Lumia 930 faulty camera (low light)?

Your explanation is awesome and I understand it. but the problem with the flickering of the camera is worrying because when it appear the pictures taken are really bad, of course as you write we have manual control. But this problem isn't normal.


What flickering? In the live viewfinder?
Could be either light flare or a faulty sensor. If in doubt you could always send it off to Nokia Care

I had contacted with one person in Nokia Forums and he said that after of send his phone back to Nokia (and Nokia change his phone) the other phone had returned same problem in the camera. My first Lumia 930 had this problem among others, so I send the phone back (was really expensive) and now the second have the same problem in the camera. I can't sent the phone back (again) and I hope that some update fix it.
The 920 has an aperture of 2.0 which means it takes more light at the same amount of time a camera with an aperture of 2.4 takes
which is the aperture used for the icon,930,1520.
All 2.4 aperture phones suffer the purple noise because the ISO is set high to compensate the lack of light. Lumia 92X don't suffer the same issue because the ISO doesn't need to be cracked up that high.
Hi Folks

I got my 930 yesterday and have the same issue, however, its a software issue and a temporary fix is setting the White Balance "WB" to something other than "Auto".. its an issue similar to my HTC One M8.. known as exposure and focus "hunting". As a photoigrapher, I never use Auto mode on Cameras anyway for this very reason. Auto mode is for Bright daylight quick shots.. Manual controls are for serikous photography

By the same token though, it still shouldnt be "hunting" as much as it is, hence why Ive contacted Nokia on Twitter as well and see if they can update "Nokia Camera" or the Camera Firmware itself in update 1.

Let me know how you get on :)
but, Why not all Lumia 930 have this issue? if all the Lumia 930 have the same software...:straight:
The purple flickering that shown in the first page of this post and the purple tint. So my question is: Why not all Lumia 930 have this problems? if all the Lumia 930 have the same software.

Unless it is a widespread problem (doesn't seem to be given the photos and videos I've seen), call them manufacturing flaws. With the PS4 for example, at least 5% of PS4s manufactured WILL have a flaw in them, and that's something that cannot be controlled, regardless of what software or firmware they have. Similar case for phones.
Both the crappy low light images as well as that annoying purpleness and crappy ViewFinder are the same I have on my 930 and that is also present on the 7 930's I've tested in stores around town.

I've reached to Juha Alakarhu (Twitter ‏@jalakarhu) about the crappy algorithms that are producing that much noise and grain on the photos in low light.
And I've reached to Nokia Care (Twitter ‏@NokiaHelps) about the grainy image in low light on the ViewFinder. They've escalated the complaint to the imaging team.

I suggest you all do the same. The more people complain about the same things, the quicker they'll understand that it's a problem with the way the software is programmed and hopefully fix it.

i have the same issue on my lumia 720!! i think its a software thing since the black update
Unless it is a widespread problem (doesn't seem to be given the photos and videos I've seen), call them manufacturing flaws. With the PS4 for example, at least 5% of PS4s manufactured WILL have a flaw in them, and that's something that cannot be controlled, regardless of what software or firmware they have. Similar case for phones.

Yes, but, if the camera is defective why take very good pictures in day only in night appear this purple flickering (when I move the phone) and in video mode the purple flickering not appear but is darkest. and one person in Nokia forums says that he sent the phone back to Nokia and Nokia said that everything is OK (the phone had the purple flickering too) but, Nokia damaged his phone and returned other phone with the same flickering.

This is very confusing for me...
You're not the only one ! I've just started a new thread yesterday asking the same questions ! Look at my Potato 920 123.jpg
The new updates didn't change anything about low light, guess this camera made for a day light only :)
BTW - if everyone with this camera module (930/929/1520) move their device in very dark place (or outside at night) on camera app they'll see these purple flickering, its releted to every devices (as mention), maybe it would better on manual settings (lower ISO, changing white balance, ...)
This is how the camera performs in low light...taken with oneshot camera and Cyan
White Balance?
Any other settings? With automatic setting you'll never get this great results.
On low light you must use manual settings.

BTW - with one shot camera app if you move the device/camera pretty quick did you notice the purple shadow on the screen (Even though the shots took fine)? If you any see this on the original lumia camera?
(Only on full dark/very very low light - could do it under a blanket or something to get a full dark if its not dark enough outside)

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