Lumia 920 Wi-Fi issue after Amber update

Same problem (GDR2, Amber, L920) - I want wi-fi to go off when screen times out automatically. I figured that is has to do something with "glance". Changed it from "always on" to "peek" ad hoped it would go off. Nope. Then from "peek" to "off". This did not help either. No idea...
Never had that problem but try these steps:

1. Check to make sure you aren't missing any phone or software updates.
2. Uncheck (disable) the option to keep wifi on.
3. Go to settings and turn wifi off entirely.
4. Turn off the phone and wait 15 seconds.
5. Turn on the phone and let it boot up.
6. Go to settings and turn wifi back on.
Try turning it off and see how great your battery is? Why would you have double tap to wake on if you were sleeping for 5hours. Double tap to wake is just useless to me, I am not at an age to drive yet(age 14), I obviously don't need to double tap if it is in my pocket if I can single tap the lock button. It might be useful to a cook and someone who drives but probably only if you have a dock. My battery has performed pretty well after update, I listen to music 2hours while riding bus to and from school, might play some games too, keep it in my pocket check it at my locker etc and when I get home it is usually still +90% depending if I played a lot of games.

My double-tap is left permanently on mostly because I'm too lazy and consider it too much of a pain to have to constantly (remember to) enable/disable the feature. Actually since this came out, instinctively I've been almost exclusively using double tap to "get into" my phone. Something about the way I pick up the phone and get ready to use it with my thumb hovering over the screen makes double tap an almost tailor made feature. The 920 does have a very conveniently located power/lock button, but the double tap is a lovely feature for me.

On a side note, my battery life is amazing but I'm also the first to admit that I'm not the most demanding of users. Anyway, I love this thing... every bit of it seems to have been thought and carved by a human being out of pure love for a fellow human being. Beautiful.
the problem with wi-fi not going off when screen times out automatically solved itself. Had as I far as I know nothing to do with "glance" or so. Yesterday evening the wi-fi went off, well could not connect anymore. Only thing which helped, was to restart the phone. And now mystically the wi-fi goes off when screen times out. Suites me, but still wondering...
with 'keep wifi on when screen times out' un-ticked, i notice that

- wifi will actually stay connected, if the phone is plugged in charging.
- wifi disconnects as expected when screen times out, if it is not charging,
I think i have solved mine. After locking, mine would just not transfer data immediately. Heres what i did
1. Turned off keep wifi on when in sleep
2. Locked it until wifi will turn off, in again and wait for wifi to go back.
3. Tried it. Definitely transfer should be working
4. Restarted with wifi on
5. Once rebooted, turn on keep wifi on during sleep. Now let it rest and try.

I think it worked for me. Still trying though.
any updates on this issue ?

Having the same problem on Lumia 920 with GDR3 & black update and it showed up after the amber update.

seems like mine is related to the WIFI router though.
I don't experience this issue at all when i am at work ( where the channels are a lot less crowded)
i have tried everything from hard reset and removing all apps. nothing works.

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