Maybe I didn't express myself correctly. I still think Windows mobile (desktop there can't be any doubt) is the FAR superior operating system. For various reasons you all know. Not only is it the CURRENT best OS but also their vision for the FUTURE is superior and best thought out.
Also one must not forget that 10 mobile is yet another reboot. This time they WILL make it right because they have a master plan (UWP+ WAAS). This time they not only want to create a good and productive mobile OS, they also want to create a robust and future proof infrastructure beneath it. So from now on Windows (mobile) will flourish. This is why the platform will take off now. There are so many people just waiting to ditch their terrible, unreliable and overpowered Android phones and their incredibly boring iOS devices for something more productive and robust.
Obviously a lot of things are still missing or things are not aligned properly but the core purpose and functions are usable and inconsistencies in the UI are not necessarily realized by the average consumer. Also, THIS is why we have the insider program! WE can shape this OS to a certain extent. This is the point from where everything else builds (pun intended) upon.
Meanwhile look at iOS users. They tend to be more interesting than Android users because they care a lot and identify with the philosophy of Apple to fullest, even more than some of us do with Windows. If Apple would downgrade iCloud there would be no uprisal or protest. Never. There is always a legit reason for Apple to take decisions. Do NOT question this as a faithful iSheep!
Well look at Apple's strategy. It is the exact opposite of the ONE Windows pursues. Creating more and more small OS's (latest example TVos) and splitting their eco system into a thousand pieces instead of aligning it. It may have certain advantages in the short term (TVos for example can evolve faster when it is is own OS) but in the long term Windows will take the lead. The UWP is just too tempting for developers. In three years from now the Windows store WILL have the better and more productive apps and Apple's store will still have the newest indie games and lifestyle/trend apps. The average 13 year old will STILL want the newest iPhone. The average over-20-year-old will not. Apple's devices will broaden it's Justin Bieber type of fan base where the age average sits at around 15-16sh. And that's being nice. At some point Apple's operating system WILL have to go universal if they don't want their OSX Store to just sit there and die. IF they DO go down that path, which they will have to also because of more efficient resource management, I would bet on their unified system being more iOS like than OSX like. 80% percent of their revenue comes from the iPhone and in the end OSX is also primarily for internet browsing and media consumption.
By then though, Windows will have established their Operating System and the eco system around it to the point where it will be impossible to catch up. Big names will be present in the store, the bridges will be used to port existing apps and the go to place for any program will... be the windows store.
To iPhone users saying their "iOS device just works" personally I would say "Yes. Your iPhone works. As it has always done in its very simplistic pitiful existence. It is essentially an app drawer with a lockscreen on top of it. Congratulations!" A door also "just works". That doesn't mean a portal would be way cooler!
P.S I love my iPod because "It just works".....most of the time