Microsoft Besting Apple?

This is the number one reason I'm ditching MS Phone after 11 years and moving to Apple. Promises after promises of being able to upgrade and never delivering. They just lost my daughter and my wife, now to lose me after over a decade. BTW way ... I own a 1020. And yes I've seen that you can get WM10 on it, but I want an official release.
Interesting. So you're buying an iPhone because you want an upgrade for your 1020, but somehow can't find yourself buying a more modern handset that can install Windows 10 Mobile?
Looking at the future, Apple are investing heavily into making a much as I love Elon Musk and Tesla, I fear the name and brand (along with marketing and deeeep pockets) many will buy them blindly. MS dominate the business sector and are going a roundabout way to gain mobile share via existing 95% windows OS user base while at the same time innovating with things like continuum and Hololens. Honestly...if MS made a car, who would buy one.....thats the stigma they still have and have to forward 3 years....Apple makes Phones, Tablets and Cars... Microsoft makes....OS...Surface Tablets...Hololens...XBOX and apps that run on Apple devices and Cars.

Although today Microsoft seem like the ones innovating and leading the charge, Apple are quietly beavering away into a completely new area, one which will make them A LOT more money...Microsoft need to think bigger than they are.
Interesting. So you're buying an iPhone because you want an upgrade for your 1020, but somehow can't find yourself buying a more modern handset that can install Windows 10 Mobile?

This is a fair point, but at the same time, one would have to decide if it would be worth it for them. For me, I don't see the point of investing a lot of money (to me, it is) into something that you would have to wait for or have hope for a better future (in what ways depends on the individual, but for a good amount, it's apps), when you can buy a phone for the same price and not have this concern. I am speaking in terms of the flagships. The 650 doesn't seem to be bad though.
If you like the iPhone better than the 950, all things being equal, buy the iPhone. We have Windows phones because we like them. I didn't buy my 950 because I thought it would eventually be better than the iPhone, I bought it because I like it better now.
This also is why we say Apple is pure marketing! Apple does this, Apple does that! About updates, all I had to do was get an unlocked L950XL and I have gotten a least 3 OS Updates & 2 firmware Updates in 3 months! That's been more than any of the 10 Androids and a iPhone that have been used at home! It also was announced on late October and I got it outside US in december!
The Kardashians, though they do now use iPhones, also still use Blackberries. That hasn't helped Blackberry much. Besides, Microsoft does a lot of product placement in non-reality tv shows.

While that may be true, a 1.5 sec fuzzy image or a person holding a phone with a finger over the logo is hardly "in your face" product placement. The names of the devices are rarely if ever mentioned. Meanwhile you cant go a single evening of watching prime time tv without a mention and an image of an Apple product. The closest MS got was the Lumia 900 rollout, that was borderline genius marketing. Again, MS is pushing a decade behind in the game, much ground to cover at this point. They need to start advertising again, to the point you cant go a day without seeing it. Then again, there needs to be a phone worthy of said advertisements. Maybe the surface phone? MS needs to go intense with advertising once they get the phone game rolling. Just non stop on TV, in swag bags for celebs at awards shows, and so on and so on. Feed the masses and they will come back for more.
I beg to differ. As an iPhone 6 owner(forced by work), their experience is barely what's marketed. They market flashy pictures and celebrity endorsements.
I haven't seen much of that marketing because in my country is not the strongest OS (8.4% of market share). The true is that iOS is not the best Mobile OS but it is stable enough to be WAY BETTER than Windows 10 Mobile (for me Windows Phone 8.1 was the same or better than iOS so don't call me ******).
My iPhone freezes, reboots, and apps crash(even more so) than on my 950xl.
This statement could only be heard from a Windows 10 Mobile ******. That is not true by any mean, unless, your current iPhone is full of installed garbage from your work that can possibly restrict the usage of your device (like monitoring your activity). The W10M instability was the main reason for me to trash my windows device and switching to iOS.
Apple clearly has a miles head start on marketing and MS will never catch up, barring iPhones starting to kill puppies and babies.
LOL, where did you get that?
Apples latest adds to their phones aren't their tech, they just market it as their tech.
I agree with that
Apples "experience" is popularity, plain and simple.
I agree with that either. Overall simple.
Again, ZERO argument can be made against it unless you are a ******.
I'm not a ******
I've owned numerous iPhones from the 3G to the 6. They are nearly identical, minus a few updates. Polishing a **** at this point.
I agree with that. That's the main reason I could do a successful back to iOS. I owned the very first iPhone, then I switched to WP7/7.5, then WP8, then WP8.1, then W10M, then iOS9.
I've come to the Windows Central community today to ask you guys and gals a simple question. Microsoft or Apple? This questions covers everything pertaining to the two companies including Phones, Hardware, Software, Security and the overall potential of the companies products. Microsoft seems to be dominating the computer market while apple seems to be dominating the mobile market. Now a days it seems as if a majority of Apple computer users buy Apple products to either be in sync, familiarity, productivity or appeal. People who buy Microsoft computers usually buy them to modify them, be productive, program and many more things. While this may sound a bit one sided from some angles it's not intentional. Apple contains the largest percentage of the mobile market while Android and Windows Phone follow behind it. Apple's iPhone sells because of how trendy it is, the simplicity, marketing and appeal. At the time Microsoft is having a hard time gaining market share with Windows Phone but I believe it's only because of Microsoft not promoting Windows Phone properly as well as some minor setbacks. When it comes to the security of both operating systems many people say that Mac's are immune to hostile threats only to be proven wrong. Windows computers are of course susceptible to attacks but these attacks can be reduced on both systems. How do you feel about this? What's your take on it?

