Lumia 950 huge screen calibration problem. Please test and post results.

Did anyone had any success with jailbraking/interop unlock this phone? I'm interested in access to registry. There is a good chance that somewhere in the registry we can tweak gamma and contrast and fix this stupid problem.
Unfortunately I cannot jailbrake mine for the moment...
Did anyone had any success with jailbraking/interop unlock this phone? I'm interested in access to registry. There is a good chance that somewhere in the registry we can tweak gamma and contrast and fix this stupid problem.
Unfortunately I cannot jailbrake mine for the moment...

Me, for the Radio. But I don't know about other registry keys.
A small update regarding this problem...
Today a coworker bought a Lumia 950 dual-sim and had a chance to compare it regarding screens.
From the start it is visible that is a different calibration than mine: on the same color profile, mine is warmer, the other is a bit cooler.

Tested with videos, the ones mentioned in this thread and also with the test image. Although it is not too dark in the office, it was clear the difference. Mine has the horror calibration but the other doesn't. Videos look perfect, the test image seems good (for this one I still need to be a little darker).

Put side-by-side, mine is clearly bad... very bad, The other simply looks as it should.
So it seems that this is a problem of the screen after all, and early batches where bad. I'll make some time, along with my coworker to to go both at the service center and tell them the problem. Probably they will change the screen or the entire handest. We will see.

Later I'll try and make a test in a more darker environment and try to catch the difference.
Picked up a 950 2 days ago. So far I'm noticing the dark greys/lighter blacks have a brown tinge to them. It is especially noticeable on my keyboard and on the Windows Central app, for example.
I have a new 950 and the screen brightness is much higher on the left side than on the right. This effect was stronger when I first charged it and it got super hot. After cool down the effect weakened. I guess I should send it back and hope another one will be ok?! :D
Another quick update of the problem: returned from the service with the screen replaced.
The problem is still there.
Don't know why, but nothing is changed. Either the screen is old and from an early batch or the problem might be on GPU level...
Really do not know but it drives me crazy.

Back to service on monday. I'll request a full replacement (and tested) or money back and a repurchase from a different store (the one from where my coworker bought his 950 that works good). They also assembled the phone with their eyes closed, I have loose screws and wrong assembly in some areas under the back cover.
Sorry, slightly off topic :)

My screen is a bit yellow-ish, so the White is not as white as on my L830. Is that the normal "Amoled-white" ? Its not really annoying, i just see it when i compare it.

I will check the calibration later and let you know.
Lumia 950
Yeah, 0-2 are pure black, 3 is barely visible, and then it goes as it should, but this problem don't bother me absolutely. I just can't see problem. This is my opinion :)
Greetings ,
I got l950 dual sim and I can confirm that I have this issue . 0-2 are completely black and three is brown 4-10 have no visible difference and from 11 it is a gradual change . Unfortunately I don't have a phone or camera right now to post the results . I'll do it next week .

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