Lumia Owners: Your best & Worst Lumias(Design Wise)

Nov 20, 2012
So I am sitting here debating what new phone I am going to buy to replace my broken 1520 and I was thinking of all the Lumias I owned....Features aside, I miss some of the older designs.

I've owned the Lumia 710, 810, 920(Red and yellow), 1020(twice), 1520(Red and Yellow), 928 and a 535.

(I also had the misfortune of using an M8 windows but I did like my 8x I had when I had it, but this about Lumia).

Design wise: What was your favorite Lumia and your least favorite Lumia?

I'd have to say: my 1520(the yellow one) and the 1020 are the best designed phones and I wish I more of the modern day Lumias followed this design.

My least favorite would definitely hands down be the Lumia 928 with the 920 as a close second...I loved the phone when I had it, but having owned so many different types(and seen others released), the 920 is probably one of the worst designed Lumias in my opinion.

I've always been envious of the 930/Icon owners...That is probably the best designed Lumia and the most premium. If I must say so myself, probably the best looking windows phone.
Worst designs: Non-AT&T Phones (810,822,928)
Best designs: 1520, 925, 830

I think it is probably safe to say, unless I am mistaken doesn't at&t almost always get the same versions of the phone that the non us windows phone carriers get? They don't get variants I mean, they get the original designs.
I love the design for the 920, 1020 and 830/930, the first two are my favorite design and I wish it was more common, I don't like the 735 that much tho which features a similar style. And I find the 830/930 designs attractive because of the neon ish backs and square design. I dislike the 610, 710 and 530, those first two are just bleh and the 530 is just no. Nokia should've burned those three designs and fired whomever came up with them.
Worst design: Any Lumia with too rounded rounded corner (635 etc), pointy corner (i.e. 520, 730, it stabs into your hand)

Nice design: 930, 830, 925 and the like
I think it is probably safe to say, unless I am mistaken doesn't at&t almost always get the same versions of the phone that the non us windows phone carriers get? They don't get variants I mean, they get the original designs.
Right, that's why they are good they should be appealing to whole world not only to a career's users.
Nicest design: Nokia N9. I know it's not a Lumia but to me the mother of all Lumias. Of the current models I like the 720, 830 and 1020 the best.
Wow, you are such a windows phone fans.. How frequent do you change your phone?

Best design, 920 and 925(which I'm currently using)

Well tbh up until now, the Lumia 1520 is the longest phone ever I've owned(Even though I switched colors). I've had it since it was released in November 2013 in America. I've never owned one particular model for 2 years and had it not broken, i'd still be rocking it.

Prior to that, partially because I work selling Windows Phone and also just because I hate having the same phone, I generally would get a new phone every few months lol. Hence why I had so many windows phone. I am a lumia ****** :)

(On the other hand, when I was an avid android phone I owned QUITE a few Android phones...I believe since 2008-2012, I owned around 40 or so lol I didn't buy them all of course...I brought maybe 10-12 of them and I utilize ebay, craigslist, and trades with friends and what not).
Right, that's why they are good they should be appealing to whole world not only to a career's users.

I agree :) I hope that the variants will disappear only because it introduces the same issue Android with a bunch of devices that are effectively the same and causes confusion among people
Least: 510, 530, 610, 625, 63x, 710, 73x, 810, 822, 1320
Probably because these models look cheap for the price.

Neutral: 43x, 52x, 535, 540, 640/XL, 720, 800, 820, 900, 920, 2520
These models are ok, not entirely groundbreaking designs but mostly looks generic/recycled.

Favored: 620, 830, 925, 928, 930, 1020, 1520
Shows craftsmanship outside comfort zone.
From the ones I owned, 4.
Nicest: 920 & Icon(using now)
Worst: 900 & 928(wasn't too bad)
Least: 510, 530, 610, 625, 63x, 710, 73x, 810, 822, 1320
Probably because these models look cheap for the price.

Neutral: 43x, 52x, 535, 540, 640/XL, 720, 800, 820, 900, 920, 2520
These models are ok, not entirely groundbreaking designs but mostly looks generic/recycled.

