Lumia 930 availability

Ok just read something about August. Really hope it'll be delivered beginning of july .. Even though I am still hoping for tomorrow. Didn't get that email from sparhandy ..
Why can't WPCentral reach out to MS and find out what the delay is I mean surely they have contacts?!
Why can't WPCentral reach out to MS and find out what the delay is I mean surely they have contacts?!

or even better, why can't Microsoft reach out too it's customers (potential and existing) and give us a date or at least an excuse for the delay...

all i read on twitter from Nokia is that its coming soon and patience is a virtue.
Ok just read something about August. Really hope it'll be delivered beginning of july .. Even though I am still hoping for tomorrow. Didn't get that email from sparhandy ..

August? That would be pushing it a bit too much. I will wait until July 10. After that I'm cancelling my preorder and probably going to Android since I'm tired of iOS.
Just check the pre-order and saw that the price has dropped from 755 dollars to 662 dollars. Delivery date is still June 30.
Why can't WPCentral reach out to MS and find out what the delay is I mean surely they have contacts?!

The dudes at WPC probably know a lot more than we think (notice the relative silence) and I'm sure it's because they have signed a non-disclosure agreement which is pretty common for tech journalists.
So now we are talking end of July? Not sure I can keep buying Microsoft products if even they don't respect what they have created... let alone their customers!

I'm obviously ranting on twitter with Nokia and Microsoft. This has gone to far.
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We should all spam Nokia and Microsoft's twitter feed, demanding an announcement.

@nokia @nokia_uk @Microsoft @MicrosoftUK @windowsphone @WindowsPhoneUK we want info on why the #lumia930 is delayed! Give us a release date!

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