Microsofts hush hush on WP8... good or bad?

At this point I think it's only bad. Heck, even I'm losing hope in WP8. Unless there is something truly huge in the works WP may have lost me at this point. I have too many apps that are only on Android so unless there is something to get devs on board I think this is over.

I love my Titan II - But I now use my S3 every day as apps I need are there. Shoot, even all my good games are there! (except for Armed! dang it) Without something soon I may just upgrade the Titan II to 7.8 and keep it around as a testing device and fully switch over to Android no matter how much I prefer the actual WP OS.

Guess I'm loosing the faith lately lol! Sure hope they bring me around with something awesome.
I disagree that we know all there is to know. I think they are announcing things on a unified front... Windows 8, Windows Phone 8, and Xbox together... or at least in a series of announcements. And if nothing else of this post is taken seriously, trust me on one thing-- a unified launch is CRITICAL for Microsoft this time around. People WILL be impressed to see that Microsoft has a plan that brings so much together in such an impressive way.

Also, I do believe they have some features ... or rather, partnerships ... that they are going to announce at launch.

For example, I expect they are going to announce the new Xbox Music and Xbox Videos services and demonstrate how they work with SkyDrive across devices.

I also expect they will reveal some improvements to People Hub and Pictures Hub... specifically relating to new/different account options and features relating to the new Lenses functionality. For example, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Lenses are part of a partnership with Instagram, and you'll be able to use the social aspects of Instagram in the People Hub.

Beyond all that, I don't know. I don't know what else to expect... lots of little things, certainly, and lots of improvements to existing features.

But getting to the heart of the question... no, I don't think the current SDK releases reveal everything there is to know.

Of course, I reserve the right to be wrong and/or say I told you so, lol.
Goodthings2life says it all for me. This is what I think. They have everything clamped down pretty tight for it to just be a couple of niggly little things. Plus the situation with iPhone and the time between that and launch will only help MS.


I don't want to go back to android. But there is nothing that makes me want to get WP 8. I assume the apps are going to be the available one 7.8, the only difference would probably be the processor speed. So I just want 7.8 and be done with it.

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I disagree that we know all there is to know. I think they are announcing things on a unified front... Windows 8, Windows Phone 8, and Xbox together... or at least in a series of announcements. And if nothing else of this post is taken seriously, trust me on one thing-- a unified launch is CRITICAL for Microsoft this time around. People WILL be impressed to see that Microsoft has a plan that brings so much together in such an impressive way.

Also, I do believe they have some features ... or rather, partnerships ... that they are going to announce at launch.

For example, I expect they are going to announce the new Xbox Music and Xbox Videos services and demonstrate how they work with SkyDrive across devices.

I also expect they will reveal some improvements to People Hub and Pictures Hub... specifically relating to new/different account options and features relating to the new Lenses functionality. For example, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Lenses are part of a partnership with Instagram, and you'll be able to use the social aspects of Instagram in the People Hub.

Beyond all that, I don't know. I don't know what else to expect... lots of little things, certainly, and lots of improvements to existing features.

But getting to the heart of the question... no, I don't think the current SDK releases reveal everything there is to know.

Of course, I reserve the right to be wrong and/or say I told you so, lol.
I think you're closer to the truth than anyone else. I believe MS is working with ALL its partners to make sure every Windows "8" device works well together. Let's set the time machine back to last spring and see what HP was doing with the upcoming TouchPad, Veer and Pre3. It was supposed to be this big happy webOS family with touch-to-share, sms and voice via BT and so forth. End result: No touch-to-share on the Veer, TouchPad on the shelves for a month before the plug was pulled and the Pre3 was never officially released. RIP webOS, I miss you everyday.

HP is not a small company so it was able to absorb that kind of PR hit. Microsoft also has the deep pockets but Nokia isn't financially healthy enough to be hung out to dry if MS screws the pooch on this. Let me re-phrase, if Windows Phone 8 fails, sayonara Nokia. HTC, Samsung and the rest just dump MS and continue with Android. HP, Lenovo, etc. will soldier on with laptops, ultrabooks and desktops on W8. I'm too old to know anything about XBox so you youngsters have to chime in on this. MS has a full count and nobody on deck facing Nolan Ryan in his prime. BTW, Ryan had the most strikeouts in MLB history but he also lost more games and gave up more home runs than anyone in MLB history.
...MS has a full count and nobody on deck facing Nolan Ryan in his prime. BTW, Ryan had the most strikeouts in MLB history but he also lost more games and gave up more home runs than anyone in MLB history.

