Microsoft support for Windows Mobile

I am on my way home right now. I shall test with an MS wired display dock, a non-MS wired dock, and a Roku Miracast stick (which has the audio issues described but that shouldn't affect the mail app). If there are issues with the app itself, I will be able to confirm. On Monday I shall be able to test with a full Microsoft Hub with built in Miracast. All these things were working with the app 2 weeks ago so if they fail now as this thread suggests then I will be able to confirm.
You know, I mean no offense here. MS has long ago stopped offering direct support for mobile. You've proved it with all you tried. They have also said the best way to get involved is to use the feedback hub. There is an issue exactly like this already there. Upvote it. You may not like the feedback hub. But if that's what they use now, your choices are limited. Its very clear that mobile ad w knew it before is no longer in the plans. Even windows processes are changed. If they react to the feedback hub... That's what we need to use. To go Amy other route brings about into question
I did report it to the feedback hub. But for a feedback hub, there is little to no feedback. How are you supposed to know if your issue got looked at? If anything is being done?
I think with all the useless one line comments there, unless your issue gets 500 upvotes straight away, my guess is, your issue won't even be read let alone seriously looked at.The search function there is a joke, two other people have told me they've put a feedback, if I search "mail continuum" I only see mine and no others. They also say they don't see mine which I can assure you has the words mail and continuum in it. There's no sort for recent, search appears broke. Nice "feedback" hub, I think 99.99% of the feedback go straight to /dev/null or whatever the windows equivalent is.

Let us count the ways:
  • Microsoft community: Generic advice and comments. No real support here. Mostly just post padders looking to get a label under their avatar. Advice is generic, and sometimes not even relevant to the subject matter at hand.
  • Feedback Hub: Indundated with pointless one line "comments", real issues get slurred in with the rest with no way for anyone to see them. Search broke. Search options limited. Feedback to you, is non-existant. You've no idea if your issue is getting looked at, fixed, if , when, nothing.
  • B2X: laughable. Can't use without a Lumia IMEI that's still under warranty. All they're gonna do is tell you to reset no matter what your issue is. Real issues they'll say "we'll get back to you" And they won't. WHen you go back with your case number, they say sorry we can't see anothers case, assign you a new one and proceed to tell you reset your device again.
  • Device manufacturer support: This seems to have been my best route. HP has a case number, they routed me to a real english speaking person who reproduced it on his device and said he'd route it to MS through they're internal connections.
  • Windows Central WHle unofficial, at least gives you some semblence of if other people are having the problem. I can see in my conintuuum post other's having the same issue.
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Re: Microsoft broke our phones - and they don't care

I've had similar issues with my Lumia 950 since the Creators Update. I ended up switching back to an old iPhone 5s this past weekend because I could no longer handle the daily crashes, bugs and breakages. It almost seems like Microsoft is PURPOSELY trying to force out the last few clingers...
I have now tested with a Roku stick as the client and it works fine, so third party Miracast can work. I've not had chance to test wired connections yet, but I can confirm this is not as simple as a universal bug with W10.
Samsung flagships consistently get two major OS updates throughout their lifespan.

And funnily enough, my dad's bottom-of-the-bargain-bin early 2016(?) Samsung (on Cricket) is getting security patches. Not monthly like BlackBerry, but every two-three months.

My Note 4 has received two major updates and several minor updates. I still get monthly security patches from Samsung. Not bad for a 3 year old phone. My Daughter's S4 still gets security updates from Samsung.

The note 1 was NOT updated to jellybean, not OTA to the masses. That jellybean build was the buggy POS I was talking about they buried on their website , you needed a bunch of weird third party tools and a PC to install it, and when you did it basically bricked the phone. And they stuck on their website at the time saying "this is the last update for this Legacy device", so whatever was in there, was it. That build, basically didn't work without a bunch of hacks.
Well, mabey they took enough complaints to heart,and improved their update process, and your definitely right that carriers can block releases at their whim, although I don't think that was the case with the note 1 as it was the same for verizon & AT&T people.
My brother in law was on verizon with his s5. He claims it is still on the kitkat and no update has been issued, and he means automatically through his carrier. Probably you can find an update on samsung website, shouldn't need to go there, or have to use third party installers and PC's to "update" your phone. That very 1990'ish!

My daughter has a S5 on Verizon and it has Marshmallow. Also gets regular security updates.
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