Microsoft Cheated Lumia Users

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Same glitches and delays can be seen on an unlocked, international version of 1520. When it has issues running on the more powerful hardware, the only thing to blame is the software.
It could also be that since win10 is a fairly new OS not everything is sorted out. She kept win10 cause she loves it.
I figure as win10 grows it will be force. Either way if our phones don't get upgraded I can understand and respect the decision MS makes.
Microsoft said it plans to make an upgrade of W10M available to all WP8.1 devices. Fine, I'll give you that. They never said existing devices would get Redstone, or later upgrades.

Which devices that came with WP8.1 (or were upgraded to WP8.1 over their lifetime) are there not an Insider build available for?

If you have one of those, Microsoft has let you down. Otherwise, you're just complaining instead of taking the solution which is available for you.
You guys have gotten why off topic here, The bottom line is they told us they would support our phones with an update and now they are backing out, and if that was not bad enough they are kicking us out of the insider program also. They just stopped the car opened the door and kicked us to the curb and drove off.It is not so much that I feel they cheated us as they used us.
MS defender logic : "MS is right by not releasing Win10 to older phone. It will make the phone runs with so many problem that they will be angry at MS by doing so, and the media will write about how MS screw up with their upgrades, how will they trust MS anymore"

But these same people are angry right now because MS wont upgrade their phones and leave them with a soon to be dead platform, bet they dont trust MS anymore either. oh, and the media is writing about it right now too.

Either way, MS screw up really hard this time.
If a company wants to cultivate a cache of goodwill with customers, existing and/or prospective, it is important to remember that while it is often better to ask forgiveness than permission, it is also true that it is better to under-promise and over-deliver than to over-promise and under-deliver...
You guys have gotten why off topic here, The bottom line is they told us they would support our phones with an update and now they are backing out, and if that was not bad enough they are kicking us out of the insider program also. They just stopped the car opened the door and kicked us to the curb and drove off.It is not so much that I feel they cheated us as they used us.
At least they tried to include everyone and even let us consumers have a say. To me that was good enough. Sometimes things just don't work out. I find all the anger to be sad, there's so much more wrong in the world.
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now that wp10 has been released to the its time for wp10 only apps to be unleashed to the new store and apps no longer going to get updated for the old outdated 8.1...let the squeeze begin

So sad, I thought my 925 would get upgraded. But, I have to admit, I'm not unhappy with a phone where absolutely everything works perfectly, except for some websites. Everything working is more important than an upgrade.
It's just that this affects so few people. Soon, most wp10 users will be new to WP and not even know earlier versions exist. But there will be us poor left-out small minority with wp8, and never to get a decent web browser.
It's just that this affects so few people. Soon, most wp10 users will be new to WP and not even know earlier versions exist. But there will be us poor left-out small minority with wp8, and never to get a decent web browser.

It affects half of windows phone total users.
The thing is, the insider program is flawed, They are really only going to hear back from the ones having trouble, just take a look at the forums on this site, How many of them praise something compared to how many complain about something.
Now I'm sure and they did say the lower ram phones would not get the update and that is very understandable and I'm sure a lot of you love your phones just the way they are. But for the rest of us that know anything about hardware and phones,I just can't except the lame excuses they are giving, When I, we know it is a load of Cow excrement.
Everyone who knows me knows my loyalty to Microsoft, and more recently, the Windows 10 OS. I was a long time WinPhone user, and a part of the Insider program on all platforms from day 1. I've provided substantial feedback to MSFT, which they acknowledged was specific, to the point, and helpful in resolving issues.

To this end, I used my Lumia Icon as an Insider, and worked with it daily. Unfortunately I had to make another phone my primary for business reasons, but I advocated for those needed apps to be available on the Windows 10 platform, often communicating directly with management and development teams.

I paid every month to have an extra cellular line so I could continue testing the insider previews. I expected nothing from Verizon, and I was fine with the bugs and issues of preview versions. I had no problem getting updates as an insider, and had no need for my carrier to be involved other than to provide the ongoing connection.

So after a year of paying for the extra line, providing input, etc., MSFT decides to drop us from the insider program. Am I OK with that ? Nope. Am I willing to invest in a new phone to continue testing for them ? Nope. What to do ? First step was to revert the phones to 8.1 with the available tool, box them up and put them on the shelf, and cancel the line. The second step is to remove my other computers from the Insider program and just work with official releases.

I'm not out to bash the company, but some of the decision makers are headed down a path which I don't need to follow. I'm not abandoning the brand, but I'm also through investing time and money into the process. My Surface Book, and my desktop, should meet all of my needs for a long time, coupled with an iPhone that does the job and is supplemented by an iPad.

I've got over 30 years of experience as a developer, and beta tester, for software products. The current approach taken by MSFT and others just doesn't fit my style. No regrets, but no kudos either. And it would be nice if GabeAul would respond to tweets. It's just rude to put something out there and then ignore simple clarification questions.
Hold on, now Skype as UWP is released, that means even more botched experience as they will ditch messaging.
Talk about being cheated, but now we are robbed!
Hold on, now Skype as UWP is released, that means even more botched experience as they will ditch messaging.
Talk about being cheated, but now we are robbed!

that's just another way of doing Skype, better suited for tablets and PC's as opposed to the task-focused phone.

I wouldn't consider it thievery, just Microsoft.
It's just that this affects so few people. Soon, most wp10 users will be new to WP and not even know earlier versions exist. But there will be us poor left-out small minority with wp8, and never to get a decent web browser.

That's assuming people will flock to Windows 10 Mobile in droves...that they will leave their iPhones and Droids behind to get what Microsoft offers on Windows 10 Mobile which is...nothing. Nothing really.

If your optimism worked it would have worked for WP8. At least with WP8 Microsoft had a story to tell; a clear design language, smooth the OS is an under-powered Android that can't even perform glitch-free on last year's flagship.

And the problem with the update is not so much the update itself as it is losing your apps on your 925 just like WP7 people lost the apps on their devices.
So I guess in a nutshell people say 8 mobile sucks, 10 mobile sucks, and we don't and won't have any apps. I think that allows us to "Be together. Not the same!" Oh wait, is someone using that already?

The insiders are not professional and they must not decided about Windows 10 update. Microsoft is a liar company
[WARN]FWIW, the terms ****** and Whiner have been thrown around entirely too much in this thread.

They are derogatory terms that only incite argument.

This thread has run its course. A decision was made by Microsoft. This forum is fan based and in no way makes the determination on what models get upgraded/updated. All the name calling back and forth will not alter the decision, it will merely drive a wedge between members.

It seems to me that all arguments pro and con are now running in circles.

Thread Closed.[/WARN]
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