Microsoft: Windows Phone isn't our focus this year!


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Jan 26, 2016
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So, I just read this article on Verge and thought of sharing with you guys. This is a really big disappointment.

Microsoft is making it ever more harder to stick with Windows Mobile. For the first time, seriously considering switching to Android. :(

Maurizio Troso

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Before spamming such "click bait" titles, please read article TO THE END


I am not spamming, and I did read the entire article. I'm not saying Windows Phone is dead. Its just that the development or evolution of Windows Mobile is not happening at a pace that should, in order to compete with its ever-growing competitors.

Hazem Khaled

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I think Microsoft meant that they are working on Windows 10 as an all but not Windows 10 Mobile specifically which is not as bad as it sounds

Cruachan 11

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Aug 24, 2015
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I think Microsoft meant that they are working on Windows 10 as an all but not Windows 10 Mobile specifically which is not as bad as it sounds

That's how I read it too. W10M is out there now, so the focus is on getting more apps in the Windows Store on the primary platform (Classic Windows) which will put more apps in the Mobile store.


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Apr 10, 2015
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I think Microsoft meant that they are working on Windows 10 as an all but not Windows 10 Mobile specifically which is not as bad as it sounds

no, they meant what they say.
Even Windows is one system now, mobile is still different from laptop/pc.
and what they meant not just technical part, its also about marketing...


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Mar 1, 2011
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I can't believe Myerson would say something like that... it's only the exact same thing Nadella said over a year ago.

Satya Nadella still 'committed' to Microsoft's phone business despite layoffs | Windows Central

I am committed to our first-party devices including phones. However, we need to focus our phone efforts in the near term while driving reinvention. We are moving from a strategy to grow a standalone phone business to a strategy to grow and create a vibrant Windows ecosystem that includes our first-party device family.


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Jan 14, 2012
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Yeah... They are putting focus on the bots, skype, Office, Windows 10 and Cortana... All of which is on phones too.

What, exactly, is the problem with this?


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Sep 20, 2011
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no, they meant what they say.
Even Windows is one system now, mobile is still different from laptop/pc.
and what they meant not just technical part, its also about marketing...

Not sure if you're saying mobile is different from laptop/PC, but if that is what you're saying, that's not really true. They share quite a bit of the same code.

I think Hazem Khaled's point was that while they didn't specifically say Windows 10 mobile, given that they use the same codebase, they are actually working on both and that's a good thing.


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Apr 10, 2013
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Dont know what the problem suddenly is! to me, WP10 is almost like previous Wp8.1 but with some nice animations and better UI. Apps are the same, I expect there will be more as UWP is available in Wp10 store only. Is there anything new that is dratically different from the previous OS? lol MS statements doesn't make any moot here, as long as the OS is continually improved and bugs ironed out in future builds, we are okay I guess.


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May 16, 2013
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I think Microsoft meant that they are working on Windows 10 as an all but not Windows 10 Mobile specifically which is not as bad as it sounds

while I agree with this statement, the fact is that MS put this out and in the general public mind, it says 'MS is not focusing on Mobile'.
your average consumer still has no idea that MS is positioning Windows 10 to be seamless across multiple platforms.
All they see and hear is that statement which coming from MS themselves, should have be more direct about the windows 10 as a whole across multiple platforms and not just single out the word Mobile.


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Jan 21, 2015
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MS might say and refer to windows 10 as a whole but to the regular users and site owners and bloggers, reviewers its just windows 10 for desktops and tables. By not mentioning windows phone even if its in the same category its making things more worse. You cant announce new features, office apps for ios and android and not mention widows phone and even show something using android phone. this is going to have a bad effect regarding windows phone users as they are going to feel more and more abandoned from their own developer. You cant just let it out just like that. I am also an owner of lumia 930 and im very satisfied of the os but seeing and hearing nothing about windows phone on MS own conference i also feel a bit disappointed. I believe their approach for phones was wrong.


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May 16, 2013
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^^ and without that image, say that same statement to the average user on the street....and I guarantee they will ask you 'What about Windows Phone?' or 'What about Mobile?'
MS needs to blitz market this very aggressively to try and combat the ignorance.....and they need to instruct there people making statements to the public to make sure they bring this strategy up in there statement as well so it leaves NO DOUBT in the statement what is really meant.
At this point for MS, if there is any doubt to a statement being made public, its going to cause negative results for MS from online chats, online forums, online advertising, etc).

I am not a hater and not a troll, I have been an MS believe since Windows Mobile days and been thru the transitions. Just wish marketing (and statements made by MS people) was a little bit stronger and more clear to the general public.


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Dec 6, 2010
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I've been with WP since the beginning (HD7) and it's getting really hard to see why Windows Phone/Mobile is needed except by MS.

I came because I loved the user experience and design direction that spoke of exciting things to come in 2011. Five years later and things are relatively the same - WP is still struggling to keep up. Hardware availability is limited and/or lackluster. Apps are limited (not a big deal to me as personally I use only a few). WP peaked at the 920 release and around 2014.

I agree with everyone who says that calling out that WM isn't a "priority" signals the end. I saw it coming when the launch of WM10 was disastrously buggy. Up until yesterday I was still looking forward to getting a Surface Phone to replace my 920. But now who knows when that's going to happen (and certainly not this year). I toy with the idea of getting a 950 when the inevitable price drops come (even more). I don't love the idea of going to Android (because I won't do iOS for ...reasons...) but maybe it's time. Maybe it'll be all right. Maybe I can adjust to the fact that Android just still isn't as smooth to interact with as WP (I played with the S7). Maybe it'll suck so much that by the time WM10 gets it's act together I'll be first in line to get a Surface Phone. I can only hope.


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Apr 10, 2013
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Now that we are on Wp 10, we are not exactly sinking or dying per se. Apps are growing, there will be more support as developers get to Wp10 Store. Wp % is dropping but still MS should recognize there has to be better brand messaging that desktop apps can be made to use on the mobile platform too. IOS/Android are far too strong to fight..

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