MS exec confirms Nokia android phones coming - Irony.

My only knowledge of original Windows Mobile was from the TV commercial Ozzy Osbourne did for the Samsung Jack. Nobody I knew used legacy Windows Mobile. Most folks I knew used BlackBerry.

Now, no disrespect intended, I am shocked. I never heard of non-corporate or non-government people using blackberry! Many of my friends used Compaq and then HP Ipaq Pocket PCs using Windows and they naturally moved to Windows Mobile phones. I respect that your experience is different than mine. I think that is okay. Do you?
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Now, no disrespect intended, I am shocked. I never heard of non-corporate or non-government people using blackberry! Many of my friends used Compaq and then HP Ipaq Pocket PCs using Windows and they naturally moved to Windows Mobile phones. I respect that your experience is different than mine. I think that is okay. Do you?
Yes, this is OK.

I used to see BlackBerry devices everywhere, even in grocery stores and in colleges. I remember when AT&T put Ohio State University wallpaper on a red BlackBerry the year that Ohio State won the football national championship.

I never saw anything from Compaq that wasn't a desktop or notebook PC.
I was addicted to Nokia since the candy bar I got on Rogers (Canada) way back... After that, kept importing them in since they didn't bring a lot of phones to Canada otherwise. And it was the Nokia Lumia 920 that got me onto windows phone os.
Huh? They were, they are famous for those cell phones with games on them...and were also indestructible!

I agree with @Laura Knotek and @patcherd . I also came because of them. Nokia had a great rep for reliable, solid phones and I heard a lot of good things about how strong and reliable their Windows Phones were from non-tech reviewers lol.

I had been following Windows Mobile for a long time and when Nokia announced the L920 I just had to have it (after going through every conceivable pros and cons :grin: since it was going to cost me half a grand after tax :grincry:) . So much so I bought it full price at launch, so yup like yourself, @Laura Knotek and @patcherd - Nokia got me into Windows Phone as well.
I had been following Windows Mobile for a long time and when Nokia announced the L920 I just had to have it (after going through every conceivable pros and cons :grin: since it was going to cost me half a grand after tax :grincry:) . So much so I bought it full price at launch, so yup like yourself, @Laura Knotek and @patcherd - Nokia got me into Windows Phone as well.

I was floored by the design of N9, but due to its limited launch and limited availability and Elop already announcing the MS partnership leaving Meego doomed, I picked up the next best to N9, the gorgeous Lumia 800. Thats how I hopped on the WP bus.
I think Nokia got a good deal when MS bought them, they would have been completely dead and worthless if MS hadn't bought them when they did. Evidenced by the fact that MS lost a fortune over it.

Much like Saab who were owned by Vauxhall at the end I believe. In an effort to make the company more streamlined, Vauxhall handed them a complete sat-nav package and said modify it to suit, btu instead they spent a fortune developing another one from scratch... Some companies just can't move with the times in a way that would secure their future.

Nokia was basically too slow, the arrival of the first iPhone should have kick started to them into getting their sh1t together, but they never did, at least not in time.
That's why I bought a Windows Phone. I knew nothing about Windows Phone at the time but I used Nokia (Symbian) prior to BlackBerry, and I needed something to replace an aging BlackBerry device and didn't want iOS/Android at the time.
Yes, that's what I'm talking about. This applies to you and probably most other Nokia Lumia users.

To carry this further, Nokia users loved their Nokia and wanted to continue using a Nokia. The OS was less important than the manufacturer, just like it still is today for the majority of smartphone users.

This is why mostly people ended up in this forums too. Fair few of us are switching or thinking of switching to android thanks to MS not having customer retention in mind. I was looking up all the latest up and coming phones and decided to jump ship with a low -mid priced device to start of with and if I liked the OS which I think It would be a breeze to get used to I will be opting in for good old/Brand new Nokia. I still have the feeling that they have the consumers at heart and they are, for me at least the pioneers in their field.
So unless something drastic happens with WM10 ( not x3) my switch will be from Ziaomi S3 prime to D1C.
From my first brick like Nokia to my last "smart"phone 1020, all in good working order and almost like brand new. It was all Nokia and I would want them back any day. I just hope they don't make 60 variants with 60 different numbers :)

I think the key to success of Nokia/HMD phones would be the camera tech.
N8 - 808 to 909(1020) What comes next in the sequence is what I am interested in. ;)

To them who think that it is not going to have a big impact. I think it will be similar to the predicton that MS would grow leaps and bounds with the Nokia on board.
Nokia's phone glory days are past and are not coming back. The phone market is saturated and Nokia's name won't bring people to just another android phone. I loved my Nokia's, but if I went android, it wouldn't be Nokia.
I don't want to know about their surface phone or whatever it will be. I know they are making one, they have confirmed they are doing something. I want to be surprised like with the surface book. I want MS to surprise everyone.
Sorry for the delay. Yes I'm in the USA and we certainly had Nokia as Libra89 said. Some of the best phones I have used. Loved their phones.
Got my first cell phone way back in 2000 when T-Mobile was still Voice stream and am still with them today.