That's a great analogy, and Nolan Ryan could easily be considered Apple... sure they have a lot of successes and victories, but they have a lot of misses too. Apple is showing signs of weakness and vulnerability to Google and Microsoft.

Call it stubborn arrogance or call it consistency or whatever you want, but Apple is staying the course on iPhone development... exactly the same tactic taken with the Mac back in the 80's and 90's.

It's a tactic that didn't work then, and it's not working now. Microsoft may not be able to regain the number one spot any time soon, but if they succeed in marketing the "8" platform, it's going to knock Apple back down a peg.

Anyone who thinks this strategy won't work, doesn't know tech history OR Microsoft very well.
I agree the most likely scenario is that MS is working very close with its partners to ensure optimal experiences for the end user and that is probably the delay and reluctance to show off the phones usage and performance. Everything will need to be seamless. If you want to do something with another Windows Phone device it needs to work it cannot be device specific AKA Android and Samsung. Since the device builders can't manipulate the OS that much they need MS to do it for them. Plus MS is the neutral 3rd party who can work with multiple parties without conflicting interests.

It is a theory that makes the most sense. If they came out and said that the tech blogo-sphere would start saying there are issues with performance etc. And MS will keep a few small features secret to announce I think to make it seem like "Yeah we were working on that" maybe touch-to-touch share even.
That's a great analogy, and Nolan Ryan could easily be considered Apple... sure they have a lot of successes and victories, but they have a lot of misses too. Apple is showing signs of weakness and vulnerability to Google and Microsoft.

Call it stubborn arrogance or call it consistency or whatever you want, but Apple is staying the course on iPhone development... exactly the same tactic taken with the Mac back in the 80's and 90's.

It's a tactic that didn't work then, and it's not working now. Microsoft may not be able to regain the number one spot any time soon, but if they succeed in marketing the "8" platform, it's going to knock Apple back down a peg.

Anyone who thinks this strategy won't work, doesn't know tech history OR Microsoft very well.

I know a few people who have been really like dedicated Apple users down to their personal laptops and phones and households are completely apple devices...but with the iPhone 5 a lot of them are saying they are going to wait and see. The whole port change really ticked them off mostly and the negative press about the map app. So Apple is certainly showing chinks in the armor. I wouldn't be surprised if the iPhone 5 was the peak and things start slowing down for them. They no longer can do no wrong.
Lol @ Apples "tactic" isn't working. So is MS "tactic" better.

Its pure comedy reading comments like that. Golden.
That's a great analogy, and Nolan Ryan could easily be considered Apple... sure they have a lot of successes and victories, but they have a lot of misses too. Apple is showing signs of weakness and vulnerability to Google and Microsoft.

Call it stubborn arrogance or call it consistency or whatever you want, but Apple is staying the course on iPhone development... exactly the same tactic taken with the Mac back in the 80's and 90's.

It's a tactic that didn't work then, and it's not working now. Microsoft may not be able to regain the number one spot any time soon, but if they succeed in marketing the "8" platform, it's going to knock Apple back down a peg.

Anyone who thinks this strategy won't work, doesn't know tech history OR Microsoft very well.
Teeeeeechnically, Microsoft tried this approach before and the results were not so good. I'm of course referring to WM6 and its closely knit appearance to Vista. Even the splash screen on WM6 & 6.1 was the green swirl pattern. MS had always touted Exchange integration but the experience was not that golden and it suffered. Granted, this was a few years ago and phones have come a long way, but it's been tried. BTW, I'm a huge Nolan Ryan and Pete Rose fan, please refrain from tarnishing their image by comparing either one to Apple. I hope you're proud of yourself. JK
I don't get why some people are so negative when it comes to anything having to do with Windows Phone.

With other companies, devices etc, when there is secrecy people get excited about the possible secrets that will be unveiled.

With WP8 secrecy I'm seeing a lot of "the OS isn't ready" or "it's all over for WP" and other pessimistic quotes along those lines.

Whether we know details about the OS or not, it is still going to be released. People just need to relax and just wait it out a few more weeks. It's not so bad.
I don't get why some people are so negative when it comes to anything having to do with Windows Phone.

With other companies, devices etc, when there is secrecy people get excited about the possible secrets that will be unveiled.

With WP8 secrecy I'm seeing a lot of "the OS isn't ready" or "it's all over for WP" and other pessimistic quotes along those lines.

Whether we know details about the OS or not, it is still going to be released. People just need to relax and just wait it out a few more weeks. It's not so bad.

