Microsoft Besting Apple?

Apple is dominating both, the mobile and PC markets. In mobile Google takes the leftovers, in PCs Microsoft takes the leftovers.
Diverse in what way? They have a lot of products, but as you point out it mostly comes down to search. In general, I would say MS is the most diverse with their presence in enterprise across a wide variety of products & services as well as the consumer market.

Microsoft probably has more diversity in profitable business ventures. Google has unbelievable diversity in their products, although a lot of them are almost blue-sky research projects that do not contribute to their bottom line.
Umm in what dimension?
Apple has 18% of market share in mobile and 8% of market share in PCs.
In both markets Apple dominates the high-end segment and takes almost all the profits.

Most people buys Android and Windows devices because they can't afford Apple products.
I could say some people purchase iphones due to their apparent prestige status and high prices. Middle to high class people will buy iphones due to the prestige that the phones seem to have and they wish to look as if they are ahead of others, above the rest of the people. Functionality isn't the deciding factor but the coolness factor and the price.

Others buy them because that is what they see in majority of their friends and family. Certainly the share of iphones is higher in USA than in most other countries because of the peculiar telcom system there
Most people buys Android and Windows devices because they can't afford Apple products.
I wouldn't say that is the case with desktop computers. Gamers buy PCs (or build their own PCs), since Mac OS X doesn't have anywhere near the amount of games that are available for PC.
I wouldn't say that is the case with desktop computers. Gamers buy PCs (or build their own PCs), since Mac OS X doesn't have anywhere near the amount of games that are available for PC.
There are a couple of small niches in which Windows does well. However, the primary cause of the Windows high market share is that Apple's products are too expensive for most part of the world population.

As Nadella says, people don't choose Windows because they like it. Just read consumer reviews of Windows PCs and compare to Macs. Even Chromebooks are better evaluated than Windows laptops.
There are a couple of small niches in which Windows does well. However, the primary cause of the Windows high market share is that Apple's products are too expensive for most part of the world population.

As Nadella says, people don't choose Windows because they like it. Just read consumer reviews of Windows PCs and compare to Macs. Even Chromebooks are better evaluated than Windows laptops.
Do you have any sources to verify your claims?
Microsoft probably has more diversity in profitable business ventures. Google has unbelievable diversity in their products, although a lot of them are almost blue-sky research projects that do not contribute to their bottom line.
I don't think products like Skype, Surface, Lumia, XBOX, Bing, Azure and even Office 365 for consumers contribute positive numbers to the bottom line.

Microsoft makes money from Windows, Office, server software and developer tools.
Most people buys Android and Windows devices because they can't afford Apple products.

I can afford Apple products all day long.
Why would I buy a Mac or iPhone if Android or Windows accomplishes the same task for less money?

Not seeing your reasoning here.
Apple has 18% of market share in mobile and 8% of market share in PCs.
In both markets Apple dominates the high-end segment and takes almost all the profits.

Most people buys Android and Windows devices because they can't afford Apple products.

I've been using MS products since DOS 5.

I can afford Apple products without any issues at all. I can easily get an iPhone or a Mac but I don't want them.

I don't disagree that cost is a major consideration when it comes to buying something and sometimes people just settle. Thing is, some people just don't see the need or value in spending ?1000 when ?500 will do.

I will say, with regards to MS OS updates, they're not always great and if you're not overly tech savvy you can get frustrated and annoyed using MS products. No one likes losing data or having to do clean installs. Not saying Apple users don't face similar situations sometimes but it seems less likely.
I will say, with regards to MS OS updates, they're not always great and if you're not overly tech savvy you can get frustrated and annoyed using MS products. No one likes losing data or having to do clean installs. Not saying Apple users don't face similar situations sometimes but it seems less likely.

Apple OSX patches over the last few months haven't been smooth to apply. And taking 2-3 times longer than Windows to apply.

Could buy Apple systems and have done but usually end up getting rid of them just as quickly as you realise how poor value they are. The wife loves her apple products iPhone, iMac, MBP but always comments the Camera is better on my Lumia, The Nav apps are better, Adobe stuff runs faster and smoother on my Win PC. In my regular field of doing Sound & Video stuff a lot of people believe apple is dominant, its not unless you go to colleges and universities. Always fun interviewing students fresh from these places who then realise that ProTools and Apple isn't really as wide spread as they have been told. Sheer look of panic on their face when you ask them if they are comfortable working in a Windows environment.
In both markets Apple dominates the high-end segment and takes almost all the profits.