Favored: 620, 830, 925, 928, 930, 1020, 1520
Shows craftsmanship outside comfort zone.

I think the 73x is what the 920 should have been like. As we know the main complaint with that phone was it was so big/heavy lol. It feels like ages when we used to see articles about it on windows central or posts on the forum.
It's all subjective but I'll give this a shot. Sticking with WP8 models for simplicity.


620, 720, 820, 920, 925 (all smooth and stylish designs with lots of color choices)

Pretty Good:

520, 1020, 1520

Just Okay:

730 (stylish but too tall)
810 (a brick)
830 (an oversized wannabe 930/1020)
930/Icon (uninspired blocky design, looks like a Galaxy S4 knockoff)


822, 928 (both Verizon phones)

The newest MS Lumias and most of the low end models didn't make an impression on me so I didn't include them.
Best would have to be the red 928.

C'mon - we all know that somewhere there's a shipping container full of 'em - and they would be absolutely glorious!
Best designs of all time-
Lumia 1520, Lumia 925, Lumia 930
Lumia 720, Lumia 830

Ok designs-
Lumia 920, Lumia 820, Lumia 1020 ,Lumia 730, Lumia 625 , Lumia 1320, Lumia 640xl

Worst designs-
Lumia 620, Lumia 822 , Lumia 900
Lumia 4xx , Lumia 5xx , Lumia 610
Well... since everyone's doing the "I've owned" thing, I started with the Samsung Focus Flash(WP7) then moved on to the Lumia 520 (gave to my bro), 1020 (gave to my wife), Icon (sold), 1520 (sold), 820 (my daily driver), 830 (sold), 535 (sold), 930 (still got it), then the most recent would be the 635. Even though it's kind of a drag when I have a 930, the fact that it has an SD card puts less restriction on me. Outside of that, I've always liked the Lumia 635's design because they follow the design language of the Microsoft Surface.

I greatly dislike the "rounded rectangle screen island within a brick" thing done with the Lumia 1020, 1520 and 920. The Lumia 820's design is similar, but makes more sense to me because it's just a generally round phone. Lumia Icon/930 looks decent, but it's both too thick and heavy for the time it was released... and honestly we'd expect battery life to be much better on such a thick phone. My 930 with Denim does okay, but back when I had the Icon on Black, it wouldn't even get through a whole day. The 830 feels like what the Icon/930 should've been. Feels much better and it's thinner without compromising on quality... and the battery life was absolutely superb. If not for the Lumia 820 being the only Windows Phone that has an SD card and the ability to play Chaos Rings without the blacked model glitch, I would've never left the 830.

If they ever made a phone that followed the design language of the Surface as well as the 635 without sacrificing the FFC, having a pitiful 512MB of RAM or omitting the SD card slot, that would be my ultimate phone. If we could when get the 1GB version of the 635 on AT&T (with LTE intact), I'd be pleased as punch. With that said, the absolute best design of any Windows Phone isn't a Lumia at all... it actually has one of the most hilariously sales-murdering names of all time: YEZZ Billy 4.7


Even after learning the reason behind the name, it was a dumb thing to name it. The phone itself is slick, smooth, comfortable, and moreover - exposes just how unreasonably thick all other Windows Phones are. If that phone had LTE, a camera that wasn't absolutely god-awful and didn't jip me out of MixRadio, it would be my daily driver no contest.
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Lumia Owners: Your best & Worst Lumias(Design Wise)

Loved the 710. Good size, physical buttons, and the camera shutter was an idea they should have kept.

Liked the 800. Unlike the 650's "so light you can't feel it" design, this felt solid. Hate the soft buttons being so close to the screen though.

620 is just ok. Too slippery, and convoluted micro sd tray that should just nbe a slot.

650 Meh... They could have added a few mm's of thickness to get a better battery and a more solid feel.

The only other thing I've tried is the htc mazaa, which is fine but small. Cool red battery though!

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