Lumia 950 huge screen calibration problem. Please test and post results.

I checked right now the trailer on both at 0:17, red tint on 950 and green tint on the XL, the scene on the XL is very smooth on near blacks as it should be, on the 950 I can clearly see the stains, there's a lot of difference between "grey 6-5-4-3-2-1" to "black 0" and those greys are like the same between them, making the stains. Also I can see more of the dark side on the 950 due to that equal greys, on the XL those zones are black like "greys 4-3-2-1" being "black 0" in comparison.

Edit 1: When the XL is about to lock due to screen time out (dimmed brightness) more grays are turned to deep black and more of the dark side of the scene disappears while in the same case that doesn't happen on the 950.

Edit 2: The display driver thing on the device portal it's exactly the same on both, same numbers, error 31...
Both are in the same firmware (the 2nd one not the 3rd yet) and on build .107.

What test image?

Test image being the one with the numebered boxes. But from your explanations I understand you took the image too.

The results are interesting.
Basically the XL is ok (except the tint - have you checked if both have the same color profiles?) but both have problems with the drivers...

I watched the latest Batman vs Superman trailer. Is UNWATCHABLE on the 950...
I can't see the attachment of the numbered boxes test image within the thread, can you repost it?
@Mindtaker - if does not jump between black to very light gray in one step then it is good.
This is actually the problem: jumping from one very dark shade to a totally bright grey... and on some levels of brightness we get a brown/red box between them. it is horror... :(
On Lumia 950 the box no 3 is brown/red and it is the most different. It has nothing to do with a grey gradient transition. Therefor I think it is the principal generator of the unpleasant effect in the dark scenes movies/frames.

My question now is if the error 31 regarding the display driver exists or not on other devices with wm 10?
Mmmm interesting, if I move the green/purple slider in color profile on the 950 all the way towards green or red, the color of the box n?4 f*cks up and gets weird but if you calibrate it gets perfectly grey.

The same thing does nothing on the XL, in fact I can't fix the green tint on greys...
Apparently the XL also has that error but the display works ok...

If it is also confirmed for other devices then the calibration problem it might drop at the firmware level for l950. I was hoping that redstone might include a fix for this issue...
Mmmm interesting, if I move the green/purple slider in color profile on the 950 all the way towards green or red, the color of the box n?4 f*cks up and gets weird but if you calibrate it gets perfectly grey.

The same thing does nothing on the XL, in fact I can't fix the green tint on greys...

Can you provide a screenshot of the combination that provided a very good grey? I only get either green or purple or very bright gray on that 4 box
@Mindtaker - if does not jump between black to very light gray in one step then it is good.
This is actually the problem: jumping from one very dark shade to a totally bright grey... and on some levels of brightness we get a brown/red box between them. it is horror... :(

Well to a good screen yes, 0-3 are seen as black, although in reality only 0 is pute black. The eye simply cannot see a difference. I mean on any other display I cannot see the number within (all numbers are pure black) the first 6 cells.

Do you have problems with videos on the 735? You shouldn't have....

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