and I find it strange (On PC and Mobile), how people always have a nostalgic recall of the strengths of previous OS, without remembering their flaws!
For example on Mobile, I remember quite clearly that 8 and 8.1 had terrible browsers (Explorer), while I would not nominate Edge for awards, it is much better than its predecessor. Explorer was very buggy and just wouldn't work properly.
Same thing goes for PC, where everyone seems to remember only the good things about W7 or XP etc. If you look at things without any biases, W10 is Microsoft's best work on both platforms.
W10 is not perfect, but the solution is to improve, NOT to think that going a step backward is the solution. Anything you miss on the previous OS, lets hope it can be implemented in W10. There are things I hate about forced updates and privacy issues, but the strength of its UI, its overall stability and greater than anything I ever experienced in Microsoft before. And I have been using Microsoft OS for almost my entire life!
I don't want Windows Phones to succeed because of some nolstalgia. I have only been using Windows Phones for about a year (Maybe a year and a half), the reason I love Windows Phones is largely because of PC and W10....I believe Microsoft has the best OS in the world and that should be available on all platforms! It should be in Car navigation systems, it should be in fridges, it should be everywhere...if it were up to me.
A lot of people think of W10 as a poor competitor in mobile, but for me....without Windows, I am only settling....for something that I don't even want. Apple's philosophy about software and hardware is inherently flawed IMO, and Android has never wowed without Windows OS, it isn't just another Blackberry or Nokia losing prominence, for is like I don't even have ANY option in the mobile sphere.
I hope Windows Mobile does not die, because if it too will my interest in Mobile Phones. The great thing about Windows 10 is that it is a legacy. Unlike other OS in the mobile sphere, this is an OS that has been decades in the making. The UI is not natural to use because of some dumb luck, it is natural to use...because Microsoft spent decades cultivating Windows OS. There is NO alternative to Microsoft and that is what people need to realize! Windows Mobile is truly embedded in the Windows ecosystem that began in 1975, iOS is NOT a true synthesis of Mac OS, and Android well it is just a random OS that has been floating around.
So let us support its growth and evolution....and not look backwards. Lets call a Vista a Vista, but lets respect a W10 when we see one.