Most people buys Android and Windows devices because they can't afford Apple products.
I'm not sure where your analogy about Mac dominating PC came from. The iPhone, yes its dominating the profit margin but not the devices sold. The high end segment PC is dominated by the gaming community which I'm pretty sure is more than the number of active Mac users overall and machines more expensive than the Mac. The comment about consumers choosing non-iPhone over iPhone may be true due to pricing up to a certain extent but not completely. I bought my MSI GT60 for $1700 3? years ago not because it was affordable but because it is more productive than a latest gen Mac even today. I also have a 5S lying at home which has no use but FaceTime while my wife uses a 6S, both bought off-contract, I use a 1520 because of my choice. So your first argument doesn't hold true on certain cases.
Apple OSX patches over the last few months haven't been smooth to apply. And taking 2-3 times longer than Windows to apply.

Could buy Apple systems and have done but usually end up getting rid of them just as quickly as you realise how poor value they are. The wife loves her apple products iPhone, iMac, MBP but always comments the Camera is better on my Lumia, The Nav apps are better, Adobe stuff runs faster and smoother on my Win PC. In my regular field of doing Sound & Video stuff a lot of people believe apple is dominant, its not unless you go to colleges and universities. Always fun interviewing students fresh from these places who then realise that ProTools and Apple isn't really as wide spread as they have been told. Sheer look of panic on their face when you ask them if they are comfortable working in a Windows environment.

I work for a large company, there's no such thing as Apple anything here except for company phones. Every company I ever worked for was Windows only simply because Dell still (unfortunately?) rules the corporate world when it comes to PC.

With any OS there is always a flaw or fault. Some are bigger than others.

Upgrading my wife's PC from 8.1 to 10 has been frustrating and I'm very good at PC issues. I simply have to do a clean install of W10, which I'll recommned to anyone doing an upgrade. You simply have too many issues doing an upgrade in most cases and this is where MS and Windows in general fails.

I'm not saying Windows is bad just not usually user friendly and when things go wrong people get upset. Which is why there was a switch to Apple in the first place, other than it becoming fashionable.
I could say some people purchase iphones due to their apparent prestige status and high prices. Middle to high class people will buy iphones due to the prestige that the phones seem to have and they wish to look as if they are ahead of others, above the rest of the people. Functionality isn't the deciding factor but the coolness factor and the price.

Others buy them because that is what they see in majority of their friends and family. Certainly the share of iphones is higher in USA than in most other countries because of the peculiar telcom system there

Or people buy iPhone because it a good phone, they like them, and it works for them in they're use cases.
I have worked with PCs and Macs for years, I dealt with the hardware end. The PCs have better hardware, then Apple, I used to replace Apple keyboards and mice with PC keyboards and mice, since they seemed to hold up in computer labs, better then the Apple. Apple is made for one user, not multiple users,
Students seem to want to use a PC over Macs, there was 3 times as many PCs in one room. When all the PCs were in use, only a few Macs were in use. Students actually waited for a PC to free, instead of jumping on a Mac.
Apple's success lies in simplicity and consistency.

The average user is only needs four things: basic email, calendar, document editing/creation, and internet. Apple, Google, and Microsoft offer these experiences at pretty much the same level. Remember that tech forum members, us, are not the average users so don't argue the merits of features within these programs. The flexibility to customize is not a mass market selling point. If anything, it means that grandma can screw something up which will degrade her user experience.

Apple has a small library of software options, first and third party, compared to Microsoft. What they do offer though works without much effort for the basic user. Then there are "pro" offerings for those who are more advanced. Until the Mail and Calendar apps appeared in Windows 8, many Windows users were using Outlook even though they barely leveraged its capabilities. Too many menus and options could easily lead to confusion.

Hardware: By controlling the hardware, Apple doesn't have to worry about the build quality or component compatibility of having OEM's. The buttons are always where the user expects them to be, and accesories are always available.

While Microsoft has far more options and features for their ecosystem that is also a huge problem. Having 5 ways to do something means that people have to make a decision and hope it is the best option for their needs. Apple removes that factor. They dictate what syncs, how thing connect and communicate with one another, and put it front and center for the user to see.

These are the reasons that people say Apple "just works." A full mechanics tool set is great for a car enthusiast. The homeowner who just wants to change batteries in a kids toy is more than happy with a basic tool kit that has a screw driver. Could they do it with a cordless drill, sure. Do they need to, no.
Having owned and used Windows computers, Windows phones, Android, IOS, and Chromebooks, all have their pros and cons.

I do believe from my own personal experience that Apple makes the highest quality products top to bottom and I do believe they have the best of the "flawed" operating systems. The combination of Iphone and IOS is the BEST personal computing experience I have ever used -- not the best in all areas for all uses, for all users, but best total integrated combined package.

Their are solid manufacturers of Android and Windows hardware -- but unfortunately the majority of the Android and Windows devices out there are NOT well made. Sure, it's possible to get a gem or a lemon at any price point, but the quality of Apple hardware and engineering is superior.

Hey, I don't like all Apple products -- not because of lack of quality, but because I think they aren't a good value. Case in point Mac Book 12, Ipad Pro, and Apple TV.

For a casual computer user, I am a big fan of Chromebooks by the way...

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