whole live

- I cannot find flip-to-mute option in Lumia. If there are no such options, 8X won here. It has flip-to-mute, continues vibration and louder volume when in pocket. And quiet ring on pick up. From this list I need only continues vibration! This is one of the best features in 8X. Believe me I never missed the call even in a very loud environment.
- Stability. I don't know why there are so many posts about freezes and reboots of 920. May be because Nokia sold twice or even more 920 that HTC 8x? I didn't have any issues with 8X since I bought it.
- Strange heating issue with 920. I did nothing, just played with settings and found back side of phone was warm.
So for me, 920 has more to give me than 8X, but it miss some very important features. I really hope Nokia would include them in future release as I can see they only company who cares about WP.
This is about phones and now let me express some thought about Windows Phone.
At first I have to say that I has all kind of phones starting from my first
Nokia 3110. iPhones from 3G, Samsung SGS2 and so on. And because I also a software developer (currently primary focused on mobile development) and know what OSes have inside
I do like WP because it stable, fast and "butter" smooth. It brings fresh air into mobile phones. Something really different than iOS, not only in visual experience, but in software development side too. And I still believe that someday we will have WP as powerful as other OSes. This is list of what I really hate in WP. This is my IMHO, you should not agree with as it is not the truth is the last resort.
But! This is the phone first, next - minicomputer. Even iOS gives better experience as a phone. You can make calls faster, phone book better. And I am not talking about android where you can do everything. Who did "invent" phone caller and phone book in WP? The people hub idea is great, but give me some ability to reach phone number faster than 5 clicks

iOS has simple but very useful favorites. You add name and number there and call it by single tap! Where is smart dialer from WM? Does inventor of new dialer ever sow mobile phones!?
Hell is prepared to torture him! Will be forced to call random numbers from list of at least 1000 contacts for eternity! Just a joke of course.
List of applications. As I understand, developers just tired and just made simple list. When you have 10 apps, it’s okay. But when you have 100? You are doomed! You can ether put all of them on main screen (making it as a very long canvas) or you have to spend a lot of clicks\scrolls to reach it and even jump list doesn't help you as it required clicks. This must be improved somehow.
Windows ecosystem? Never heard of it

. I see no integration between phone and windows 8. Except may be Xbox stats
Restrictions, restrictions and restrictions.
This is clear that MS wants their system to be fast and responsive so people receive only good experience from it. I understand it, but why to cut every good idea?
MS added SD cards support, but it useless as storage. No apps can access it if it has not declared support for file types. For example you have an app with can handle .txt files. This app can create, open, read files from SD which is only have .txt extension. And you cannot register app to handle "*.*" all files.
Phone has excellent share function, but you cannot access it as a developer! Why Windows 8 (Metro style) apps have it, but not WP apps? I have Win8 tablet and can compare it.
Phone can receive and send any files using Bluetooth, NFC. But if no applications can handle file extension, it will be lost after receiving! Why did you open access to phone storage as removable device (when attached to PC), but could not store received files there!???
As for me it looks like WP team is very very "lazzy" to predict using of features and to implement them. Some restrictions cannot be justified. And please don't start to compare Wp with early versions of iOS and android! We are living now and in nowadays, if you enter some business, you should provide at least same functionality out from the box! Or when we will receive (for example) full file system with explorer, iOS or Android will have teleportation abilities.
I don't want to switch back to iPhone. It gives less than current WP. And I do not want to return to anarchic system of android.
But, never say never. Patience is not unlimited. And who knows what will be in future.
Sorry for such big post with a lot of letters and forgive my bad English. It is not my native language and I still learning it.