Lumia Icon on TMOBILE (Everything is working) with Denim (Internet, MMS, ...) - Maybe other carriers

Am I missing something?

After I downloaded access point I cannot access it through the app list.

could someone assist with this?
Can you send SMS on 3G (HSPA or HSPA+) with mobile data on?

Hey could you please explain exactly what you did for this to work on AT&T/CRICKET.... I'm a bit lost

So everything works for you Calling, SMS, MMS, and data... you just have to turn off cellular data in order for SMS to go through, right? Thanks
Hey could you please explain exactly what you did for this to work on AT&T/CRICKET.... I'm a bit lost

So everything works for you Calling, SMS, MMS, and data... you just have to turn off cellular data in order for SMS to go through, right? Thanks

If I am on 3G (the phone will show H or H+), then I have to turn cellular data off to send an SMS...
Aside from that, everything else works.
Has anyone tried to send MMS on a TMO sim card, but one that does not have any data on the plan? Only talk and text?
Okay ... I took the chance on this method (including hard resetting my phone) and it worked!!

I have am a brand new customer of T-Mobile and have an Verizon Icon. Two of my kids also own Icon's. I have been trying everything, including this method (without hard resetting the phone) and nothing worked. I came back here tonight and said, okay this is the last resort. I hard reset my Icon and followed the instructions and I now have LTE and MMS on T-Mobile using my Icon.

I can't thank the OP enough for posting this. I was actually thinking the 3 of us were going to have to get new phones, and as many know, there are not any Windows phones better than the Icon.

Okay ... I took the chance on this method (including hard resetting my phone) and it worked!!

I have am a brand new customer of T-Mobile and have an Verizon Icon. Two of my kids also own Icon's. I have been trying everything, including this method (without hard resetting the phone) and nothing worked. I came back here tonight and said, okay this is the last resort. I hard reset my Icon and followed the instructions and I now have LTE and MMS on T-Mobile using my Icon.

I can't thank the OP enough for posting this. I was actually thinking the 3 of us were going to have to get new phones, and as many know, there are not any Windows phones better than the Icon.


Is SMS working??

and the ICON/930 is the best windows phone out alongside the 1520...
They both together are the best. Leaving the 1520 out like that was pretty cruel, and could've been hurtful to the feelings of the phablet
Windows 10 mobile 10136 allows manual internet apn and mms apn. Lte and mms working on at&t in Chicago.
Hi guys, my apologies in advance if this has already been answered: I am a current Verizon customer with 4 active lines; I'd like to switch to T-Mobile; fortunately, it appears--after reading through the forum--that I can move over to T-Mobile and keep my Icon. That said, when I signup with T-Mobile, what should I do when prompted to choose either (a) move my phone over to T-Mobile (the Icon isn't listed) or (b) choose a new phone?

Thank you for helping me out guys!
Hi guys, my apologies in advance if this has already been answered: I am a current Verizon customer with 4 active lines; I'd like to switch to T-Mobile; fortunately, it appears--after reading through the forum--that I can move over to T-Mobile and keep my Icon. That said, when I signup with T-Mobile, what should I do when prompted to choose either (a) move my phone over to T-Mobile (the Icon isn't listed) or (b) choose a new phone?

Thank you for helping me out guys!

You definitely want to do (a), and you should be able to just pick any phone with the same size SIM card.
Ok great, thank you so much for the help. One more question (if you happen to know): if I choose option (a), then later decide that I'd like to get a new phone i.e., Samsung Galaxy s6 or *hopefully* the Lumia 940, can I purchase at a discounted rate or do I have to pay full price?

Appreciate the help
Ok great, thank you so much for the help. One more question (if you happen to know): if I choose option (a), then later decide that I'd like to get a new phone i.e., Samsung Galaxy s6 or *hopefully* the Lumia 940, can I purchase at a discounted rate or do I have to pay full price?

Appreciate the help

With T-Mobile you pay full price for every phone you get through them, however, you can spread that cost out over two years.
Has anyone tried Windows 10 build 10136 on the Icon with T-Mobile. I'm trying to figure out if the SMS not working over 3G is fixed. If so I will probably hang onto this phone until Windows 10 is released. If it's not fixed then I may start looking for a different phone to use on T-Mobile.
I also just switched.. to the Icon and am on T-mobile and felt maybe a consolidated setup and guide would help for anyone thinking of going to the Icon. I did because of battery and camera and size..

What I have working.. MMS, Visual Voicemail, and about everythign else.. EXCEPT SMS on HSPA and HSPA+ (See below)

#1 - Don't go to WinMo10 its useless and pointless they messed up WP8.1 so bad its not funny. Its like Win10 desktop with Win7 issues.. Its bad. HOPEFULLY the release will fix some of these things.

#2 - DO upgrade to the latest Lumia OS. Login to your Windows Account (BUT DO NOT retrieve your backup YET), Go install "Preview for Developers" and install all your updates (Currently thru 8.10.14219.341)

#3 - Hard reset the phone

#4 - Login and NOW install your backup

#5 - Now go to post #1 of this thread and that will fix your MMS

and your done.

NOTE: You will NOT be able to send SMS texts on the T-mobile Network when you see H or H+ as your band.

It WILL send SMS on Edge, or LTE.

When (not if) you get the dreaded "Cant send text".

Go to : Settings > cellular+SIM > SIM settings

Set to "Highest Connection Speed" pull down to 2G. You will then be able to send SMS in a H and H+ environment. Which is fine if you have WiFi. If you don't well you will be on Edge and internet will be slow. If internet is more what you need at the time just go back and switch the speed back to 4G.

That is unless someone else has a FIX and not a workaround.. and I would love to hear it.

I MAYBE going to a "new" 925.. as the SMS thing is annoying. But I will wait to find out if T-mobile is getting the 940 or 940 XL first.
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No need to switch down to 2G speeds. I just added a shortcut to cellular data on the notification bar and just turn it off when I want to send texts. Annoying but it's quick and it works.
Sorry, I didn't get it... 6- install access point? I can only configure the APN, then i don't understand what should I do....
I can no longer download access point from the store on Windows 10. It says access point is no longer available. Is there anyway to side load it?

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