Managing your music in the cloud


New member
Apr 20, 2014
Whereabouts in the cloud does your cloud music live and how can you manage it.

I have 22 artists with varying numbers of albums that escaped my local machines and up to the cloud, I can see them on all my devices.

About 18 of these are actually cloud copies of local music that escaped when I accidently turned on the Cloud matching facility a month or two back and I would prefer to get rid and just keep the stuff that I have actually clouded by using my Xbox Music pass in the last few days.

But for example if I wanted to delete one or all of those, where would I do it, I have four devices + plus an Xbox One, if I am on my laptop with Xbox Music open and choose 22 in the cloud, I can see all the artists, is this my cloud collection, can I delete from here and see the deletion on my Surface or 1520.



New member
Apr 20, 2014
Answering my own questions here :angel:

Yes the music in the cloud is manageable in the Xbox Music app/program.

I had a copy of Alanis Morissette's Jagged little pill (Don't ask why, not my type of music at all), on my local copy I could play the opening track, but not on the cloud copy so not on the Xbox One, so I was brave and went to my laptop and deleted the cloud copy, this made it go from the Surface, Xbox One, 1520, but it also deleted the offline copy on my laptop, not a problem as I can just copy it back over from my desktop (Just checked it's still there).

So now I can manage this system.

I can just delete the 18 or so artists from my cloud collection that turned up by accident leaving the new artists that I have downloaded in the last couple of days, re add them to my local collection on the device in question and then I can decide how to play with this in future now I can manage it, I think it's easier to do this now before I add in all my other local music.

I may or may not click the master switch in the future on my desktop to go all cloud based (By that I mean the "Automatically add songs on this PC to your cloud collection") as this is the button that seems to have odd consequences and causes much heartache to some on here, but from what I can see, you need to do a bit of thinking about this before you press the button.

The cloud stuff for my local music isn't that important to me, as I have both my Xbox One and Desktop rigged up to my receiver, so if I want to listen to for example Led Zeppelin (Not much of their stuff available on Xbox music for copyright reasons so if you cloud it, it don't play anyway) I can just go over to the desktop and either use the Xbox Music app and choose local music, or still use Windows Media Center.

I can also keep it all separate on my devices as well, as I have SD cards or other folders to keep my local music in, keeping my cloud stuff for new music I download, it can all show up together if I choose or it can be kept separate by just choosing what to see and play within the Xbox Music app.

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New member
Apr 20, 2014
Got this fully sorted in my head now, admittedly the way I have it sorted does mean at the moment I don't have access to my local music on my Xbox One, as I am not ready to put my local music into the cloud as it does make it a bit messy in my opinion, but one thing just surprised me, went to the desktop and started Media Center and it manages to show up the albums that I have downloaded in the last few days using the Xbox Music pass. I thought that was clever.

I know a lot of you seem to have problems with album art, all I can say is for the first time ever my six Strawbs albums have album art and it's all correct.

As far as I can see, it pays to either plan ahead or at least think Xbox Music through to stop you not enjoying the experience, now to get the wife's music sorted.


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