Microsoft Money problems with Windows 10

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WPCentral Question

Have installed Windows 10 upgrade. Microsoft Money Sunset worked fine with Windows 7 & 8 & supposedly compatible with Windows 10. However, when I try to open Money I now get error message "Money requires Internet Explorer 6 to function properly. Please reinstall IE 6 so these components can be added." I had already installed IE 11 & made it default browser in preference to Edge, & have tried uninstalling/reinstalling Money but same error message.

Other programmes working fine in Windows 10. Money worked fine with all IE versions subsequent to IE6. Wondering if Edge somehow imposing itself on Money rather than letting IE in? Seems impossible to uninstall Edge.

Any ideas?

This technique worked great for me too. I have depended on MS Money:smile:for MANY YEARS and have no interest in changing. I admit this had me worried.
Worked to get the program, but crashes immediately and asks for IE 6. Absolutely hate any and all MS upgrades. Should have known better than to download it. Every time I do it causes me more trouble than I need. I seem to remember something about being able to re-establish the old OS. I can't seem to find any reference to that now. Windows 10 now makes me appreciate ver. 8.1. Never thought I would say that!! Anyone know how to get back to 8.1? 10 seems to have also jumbled up most of my files. At least the ones I can get to.
I would like to thank the fix on my registry for Microsoft Money! Took me a bit to figure it all out but once I did now everything works just like a charm.:grin: Again Thanks so much!!!
Another grateful thank you. As I'm 78 I daren't try to do it myself but my son had no qualms and my Money is up and running. I'd be lost without my favourite program.
If after you use the registry edit and can't import files and/or the program continually crashes then the following fix will probably apply.

"There is a bug in mnyob99.dll in Microsoft Money Plus including Sunset. The problem may not show up until an OS update, since it's effect is based on what happens to be in what should be an unrelated place in memory. Symptoms can vary from problems adding a payee to hanging or crashing. This applies both for use with 32-bit and 64-bit Windows."

Unfortunately as I haven't submitted more than 10 posts I can't submit the direct links that fix the problem or where I got the info from. However, I can assure you it worked for me. You can highlight the paragraph in inverted commas above and Google it and it will take you where I found the solution (sticky Money Plus bug and solution (mnyob99.dll) - Microsoft). Scroll down and look for the reply in green or you can try the following:

It can be found here:
world wide web mediafire dot com slash download slash m1dq0ncxhdqrtlj slash

Download (mnyob99.dll), extract, copy and paste into Money Plus program folder (replace original).

Your program should now be stable and will accept imports.

Source of information:

social dot microsoft dot com slash Forums
Last edited:
I just performed the hack. Microsoft Money Sunset addition works great, but my DSL connection somehow seems blocked. I cannot access online or send and receive e-mails ????? Help anyone?
I have exactly the same problem. The reason why we cannot get rid of Edge and get Windows Explorer 6 is that Windows 10 is 62 bit and Internet Explorer 6 is 32 bit. We need a fix for this problem. Has anyone any ideas. There are programs that work for US versions but not UK ones.
Thanks Killertunes - your fix worked like dream in just a few minutes. I had to restore the Money data from a backup as it could not find the backup on the hard disk. Fortunately I had backed it up before installing Windows 10 so it was up-to-date.:grin:
You may already have an answer but I?ve just seen your query. With some poking about I found you can get the ?English? date in Money (and bottom right of the taskbar) by the following:-
Open Settings via Windows Start button. Then ?Time& Language>Region & Language?. Click on ?Additional Date, Time and Regional Settings?. You should get a screen showing Date & Time : Language : Region
Under Region click on ?Change date, time or number formats?
and against "Short date" select dd/MM/yyyy to get e.g. 18/08/2015 There are other options e.g. d.M.y gives 18.8.15. If you have 'Money' open as usual you'll need to close and re-open to effect the change.

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