Microsoft's wind-down of its phone business "expected to be completed by end of June!"

We have until the end of June and Windows Phone will be done.

Microsoft to Complete Windows Phone Wind-Down by June

It was fun while it lasted.

What will change? Nothing.

It's not like there has been or will be a new Lumia. Development and updates to the OS will still proceed, even if it does slows down and 3rd party OEMs are/will still produce devices.

Nothing new to see here. Move along. Certainly not worth making the same thread every 2 minutes.
Re: Microsoft's wind-down

This is very unfortunate but not surprising.
I'm not sure why MSFT just doesn't sell the platform to Android for cheap and let them see what they can do with it if it is possible to merge the two technology's into one?
I own a Zune media player and that device went the way of the Dodo bird as well. Big let down so now I own a worthless 950XL that will not have support and the eventual depletion of Apps. not that there were enough good ones in the 1st place.
So glad I bought a new Dell 7280 and not the Surface Pro.
I dunno, I got a lot of use out of my almost 2 year old 950XL, and it's been getting better with age! :)
Not what I wanted for sure. But being on VZ I saw the writing on the wall. Well maybe. There is a chance they change things but I'm not banking on it. They will come around 5 years from now and say "oh well we should have stayed in the market even if taking a loss on it" and try a comeback. Only then people won't believe the sincerity because of the backout now. If you won't make a flagship device for your own platform does that encourage other vendors to do it? As others have said, nothing new in all this. Just not what I had hoped for but something I knew was possible and planned for.
Re: Microsoft's wind-down of its phone business is "expected to be completed by the end of the curre

What did not help was people hanging on to their 3 year old devices and not upgrading to the 950's.

Had everyone who had an old Lumia gone out and bought a 950 then the platform might be in a better state.

Had MS released Win 10 Mobile and 950s without all the bugs many people probably would have bought them, but by the time they fixed many of the problems people got tired of waiting. MS has only themselves to blame for the state of the mobile operation.
Apparently "what ifs" have more weight than facts. Truly sad state some minds sink to. Keep your old phone, or throw it away. MS doesn't care, nor should they. The future on any mobile device doesn't include a Lumia 930... give it a rest. No one owes you anything.

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