Microsoft brings Bing Rewards to Android and iOS but Not Windows Phone

This is a broader topic and deserves its own thread. Its not just Microsoft doing this and they are not to blame.

They are to blame because Windows Phone is Microsoft's own mobile operating system. Microsoft is the one asking us to invest our money in this OS. They want us to choose Windows Phone... but they think of Windows Phone as an afterthought themselves.
Many are outraged by Microsoft choosing to create Bing Rewards app and back end services for iOS and Android first. We shouldn't be surprised. Skype does the very same thing. We should actually expect thus behavior. Microsoft can do this kind of stuff to Windows users...just like most all other devs give Windows platform C-level support (Amazon, B&N, Comixology, VLC,etc). And its our fault. WHY? BECAUSE WE JUST ACCEPT IT, LIKE THE BUNCH OF PANSIES WE ARE. We happily gobble up the scraps that fall off the table like some hungry dog. iOS users would be incensed and take their anger to Twitter directly to the devs. But not us. We put our heads down like the bullied kid and cross our fingers for things to change. We deserve the treatment we get. Will things change? I seriously doubt it. Because deep down we feel we deserve this kind of support for choosing Windows. The devs know that and that's why Amazon gives us crummy Kindle and Audible apps, Comixology removes their WP7 app and doesn't bother to update their buggy Windows 8 app, B&N can't be bothered to make a WP8 app despite getting millions from Microsoft, and VLC has the "when we get aroundtoit" approach to Windows development although they got our kickstarter money. We are the Trekkies at the Comic Convention. We love our stuff, but others just look at us curiously or deride us while we just take it because we think we have something they just don't understand.
I tweeted. I doubt I'll get an answer though.

Maybe we need to all agree on a particular hashtag, like #taken4grantedbyMS
Honestly people, chill out. There is a lot of misinformation going around. I think people see a title and just run with it.
I see both sides but they also need to get ios and android users on board first. Just releasing it WP users is like releasing to small cult of users remember windows is still far behind android and apple.... only a small percent would be using it if they neglected android and apple. By getting the other two OS's on board it brings awareness to windows and what they can offer, imo its a smart marketing move. In the end it is all about marketing and money....i wouldn't lose any sleep over it.
I'm not chilling out, I plan to bail as soon as Apple releases their 5"+ phone. Tired of the lack of support for WP and I don't feel like being a third rate customer that has to pay top notch prices where even the developer of the operating system neglects it. This is likely my first and last WP device.
I'm not chilling out, I plan to bail as soon as Apple releases their 5"+ phone. Tired of the lack of support for WP and I don't feel like being a third rate customer that has to pay top notch prices where even the developer of the operating system neglects it. This is likely my first and last WP device.

I'm sorry about this, and it sucks man, I know. But maybe WP8.1 will surprise you?
In principle it seems like a bad move, though in the end, with our built-in Bing search functionality, we'll get the best integration of the three platforms. Or at least Americans will. The Americans who use Bing Rewards.
In principle it seems like a bad move, though in the end, with our built-in Bing search functionality, we'll get the best integration of the three platforms. Or at least Americans will. The Americans who use Bing Rewards.
Just like we got the best version of Skype? LoL
Seems MS just can't figure out what users want their WP to do. I want my 928 to run like my PC! MS seems to think IOS and android are better because they have so little market share. Why even make a phone? Give me apps that work and apps I can use. Quit catering to apple and google!
Seems MS just can't figure out what users want their WP to do. I want my 928 to run like my PC! MS seems to think IOS and android are better because they have so little market share. Why even make a phone? Give me apps that work and apps I can use. Quit catering to apple and google!

Amen! You don't want the best MS has to offer on an iPhone or a Nexus now do you? As some folks say, the best Google experience can be had on...gasp...hold iPhone:-)
So there are 3 buttons on lumia and one is for bing search... AND THEY DIDINT PUT THIS FOR WP? What the hell?

Sent with my Nokia Lumia 520 using Tapatalk
I can only assume it will become a built in feature. But it is completely asinine that we are always last to get it. Yeah I understand through a business standpoint, people with Windows Phone are already more than likely using Bing (Bing rewards is an incentive to switch). But seriously throw your supporters a bone instead of taking them for granted. That's the one thing that Microsoft does more than any other company.

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