Lumia Icon on TMOBILE (Everything is working) with Denim (Internet, MMS, ...) - Maybe other carriers

Hey everyone, just wanted to reboot this thread and see if anyone is having luck with everything working on Windows 10 with the icon?
Thanks for the link. Doesn't look like a super effective way of getting it to work though. Seems that many are having issues with it. Hope we can find an effective way soon!
Thanks for the link. Doesn't look like a super effective way of getting it to work though. Seems that many are having issues with it. Hope we can find an effective way soon!

This is the only way for now.. no single click way
I can confirm that if you do the MMS fix in Windows 8.1 first and then upgrade to 10, MMS will continue to work. However, if you ever have to do a reset you will lose MMS. Only way to fix is to go back to 8.1 or to do the new workaround. Glad someone figured it out because I have a feeling that once 10 is released for the Icon the software recovery tool will reset to 10 and not 8.1.
I've been away from windows mobile for a bit but picked up a 929 for cheap $ at a local pawn shop yesterday (I just couldn't help myself). And so i've spent all day today reading up on all I could gather here to get the texting issues ironed out to use this badboy on T-Mobile. I did the windows 10 mobile work around to unhide the MMS APN settings, and although it works you have to set it to 2g if you want to send SMS/MMS.. To make a long story short, I reverted back to 8.1 and followed the OP's original recipe and viola, everything works! 2g, hspa, hspa+, LTE - I can send and receive MMS/SMS on all bands. Visual voicemail works too (just uninstall the stock Verizon visual voicemail app first before trying activate it with another carrier). ! I did read something somewhere about not updating "extras & info" (not sure where though) so I haven't since I'm afraid it might screw up everything when it's just now working flawlessly (feel free to correct me on this if i'm wrong or if it's irrelevant).

My conclusion is if you have a Lumia Icon you want to use on T-Mobile (or any other carrier) save yourself a lot of time and frustration and just revert it back to 8.1 and stay there; follow the OP's simple directions, and enjoy a bug free phone. 8.1 is just flat out smoother, less laggy, less buggy, and you wont have to constantly change your connection to 2g every time you want to text - or even worse leave it set to 2g at all times.

... Now if I can only get rid of the "red hue in dark backgrounds" issue. It's always something...

EDIT: Can't send SMS/MMS on HSPA/3g, but CAN on HSPA+ and all other bands. Annoying. Is there a way to get to the field test mode on the icon to shut off band 2? That way i'd force it onto either LTE or EDGE w/out having to toggle to send a text.
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I JUST finally figured this out for myself on a lumia ICON from Verizon, on a Telus network in canada. I initially upgraded from 8.1 (with all mms and cellular data working), and upgraded to windows 10 mobile on the slow ring. I started on a new build, and then I realized i wanted to use a backup. So i hard reset. I had previously used this phone on windows 10, so i decided to use a backup from a couple months ago when i was last on windows 10 mobile. That's when i noticed that mms and data weren't working. I put in my telus APN settings, and my LTE data started working. No MMS still. I found this forum and did some reading, and was just about ready to do ANOTHER hard reset to try that route, when i decided first to try downloading the Access Point app and open it, knowing it will say that it's unsupported. I looked in the store, couldn't find it, so i did a quick search for a direct download of the Access Point app. That sent me to a direct link to the store, which worked and downloaded correctly. Waited for it to install, then hit open app. Got the unsupported message. Nothing seemed to have changed, but I decided to try it anyways. Turned off wifi for good measure, and first tried internet data connection. Worked. Then I tried going to messaging, then ... settings, made sure "Allow MMS if cellular data is off" (not sure if this is important to have on or not), turned on "MMS group text". Then I went to messaging app, and tried sending a photo to a contact. Usually when I send it, it takes two or three seconds before it vibrates at me and stubbornly says "try again". This time it didnt happen. I kept waiting. Seemed too good to be true! I sent a text asking if they got it. "yeah i did, why?" OH MY WORD FINALLY. They wouldn't understand my joy of being able to send a picture through text, so i didn't answer back. So yeah. Basically the moral of the story is that my MMS and LTE works EVEN THOUGH I SELECTED A BACKUP through setup. I'm actually typing this immediately after figuring this out, and something truly amazing just happened. I asked my wife to send me a photo through mms, and now I'm just thinking I'm a wizard or something, but i turned off my cellular connection, leaving Wifi on. Bzzz. I just got the picture, with data OFF. I guess that's what "Allow MMS if cellular data is off" is for in the messaging app settings! Thinking this may somehow be because my wifi is on, i turn that off and ask for another picture. IT WORKED. AGAIN. Data, and Wifi OFF, i'm now getting MMS, after configuring using a backup after hard reset, on windows 10 mobile build 10586.164.
Just incase, these are the Telus APN settings i used:
Profile Name (i don't think this matters) telus
Username: leave blank
Password: leave blank
Type of Sign-in info: None (i had issues of trying to select PAP or CHAP, but the settings never stuck after saving)
Check on: Use this APN for LTE and replace the on from my mobile operator
Proxy Server:
Proxy Port: 80
Check on: Apply this profile

Hit Save

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