Mango and T-Mobile

The last time I went to the AT&T store the LG phone wouldn't turn on and the Samsung Focus had terrible burn in on the screen. The demo screen tiles were a yellow ghost image on the screen. Not a good way to promote WP7.

You would think if you owned a store that sell to the general public, you'd make sure to keep everything you are selling in top working order and looking great. Some stores got so bad they keep Windows Phones in the back corner of the room like old videos stores keep their collection of porn videos...or so I've heard. :)
You would think if you owned a store that sell to the general public, you'd make sure to keep everything you are selling in top working order and looking great. Some stores got so bad they keep Windows Phones in the back corner of the room like old videos stores keep their collection of porn videos...or so I've heard. :)

Yeah, I have to admit, MS has done a pretty poor job in getting the carriers excited about WP7. They should be giving away free phones to cellphone store employees and set up an incentive program to reward them for selling Windows phones. As it is, neither the smartphone manufacturers or the carriers have anything to gain by pushing WP7. They're perfectly happy selling Android instead.

Nokia will supposedly have such a program as part of their big marketing blitz. They're basically the only manufacturer that has a vested interest in seeing WP7 make gains on Android. Their Windows phones can't come soon enough!

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