Apple don't even have the largest percentage of mobile market share inside US, Android has the biggest mobile market share ( ). Microsoft has such a low market share because the most of people don't like it and it is not good enough (at least W10M) to be promoted. I can imagine people buying W10M devices full of bugs and then returning them to the store, it would be the biggest fail and the last nail to Windows Mobile's coffin.
MS might best Apple in the near future, but at the moment, in the streets what was today demonstrated and mark my word .... "demos", it has very little. I've seen this before from MS, grand plans that in reality are not workable, so let's wait and see.
well Android "Dominates" since 80% of android is at android 4.1 or behind :3. So for android you can say dominates and loses, since the new android versions become like MS and Apple with less freedom but they cant update the phones to it so only epxensive phones contain it and fall behind to be up to date to everything costing them many things like bugs and such that old androids wont get fixed.

Well in My opinion MS has only problem with market share. Been testing W10M and pc almost from the start and i am happy with it. Cant w8 actually for the new changes. And the good thing with MS is that even if i had an android phone their apps are working there like a charm actually better than some W10M apps they have, but that's because of old ms already having developed these apps before they do for windows mobile so i believe these apps will become greater due time + lots of UWP apps coming and that's a big plus and a big game changer since they own the pc market place :3.
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I think it's stupid to pay more simply because it's an Apple product. It may look cool, but is it really worth it? I actually like the form factor of the Surface pro 3 & 4 better than even the MacBook. The Surface Pro 3 just feels like it's well thought out. I don't feel compromises when I use it especially in the keyboard.
As the owner of a Lumia 950 and an iPhone 6 Plus, I have NO idea what you've done to your iPhone, but the Lumia has a chronic stability problem while my iPhone works without issue. The iPhone is as reliable as a toaster...the Lumia is as unstable as a drunk elephant standing on a single leg. I PROUDLY use a Surface Pro and am a huge fan of Microsoft's work...but...very sorry you've found the single lemon Apple produced that day. ;(
I'd like to go back to the original question if I may, which had nothing to do with Android. I personally don't believe Microsoft is besting Apple and neither do I believe Apple is besting Microsoft. Each have their flaws and merits. Apple has the upper hand in the mobile market at present with a wide range of apps available and frequent/easy to obtain iOS updates. Microsoft have the challenge of building an OS that must be compatible on a wide range of devices and I believe this is something they do very well. They offer a far wider selection ….meaning customers can find a product to match their needs and budget. For the sake of the consumer, long may their differences continue! (whatever they happen to be in the future).
Switched to iphone 6 been months now. Also owns a lumia 920. The experience is lot more than pleasant. The OS is fluid, great support from apple. A friend of mine bought 5s he dint even know about itunes and there was issues installing itunes slow internet connection dint helped either. But they were patient even when he lost it and consistently assured him they were there for him. Now with initial usage i definitely miss the live tiles and the app drawer but thats it. The phone never failed on me. I agree that its pricey and its not feature rich for the likes of what this price brings in other platforms. But one thing is sure its dependable for what it does. Being a long time windows user i would suggest everyone to test other platforms a bit a nexus android or an iphone . There may be issues in their product forums but these phones sells much more than a typical wp and those have issues will only complain there unlike in wp where everyone is greeted with some kinda bug. We all know why lumia 520 was an instant hit. It delivered for its price and most importantly is consistent. There are chinese companies that offer much more now for the same price. Microsofts mobile division should be more reassuring in these times "its not a priority " doesnt help either.
Agree with tgp totally. Been with Windows phone since the Lumia 700 and had probably half a dozen mid and top of the range Lumias since, until the 950 now. Quite frankly, I ended up feeling cheated by the 950. At the end of the day it's a L650 form factor with metal buttons and higher specs (big deal - it's still plastic) being sold as a flagship. It crashed once a day minimum (often more) and many key apps didn't work well (especially WhatsApp - which also seemed to caused it to crash all the time). Yes, I soft, hard reset it. Yes I had the latest sw (tried fast and slow ring, latest firmware, tried rolling back etc). And YES, thinking this can't be right, I finally took it to MS centre here and was told the hardware was fine, after them flashing my phone to the latest stable release. Made no difference. Looking around various forums and seeing other peoples' experience it seems I was not alone. Now I use it as the house music/Spotify device (not bad for AUD 900).

