Lumia Denim Release Date?

Denim will be first released on the Lumia 930 and 1520 sometime this year, where for the other Lumia's you have to wait till early 2015. Denim isn't even released yet for 930/1520 so there's no way a L920/1020 received the Denim update ;).
I am using my Lumia for quite a while now and the only thing I can say is that Microsoft keeps improving them. But I really can't wait for the new Lumia Denim. Does anyone have an idea when it's going to roll out? I can't find anything on the Net... I am using a Lumia 625 and I'm from Belgium.
it should be fairly soon. i'm in Belgium too but my Lumia 930 is a UK version. so I don't know when to expect it. where in Belgium are you/
If you want to be sure if you have Denim or not, go to settings, about, and give use the FW and OS versions.

People asking for live folders etc. have still not understood the difference between the OS (8.1, 8.1.1, etc.) and the FW (Cyan, Denim, etc.)

Denim DOESN'T bring live folders. 8.1.1 does. Usually, Nokia/MS roll out the FW and the OS the same time (but there are still 2 different packages).

The best evidence of this is that you can have live folder by installing GDR1 (Developer preview) without having Denim.

So you cab have live folders without Denim. The Lumia 930 received GDR1 in October, without Denim, for instance.

And again, extras+infos is bugged, so the best way to be sure is to go in settings, about and read the FW version.

Now back to the topic: as mentioned by previous posters: no official date, but expect Denim to be rolled out between December and January, maybe February for some variants.

And please stop reporting "I have received Denim" all over the forum, without having checked first that the FW version has REALLY changed.
WP8.1.1 doesn't include the Denim firmware updates because, well why would it. However, the Denim Update does include WP8.1.1, so if you have the Denim Update you have 8.1.1. Any firmware changes made when updating to Denim are part of the "Denim Update", along with 8.1.1, this doesn't mean that 8.1.1 is the firmware though.

So WRT to the person asking if the 1020 with Denim can create Live Folders, it's a valid question since Denim has 8.1.1 included. Assuming the 1020 does in fact have Denim and not the bug.

From MS:
Forming a rich tapestry of functionality and tightly woven features, the Lumia Denim Update combines new enhancements from the latest Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1, with exclusive experiences for Lumia smartphones.

Let?s break it down, to fully explain what you can expect from the Lumia Denim Update.

Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1

At least that's the way I understand it, and how MS words it.
RoboLoftie, you have to admit that MS PR is very simplistic. For them, Denim is everything the updateS bring. Updates with an S.

But technically, OS and FW are different, Denim is the FW for Lumias. Again, 930 users have received GDR1 (8.1.1) along with a FW update, which remained Cyan. I have received a Cyan update on my 1020 in September (and no OS update), 1 month after the 8.1/Cyan roll out.

The Black FW brought RAW capacity to the Pureview devices, it wasn't linked to the OS.

MS are making this complicated, when they list, in the Denim benefits, the features coming from the OS. Denim will bring features related to Bluetooth, low-level camera changes, etc. "Drivers", if you want to compare to a regular desktop PC.

Now back to the guy asking "do you have Live Folders?". If it was Denim, one would have Live Folders. But having Live folders doesn't mean you have Denim. The question was, to my eyes, more to be sure it's Denim. But checking for live folders is not the right way to do it.

The only way is to go into about (in settings) and read the FW version. This won't lie ^_^
I've checked Navifirm (the Nokia servers). Cyan is 3051.50009.1424.0005 (last number may vary).

But there's also a 3051.50009.1447.0001. The only model for that FW is: the Finnish black variant of the 1020.

As it's 50009, I think it's still Cyan, but it might be that FW fix they talked about the 1020 and 925 a couple of days ago.
Fair point, could have had DP and Cyan displaying Denim as a bug. I assume DP doesn't show anything different on the info page other than OS version. :smile:
image.jpg do you meen this?

About: Phone 8.1 Update


So this is the bug in extras+info?
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Since you're Indian lowest price for a Lumia phone that supports hey Cortana will be₹37000(Lumia 930)

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