Probably because that's what people are used to from MS. IMO MS's ability to market things and explain things to people has always been terrible. Vista was a good idea but terrible execution. WP7 was the same thing great idea terribly executed and now they have to reset it again with WP8. I expect W8 to be much like Vista in the end great premise, a necessary step but will never be accepted by the world at large. Windows 9 or whatever its called will come out and that will bring all this together for them. But they do a terrible job explaining that to anyone. They stay quiet on silly things they shouldn't and pump up on things that are more expected in any case.
BTW, I'm a huge Nolan Ryan and Pete Rose fan, please refrain from tarnishing their image by comparing either one to Apple. I hope you're proud of yourself. JK

Yeah, it does seem unfair to make such harsh comparisons, doesn't it? My deepest apologies to Nolan Ryan. :)
Probably because that's what people are used to from MS. IMO MS's ability to market things and explain things to people has always been terrible. Vista was a good idea but terrible execution. WP7 was the same thing great idea terribly executed and now they have to reset it again with WP8. I expect W8 to be much like Vista in the end great premise, a necessary step but will never be accepted by the world at large. Windows 9 or whatever its called will come out and that will bring all this together for them. But they do a terrible job explaining that to anyone. They stay quiet on silly things they shouldn't and pump up on things that are more expected in any case.
That's not a very accurate account imo. Yeah, Vista was terrible and that's the reason Microsoft offered some Vista users a free upgrade to 7. However, Win 7 was a homerun and users applauded the os and fully embraced it. Aside from the "it will never work on a traditional pc's" crowd, Windows 8 is getting very favorable reviews. I love it and I run it on a weak netbook and it's lightning fast - it actually has lower system requirements than Windows 7 did - that's pretty cool.

Microsoft is stepping out of its comfort zone on all fronts and folks are taking notice.
That's not a very accurate account imo. Yeah, Vista was terrible and that's the reason Microsoft offered some Vista users a free upgrade to 7. However, Win 7 was a homerun and users applauded the os and fully embraced it. Aside from the "it will never work on a traditional pc's" crowd, Windows 8 is getting very favorable reviews. I love it and I run it on a weak netbook and it's lightning fast - it actually has lower system requirements than Windows 7 did - that's pretty cool.

Microsoft is stepping out of its comfort zone on all fronts and folks are taking notice.

My point is simply MS launches tend to be unpolished and unfinished launches. Yes they aren't always that way but a majority of them are. WP7 was (Copy and Paste after hearing the media rail against apple on that for 3 years should have never happened, and disappearing keyboard bug took how long to fix?), Vista wasn't better until SP1 came out though I don't think it was as crappy as people made it out to be, even Windows 8 has some glaring issues reviewers are bringing up like the entirely lack luster mail client or multi-monitor behavior issues.
My point is simply MS launches tend to be unpolished and unfinished launches.

Who does? iOS 6 is absolutely loaded with bugs. I've heard tons of complaints about Mountain Lion - Linux and all of its distros are a work in progress. Before 4.1, Android releases were seen as choppy.

My eval copy of Win 8 runs pretty smoothly, considering it's not really made for my netbook, but it's certainly not perfect.

If you're waiting for a complete o/s right out of the box, you'll be waiting a long time.
All companies that release software for their products release with bugs. A lot of those bugs are known bugs. The weigh how bad the bug is and if the release date can slip. If the bugs are not a dealbreaker, it's moved to the next release or patch. I don't see how Apple released with bacon maps though.

I'd love to see the Errata list for both MS and Apple.
All companies that release software for their products release with bugs. A lot of those bugs are known bugs. The weigh how bad the bug is and if the release date can slip. If the bugs are not a dealbreaker, it's moved to the next release or patch. I don't see how Apple released with bacon maps though.

I'd love to see the Errata list for both MS and Apple.

Exactly. The maps is a big issue and the media is definitely hitting them hard on that point. But barring that why can't we get a WP release with simple missing features that the other OS's have that are like "Oh duh" or at least confirmation that we are going to get that feature in WP8 simple things I am talking about like orientation lock and what not. That is what makes your OS feel polished is when you pay attention to the small details.
It's bad for developers because they can not develop any apps using any of the new WP8 APIs until they get the SDK. That means delays until they can submit the app... That also means 2 - 5 weeks of Microsoft review (maybe more if they get slammed with more app submissions then they normally get) before it appears in the store.

Apple may be hush hush on devices, but they release an iOS beta months and months in advance.

Having said all that, I think this is how Microsoft will act going forward as well just like they do on their computer OS.

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