Bought an iPhone 6s Plus and it has not crashed ONCE in 2 months. All the Microsoft apps and services work well here. Outlook and Word are a better experience on iOS than on WM10. And one thing that you don't appreciate until you experience it is that all apps resume IMMEDIATELY ... unlike WM where you are waiting with those frustrating dots for something to happen. And often in the case of some apps they just don't resume ever!!

Yep, iOS is a bit boring compared to WM10 and live tiles. But give me boring and working near perfectly over crashing and slow resuming and wanting to literally smash my 950, any time at all.

WM10 is, thus far, a broken promise.

PS: The clock icon on iOS is, technically, a more live tile than anything on WM10.
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Agree with tgp totally. Been with Windows phone since the Lumia 700 and had probably half a dozen mid and top of the range Lumias since, until the 950 now. Quite frankly, I ended up feeling cheated by the 950. At the end of the day it's a L650 form factor with metal buttons and higher specs (big deal - it's still plastic) being sold as a flagship. It crashed once a day minimum (often more) and many key apps didn't work well (especially WhatsApp - which also seemed to caused it to crash all the time). Yes, I soft, hard reset it. Yes I had the latest sw (tried fast and slow ring, latest firmware, tried rolling back etc). And YES, thinking this can't be right, I finally took it to MS centre here and was told the hardware was fine, after them flashing my phone to the latest stable release. Made no difference. Looking around various forums and seeing other peoples' experience it seems I was not alone. Now I use it as the house music/Spotify device (not bad for AUD 900).

Bought an iPhone 6s Plus and it has not crashed ONCE in 2 months. All the Microsoft apps and services work well here. Outlook and Word are a better experience on iOS than on WM10. And one thing that you don't appreciate until you experience it is that all apps resume IMMEDIATELY ... unlike WM where you are waiting with those frustrating dots for something to happen. And often in the case of some apps they just don't resume ever!!

Yep, iOS is a bit boring compared to WM10 and live tiles. But give me boring and working near perfectly over crashing and slow resuming and wanting to literally smash my 950, any time at all.

WM10 is, thus far, a broken promise.

PS: The clock icon on iOS is, technically, a more live tile than anything on WM10.

So WhatsApp crashing the phone is the OS fault? possibly the app's fault

You've tried how many different builds?

Not a ******, but owning a Lumia 1520 on 8.1 (with a 640 on the latest stable Win10 build .164), and working in IT (System Analyst, formerly C#, .Net & JAVA coder), I take exception to your convoluted logic. I only agree with, from what I've heard, the Lumia 950 is a bit of a disappointment. Waiting for the (rumored) Surface Phone, or the HP Elite launching later this year.
was fixed nearly immediately and my phone was not effected. I updated via iTunes, not OTA. Never had a single crash. sorry.

So, because you didn't have the problems, they didn't exist (and I don't know why you're sorry. I no longer own Apple products and will never own one again)? Every time Apple releases an OS update they have bugs. I've had a great experience with W10M on my phone, but I know there are others who've had problems so I'm not going to pretend that they don't exist. Spend some time on Apple's forums and you'll find they have lot's of problems. I teach high school video production and run a Mac lab. Twenty-four brand new 27" iMacs and within three months I had to send three back for service and another for the screen falling off. That's nearly 17% in the first three months! I also have to do daily hard resets because FCPX frequently freezes up. And before someone says I just don't understand Macs, I have been using them and running labs for the past 28 years in an educational setting. All technology has problems. No company is exempt. More proof? Apple sells refurbished products (which means they were products that failed).

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