Lumia 920 Wi-Fi issue after Amber update

Daniel James 2

New member
Mar 9, 2013
I noticed this after having my phone flashed at Nokia Care Center. The phone used to be ok before the update, but post update the phone's Wi-Fi connection would go off when the phone is idle for some time. It would still show as connected, but nothing loads. And yes, I checked that the Wi-Fi is set to turn on when the screen time outs. Any ideas?
Does it happen all of the time or randomly? How long of a period does the phone need to be idle? Does it only happen at home or every WiFi you connect to?
Haven't tried. Although I just managed to find another post on this forum. It seems like all 920, 925, 928 and 1020 are affected. Those with GDR2+Amber, I mean.
Now it seems to be working. The only difference is that my phone is connected to a charger. Maybe that prevents the phone from going into deep sleep and dropping the Wi-Fi(with no way of recovering except to turn Wi-Fi off and back on), so to speak.
I have a 920 with GDR2 + Amber and the WiFi has been flawless. IMHO it is incorrect to say that all 920, 925, 928 and 1020 are affected. Glad yours is working though, enjoy.
Under WiFi settings, click advanced and check Keep Wifi On When Screen Times Out and that should solve the issue. The GDR2 update disables it by default so even though you might have enabled it before the update it resets back to disabled.
Ohh didn't see that post, my bad! So its the other issue that we 920 owners are facing post gdr2
I have double tap on and the phone has been off the charger for 5 hours with battery still showing 100%
I dont have any issues with Double Tap... the battery holds even more than before, maybe just placebo, but surfing sometimes in the train / bus, listen to music like around 2 hours, check whastapp / FB from time to time, and a couple of calls and it goes from 4:45 AM to the evening without problems. Maybe your battery is not ok?
I was experiencing the same issue on my Nokia Lumia 822(you didn't find my thread) except it just completely dropped WiFi until I started using it. I just got used to it I must have done something but it stopped disconnecting, try turning double tap to wake off after turning it on, but I do have a problem with using data it seems like exactly what you were describing I have 3 bars of 3g and pages won't load when I'm only on data,I checked to see if it was because I had not use cellular data enabled but all the proper settings were enabled
Me too. Double tap is THE main battery killer now!

I hope they fix this soon...

really? I mean enabling Glance on LCD is in itself affecting your battery and it is mentioned specifically in settings that glance will consume more power. How can you expect good battery life fix on this?

I think we should stop asking for silly fixes when it is known what you are in for.
really? I mean enabling Glance on LCD is in itself affecting your battery and it is mentioned specifically in settings that glance will consume more power. How can you expect good battery life fix on this?

I think we should stop asking for silly fixes when it is known what you are in for.

Actually, I'm not using glance. I'm using the peek option and if you choose this option, you'll see there is nothing mentioning that it uses more power. Only the "glance" and "tap-to-wake" options warn that they will use more power (Just go check in your setting).

Anyway, my problem is that if I enable glance it will use a little more power, nothing unusual. But if I enable "tap-to-wake", my phone gets really hot as soon as I use it. So much that I can barely hold it. And, the battery drains at a rate like 30% / hour!!!

So, that's why I want a fix !
you must not be using your phone much, then.

In that 5 hours I was sleeping. But I do use it to check email, surf the web and etc and I still have plenty of battery left. Apps such as yelp for some reason tend to drain the battery. It seems to have a runaway effect in the background. If you feel your phone getting hot even after exiting the app you should reboot or your battery will drain.
In that 5 hours I was sleeping. But I do use it to check email, surf the web and etc and I still have plenty of battery left. Apps such as yelp for some reason tend to drain the battery. It seems to have a runaway effect in the background. If you feel your phone getting hot even after exiting the app you should reboot or your battery will drain.
Try turning it off and see how great your battery is? Why would you have double tap to wake on if you were sleeping for 5hours. Double tap to wake is just useless to me, I am not at an age to drive yet(age 14), I obviously don't need to double tap if it is in my pocket if I can single tap the lock button. It might be useful to a cook and someone who drives but probably only if you have a dock. My battery has performed pretty well after update, I listen to music 2hours while riding bus to and from school, might play some games too, keep it in my pocket check it at my locker etc and when I get home it is usually still +90% depending if I played a lot of games.
My wi-fi option keep wi-fi on when screen times out doesn't work properly. When screen times out wi-fi always stay on, no matter if I checked or unchecked this option. Actually I want to wi-fi go off when screen times out automatically. Someone has same problem or have answer how to solve?

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