Agree with tgp totally. Been with Windows phone since the Lumia 700 and had probably half a dozen mid and top of the range Lumias since, until the 950 now. Quite frankly, I ended up feeling cheated by the 950. At the end of the day it's a L650 form factor with metal buttons and higher specs (big deal - it's still plastic) being sold as a flagship. It crashed once a day minimum (often more) and many key apps didn't work well (especially WhatsApp - which also seemed to caused it to crash all the time). Yes, I soft, hard reset it. Yes I had the latest sw (tried fast and slow ring, latest firmware, tried rolling back etc). And YES, thinking this can't be right, I finally took it to MS centre here and was told the hardware was fine, after them flashing my phone to the latest stable release. Made no difference. Looking around various forums and seeing other peoples' experience it seems I was not alone. Now I use it as the house music/Spotify device (not bad for AUD 900).
Bought an iPhone 6s Plus and it has not crashed ONCE in 2 months. All the Microsoft apps and services work well here. Outlook and Word are a better experience on iOS than on WM10. And one thing that you don't appreciate until you experience it is that all apps resume IMMEDIATELY ... unlike WM where you are waiting with those frustrating dots for something to happen. And often in the case of some apps they just don't resume ever!!
Yep, iOS is a bit boring compared to WM10 and live tiles. But give me boring and working near perfectly over crashing and slow resuming and wanting to literally smash my 950, any time at all.
WM10 is, thus far, a broken promise.
PS: The clock icon on iOS is, technically, a more live tile than anything on WM10.