Funny thing is I don't remember seeing too many Nokia phones in the early 2000's when I got.mine. Anyway after my first one...(wish I could remember all the models) the rest is history.
I am very curious as many of us I am sure are to see what the new Nokia will look like . Even if was Lumia like I am not jumping ship. I like this OS too much to change..even with It's teething pains....we'll get there...just hang on folks we will get there!
I was floored by the design of N9, but due to its limited launch and limited availability and Elop already announcing the MS partnership leaving Meego doomed, I picked up the next best to N9, the gorgeous Lumia 800. Thats how I hopped on the WP bus.

The N9 made me so mad, only cause meego was so awesome in it's infancy. I bought it out of protest that Nokia should keep going with it.

I wanted to add while it's interesting that Nokia is coming back with android, I'm generally satisfied with my time on windows mobile and will stick around with that for the near future.

Maybe sticking by with the initial released 950XL has given me Stockholm syndrome though lol...
Nokia's phone glory days are past and are not coming back. The phone market is saturated and Nokia's name won't bring people to just another android phone. I loved my Nokia's, but if I went android, it wouldn't be Nokia.

Glory days! only time will tell. yes they have a lot to catchup on specially in the android market but market like India where they had a Nokia priority dealer and repair centre the big sign boards would be so deeply burnt in the peoples memories that it will take at least 3 generations to vanish before they forget Nokia all together. In the mean time quality releases will ensure the name starts to rise again.
Just looking at this comparison For me as a average user the scores/ rating from the first result in google search, for the price compared to pixel or for that matter a MS release of Nokia, if my switch to Android with a Xiaomi is a pleasant one why wouldn't I go for D1C? Check out the comparison and ratings.
I think Nokia got a good deal when MS bought them, they would have been completely dead and worthless if MS hadn't bought them when they did. Evidenced by the fact that MS lost a fortune over it.

Lets not get confused, Microsoft lost a fortune because they neglected their OS for years. Nokia pulled every trick they could with phones like the Lumia 920 and 1020 which were truly innovative + goodies like glance, double tap to wake, rich recording (tell me where is that tech now under Microsoft), treasure tag, JBL wireless charging speakers, but couldn't do much when the OS was so lacking. Don't forget, years later and we still don't have features like a GATT server that Fitbit has been asking for so other smartwatches can work fully when paired with a WP/W10M.

Strange to see so much animosity against Nokia, but I guess its easy to blame them now and conveniently forget how they were the ones to bring WP to the public's attention. But what am I saying, the (new) savior the Surface Phone will soon be here to destroy all competition...... /s
The Nokia/Microsoft marriage just needed to have happened 2-3 years earlier, then the mobile phone landscape today would have been significantly different. As it is Microsoft didn't have a product available any earlier, and Nokia were too slow (even before Microsoft came along). If Nokia had moved more quickly, then it's own OS could well have been a major player these days. Lot's of if's and but's I realise, and it is a shame that Nokia aren't a force to be reckoned with in the mobile landscape, they could have been great.
Strange to see so much animosity against Nokia, but I guess its easy to blame them now and conveniently forget how they were the ones to bring WP to the public's attention. But what am I saying, the (new) savior the Surface Phone will soon be here to destroy all competition...... /s
I have no animosity towards Nokia. I loved the ones I owned. But, the fact is that Nokia was failing long before MS. They were late to the smart phone game and their early efforts were pathetic. They had lost a large portion of their base to Apple and Samsung by the time they offered something worthwhile. And their choice of OS wouldn't have mattered. They would have failed with Android, too. But they wouldn't have gotten all of that money from MS if they had gone that route and they might have disappeared completely.
Frankly, if there ever is a Surface phone, it will just be to complement the Surface line. Anyone that is thinking that it will take the market from Apple or Samsung are deluded. The hope for Windows mobile lies with OEM's. Only time will tell if they can carve out a piece of the market.
The hope for Windows mobile lies with OEM's. Only time will tell if they can carve out a piece of the market.

I could not agree more.

Stick a fork in Lumia, it's done. Surface will likely be priced way out of the budget most users want to spend and without carrier upgrade plans in the US, few will spend out of pocket for them.

If there is an attractively priced product in your region by an OEM offering W10M then users need to consider it. We have to grow all over again and find new players worth supporting.

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